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Garage bar is cool. Be a nice place for a bike night if they had a parking lot.

Not an issue now, but maybe they could open their patio to bikes next year?

GARAGE BAR the GM said he would hook us up if we called it home... I still keep in touch with him and he always asks if we will ever try to plan something there.
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Alright, first of all, Ron is my friend so I said I would have his back on this issue. I dont know about everyone else, but when a friend asks me to do something, I always help if I can... thats what friends are for. Im simply aksing people to boycott the place for a couple weeks to help his situation. Its not like im stopping people from going there. If you really wanna go, then thats your call.

I would be game for any other location. I just dont want to tell someplace its our "home" just yet. Im gonna work my magic 1st and get us some specials... for those that know me, well, they know thats kinda my thing. :D

Garage bar is cool. As the guy MJ stated, parking is VERY convenient at the garage bar actually. Lot across the street, and you can park a bike on the sidewalk there. Not to mention its a hop, skip, and a back hand spring from a HUGE parking garage.

Gheesh. Just wanted to do my dude a favor, he hooked us up with the specials, so I figured its the least WE could do to help him. I will start looking into other locations. Keith, send me the info of the Garage bar manager if you can. Thanks!

Im down with Yota. Yota backs his dude, we back Yota. He has gone above and beyond putting this thing together, if he says boycott it, its for good reason.

Now, how about we back another dubious member. Our boy Moose and his Knights also have gone above and beyond to hook this group of ours up with a top notch and free place to have our various parties and constantly goes out of his way to do positive things for OR.

Lets throw this brother a bone and do a few thursday nights at his fine establishment. Drinks are dirt cheap, we would have the whole place to ourselves other than a few quiet old folks, there is a free pool table and we can order in food. Whats not to love? Also, parking isnt a big deal as you can park behind the building where your bikes are out of site from the occasional rif-raf that may pass by and if they did mess, it would be entertainment for all, if you get my drift.

Edited by max power
speeling issue
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Im down with Yota. Yota backs his dude, we back Yota. He has gone above and beyond putting this thing together, if he says boycott it, its for good reason.

Now, how about we back another dubious member. Our boy Moose and his Knights also have gone above and beyond to hook this group of ours up with a top notch and free place to have our various parties and constantly goes out of his way to do positive things for OR.

Lets throw this brother a bone and do a few thursday nights at his fine establishment. Drinks are dirt cheap, we would have the whole place to ourselves other than a few quiet old folks, there is a free pool table and we can order in food. Whats not to love? Also, parking isnt a bid deal as you can park behind the building where your bikes are out of site from the occasional rif-raf that may pass by and if they did mess, it would be entertainment for all, if you get my drift.

and we have security cameras in the lot out back also... plus with the smokers going out back to light up I think there would be plenty of on site policeing.... and there's always me and a ball bat.... rest assured your bikes (if you ride them) would be safe, this is a moose guarantee... and added bonus you can play the instant bingo tickets too so a little gambling on the side and maybe win some cash... so come if ya want, & if ya don't, well....I guess you suck dick for beer money.:D
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First of all did you ever find the celery in your helmet from last week? :lol:

Secondly, there is a piano bar down in the arena district. Is anyone game for that on Thursday/tomorrow? I've never been there so I'm not sure what time the crowd gets going but it is in the center of CBus so easy to get to for everyone. Just a thought? Whatcha think?

I was there a month or two ago and it is a blast. Good crowd and great times. The Piano players are pretty damn good. rED AND i would be down for that.

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How about setting something up on a Friday or Saturday. Cdubya was wanting to do something like this. Karaoke too IIRC.

And see if Kawi Kid can borrow his sack for the night and attend.

Yeah, that was before BW3's decided not to have my buddy run the show down there on Saturday.

However, if you all are in for an adventure, and a tour of some of our local watering holes, we could try to set something up out this way.

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I'd recommend KofC. way cheaper for all the same shit. get enough ppl going and it'll be cool. beer, pool tables, grill up some food or order it in.

True story. kofc is a fun place and they are very good to us there. Id go, its just hard for me to get there vs downtown.

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