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Apartment troubles... again... wtf.


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I am pretty close to giving up. My landlord may be (imo) one of the most difficult people to deal with - EVER!

I "moved" into my apartment and found this:


That would be my "toilet". :nono:

This would be some of the mess that wasn't cleaned up yet:




So after 8 days of imposing on others bc I can't live in the apartment that has no bathroom, my landlord was suprised when I called to say that I was tired of waiting and that the level of effort needed to be raised... now, she's is trying to lock me out of my house WITH MY THINGS INSIDE!! I spoke with a police officer, they suggested that I could break in as long as I take responsibility for the damages... *evil laugh* :D

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I signed back in July and the landlord's story was that the previous renter left the place a disaster and that she would have it srsly cleaned before I moved in - which is what would be expected. Also promised the bathroom renovations would be complete the saturday before I moved in. It has officially been 12 days since I moved in and its still not done.

The previous renter left in the middle of his lease, left a huge mess, clothes in the closet, etc, so I dumbly assumed he was the problem... now I see why he moved. My landlord has resorted to calling me names and trying to demean me... I'm strongly considering moving... this is a bit much even for me.

PLUS, the apartment is HUGE, beautiful woodwork, awesome neighborhood, 100ft from my place of employment... generally sweet... in my opinion, totally incompetent landlord though.

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put your rent money into escrow until everything is fixed. really though, since the landlord sounds like a total ass, just leave.

you go to OSU right? there is a free renters legal advice service there. you can go talk to them, and they will let you know what your rights are.

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put your rent money into escrow until everything is fixed. really though, since the landlord sounds like a total ass, just leave.

you go to OSU right? there is a free renters legal advice service there. you can go talk to them, and they will let you know what your rights are.

best advice. take the pics with you when you go talk to them.

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put your rent money into escrow until everything is fixed. really though, since the landlord sounds like a total ass, just leave.

Or, you get about a dozen of us to show up at your landlords place and ask her wtf is up?

We could politely ask that she rip up your lease agreement and everyone go their seperate ways. Just a thought :D

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