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safe trip


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you got me I blew that corner . I did take leathers wore them sat and got wet wasnt feelin em for sun but look closer at the picts they are icon riding pants and look at the legs from knees down ive got the icon leg armor under them you can see the the outline of the knee and shin guards so not squidin , and wasnt pushin my limits because of it too :) .........but good catch an call out now get back on track damit im not the one that crashed your lookin fo him remember

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my bud loaned it to us an hes a yamie fan ..... an your not allowed to laugh at anything since your girlfriend would not allow you to go. Then you went to some gay ass haunted house and acted like it was as fun as going to the gap. But you decided to make a crappy excuse that you were broke but then you made the mistake of letting everyone know that you bought some new parts

low blow

Edited by shittygsxr
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Originally Posted by 1000rrrider viewpost.gif

my bud loaned it to us an hes a yamie fan ..... an your not allowed to laugh at anything since your girlfriend would not allow you to go. Then you went to some gay ass haunted house and acted like it was as fun as going to the gap. But you decided to make a crappy excuse that you were broke but then you made the mistake of letting everyone know that you bought some new parts and one of these for the gf.


So sad ross

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