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Anyone else notice....????


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Has anyone else noticed how right now with the media reports on H1N1 and the deaths that have occurred, this is eerily similar to the beginning of a really good zombie/horror flick?

Future plot possibilities:

- those who take the vaccine become zombies

- those who die from the flu come back as zombies

- people who get the virus but don't get sick become zombies

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I approve of this one for believability. Who's our main character?

Can't be a pizza boy, delivery boy, government scientist family man, etc. Those have all be played out.

How about a 19-21yr old virgin female who works at the mall and was a cheerleader in high school?

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More importantly, some factor must allow a limited few to be immune.

And become... zombie killers!

How about a 19-21yr old virgin female who works at the mall and was a cheerleader in high school?

The 19-21yr old virgin cheerleader's brains aren't "developed" enough to be effected?

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How about a 19-21yr old virgin female who works at the mall and was a cheerleader in high school?

I think virgin and cheerleader are mutually exclusive for the most part. The character has to be somewhat believable.

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I think virgin and cheerleader are mutually exclusive for the most part. The character has to be somewhat believable.
But imagine the gratuitous sex scenes!
And she has a nerdy girl friend who's a HALO champion who's father owns a gun store?
Sounds good.

Okay, so how about a slutty cheerleader and virgin nerdy girl friend who's a HALO champion who's father owns a gun store with gratuitous lesbian sex scenes?

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Okay, so how about a slutty cheerleader and virgin nerdy girl friend who's a HALO champion who's father owns a gun store with gratuitous lesbian sex scenes?

Sounds excellent!

This just on the news: Reportedly victims of H1N1 who are heavy drinkers of Mountain Dew, no longer have a heart beat. Effects vary, but at this time, no other visible symptoms are apparent. The medical community is stumped as to how these victims continue to function.

edit: wait, it can't be Mountain Dew, that would take out the nerdy girl friend...

Edited by ReconRat
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Sounds excellent!

This just on the news: Reportedly victims of H1N1 who are heavy drinkers of Mountain Dew, no longer have a heart beat. Effects vary, but at this time, no other visible symptoms are apparent. The medical community is stumped as to how these victims continue to function.

Eh..... Instead of Mountain Dew, how about we whore it out to whatever beverage company will pay for the product placement?

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Okay, so how about a slutty cheerleader and virgin nerdy girl friend who's a HALO champion who's father owns a gun store with gratuitous lesbian sex scenes?

Hey I might know were to find one or two of those......

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