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anyone doing P90X


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me and the wife just started it today.

the diet is pretty strict, the workouts are pretty intense

im gonna do exactly how it needs to be done no cheating at all for 30 days.. if i see some good results im gonna finish it out . if not i claim it to be junk lol

supposedly you are supposed to see huge results in 30 days.. so we will see what happens

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So it absolutely does work and works well. We now know a few people that are way more successful at it then we have been. For us it's the diet part with the kids and having overly busy schedules that causes the most problems.

A couple of people we know that still do it look like they stepped out of the friggin commercial.

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So it absolutely does work and works well. We now know a few people that are way more successful at it then we have been. For us it's the diet part with the kids and having overly busy schedules that causes the most problems.

A couple of people we know that still do it look like they stepped out of the friggin commercial.

well thats good to know..

im sticking with the diet. and i wont have a problem keeping it that way.

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Does this cost money? How much? I'm at work and not looking to do research right now...


the P90X DVD set and all the guides can be had online for free if you know where to get them... Or so ive heard.

but you can buy it for like a couple hundred bucks as well.

it will cost you money either way though.

you need to get a few things for it.

like a few dumbells, pull up bar or resistance bands.

and some supplements, protein shake and bars

and the diet your gonna be buying specific foods.. the diet is kind of hard to explain.. it took me a day to really understand how much, what portions, and what exactly i needed to get.

but its all good now.

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I never did the diet, but I went through the 90 days, twice.

I'd never done videos before because I thought they were :supergay:, but now I think Tony Horton is the man. For being an ex-athlete, that stuff was way harder than I thought it'd be.

Now I do one or two tapes a week between my cardio routine. My best 10k is 45:38 right now, which for a guy >200lbs I think is doing well. Plyometrics can bite my ass (it's the hardest tape in the series as far as I'm concerned).

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anyone looking for a cheaper way to lose weight etc. check out livestrong.com Pretty cool website, has a daily calorie tracker, you input height, weight, and weekly weight loss goal, it will tell you how many calories you should eat. Has a pretty extensive library of foods and nutrition info, enter your meal or food item in the search box and it will give you a list of matching results that includes all the nutrition info for each item. So far i've been able to find everything i've eaten (including some kroger brand stuff). You can also enter your workout activities and it will adjust the amount of calories based on your activities. I've been using for a few days now, and have come in under on calories each day. They also offer some groups and blogs covering anything from diet to workouts.

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Yeah, the wife wants to do this in a few months. My buddy has it, but I think he stopped and is only doin a few of the DVD's. It is no joke from what he told me and he is pretty athletic. I could stand to lose a few (hundred) pounds....LOL! Not really, I only need to lose about 40lbs. and I would be fine. I know a lot of it has to do with nutrition. I use to eat right and I was sheding the pounds off when exercising.

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