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"New" member from Sawmill area


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Long overdue (Just ask Pratt!), but I'm poking through the eggshell and joining your group. I'm the silent one who invited himself to ride with the OR group during the Hands Charity Ride, and YES, the same one who over-shot Swing'R when turning around to get back on 70...

OMG....you're FINALLY on here Matt! Geesh! It's about time. Topleft??? What's that all about? I hope your surgery went well today so you can get back on your bike!

FYI...Matt is the greatest scuba instructor ever! He dives like 400++ feet in caves on a regular basis. Yes he is kinda obsessed but if you like this kinda diving he's your man!

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Well, the surgery was reset to next Monday, the 12th. Couldn't squeeze me in. Still unsure which hosptial it'll be done at, but I might ask for a shot from ya! Lorazepam should calm me down. I hear it's good for drooling as well...

I'm very uneasy about it. I hear it'll hurt like no other. When I asked the neurosurgen how soon I could be back in the water, he rolled his eyes. When I asked for return-to-riding date, he just stared at me. Not a good sign, huh? I didn't even ask for skydiving. I'm guessing a 2 weeks of sedentary activity.

I got in an hour of riding today though...

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Well, the surgery was reset to next Monday, the 12th. Couldn't squeeze me in. Still unsure which hosptial it'll be done at, but I might ask for a shot from ya! Lorazepam should calm me down. I hear it's good for drooling as well...

I'm very uneasy about it. I hear it'll hurt like no other. When I asked the neurosurgen how soon I could be back in the water, he rolled his eyes. When I asked for return-to-riding date, he just stared at me. Not a good sign, huh? I didn't even ask for skydiving. I'm guessing a 2 weeks of sedentary activity.

I got in an hour of riding today though...

I was up by your house today! I should have called but had to go pick up my computer from best buy on Morse! :)

AND you ARE coming over on Friday to go to the haunted hoochie with us. I'll feed you again when you come over. You know how you love my home cooking!

Let's save diving for our Honduras trip in March! Don't rush back into things or you might now heal like you need to!:mad:



Who me?

Yep, I am. Hmmm. Am I in trouble already?!?!?! Stupid inner voices getting my in trouble...

Matt didn't I tell you to lay off the percocets? :lol:

I think I've seen your bike(s?) at Benny's Pizza a time or two. Maybe?

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You go to Benny's and don't take me! Dang you Matt!

She's has a side to her that is CRAZY! Under threat of loss of life of limb, I can't repeat the conversation we had coming back from Findlay...

Crazy? Me?? You know I'm going as a crazy mental patient to the halloween party!

of all the names you couldve dropped you chose pratt , thatll bite ya sonner or later or both

I'm the greatest person eva!!! Betta recognize!

Pratts got blackmail. Or bribery. Depending on your preoccupation with spatulas and velcro strips...

OK this has gotta be more than percocet here!

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The screen name came about from the crossed-arm, curt response from previous girl I dated. Briefly, mind you. When asked if I'd been riding the bike without her, and the pathological prevarication kicked in,: "...of course NOT! What would cause you to think that?!" "Top left" was all she said while pointing at my shoe/boot. The tell-tale mark. I probably would have fared better if I lied about drop-kicking cute, fuzzy penguins. Starting wrapping that foot with tape prior to riding. Then had to LEARN to remove said tape before she saw it...

Lame, huh?!

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