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WTF!!! Pres. Obama received TWO Grammys?!?


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:lol: The bashing isn't about the award. At least' date=' not for me. Just give LOLbama some time. You'll see just what kind of 'epic fail' that retard really is.[/quote']

Quoting this so I can find it in 8 years so I can have you compare and contrast the Obama Administrations version of 'epic fail' compared to the Bush Administration and the present (future) administration.

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Quoting this so I can find it in 8 years so I can have you compare and contrast the Obama Administrations version of 'epic fail' compared to the Bush Administration and the present (future) administration.

Make sure you save it in Korean, Iranian, Russian & Chinese versions too Spock, so that you are still able to read it when English has been outlawed by the current administration..... And his "New World Partners" :rolleyes:

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Quoting this so I can find it in 8 years so I can have you compare and contrast the Obama Administrations version of 'epic fail' compared to the Bush Administration and the present (future) administration.

Thats assuming that this website will be here in 8 years. It may be outlawed by then. Ben could be a political prisoner by then. This record of Obamba bashing could land all of us (besides you Jrm) in a world of shit. Repent now Comrades! Seig Heil!!! :bow:

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And of course everything is "Just wait and see" like this administration has more of a powertrip than the last one and is coordinated enough to pull some ultra-evil scheme.

Bush enacted the "Patriot Act", not Obama. Everyone is so quick to forget the lessons of the past and accuse the present for the future.

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I told Lyns about this and she informed me that she's been voting for him on the Heisman Award website. She puts his name in once a day and hopes he wins it. She can't find anybody more deserving of the Heisman Award. :D (true story)

yo im really happy for you an imma let you finish but oj was the best heisman winner of all time. OF ALL TIME.

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everybody always says.. "oh what has obama done, he hasn't do anything since he's been in office"

I think he's done plenty, probably too much. Let's take a look, shall we?

Sign executive order to close gitmo (yay terrorists have rights too ya know!)

Lifted a ban on sending federal funding to clinics overseas that perform abortions (this was like the first or second thing he did in office, making money available to kill babies is uber important!)

Ensure terrorists that are arrested in war time are Mirandized... I know, they're just like all the illegal immigrants here, maybe we could send them a social security check while we're at it?

Limit Pay of Executives (because this doesn't scream socialism)

Bail out GM

Bail out Chrysler

Bail out the Banks

Fire a CEO of a private company (GM)

Spend tons of time and resources on pushing universal healthcare that isn't supported by the majority of america

Push for Cap and Tax (Cap and Trade) to limit our economy because other major countries won't abide by it.

Give state secrets to Russia regarding the location of our Nuclear warheads

Cut defense funding on ballistic missile defense systems

Scrap the Missile Shield for Eastern Europe

Killed a fly on camera (this was all the rage for 48 hours)

Declare war on Fox News (maybe we should focus our "wars" on al qaeda, taliban, etc)

Establish white house office of "urban affairs"

Appoint a ton of czars to circumvent the existing government structure that consists of checks and balances. (these czars were never reviewed or appointed by house or senate yet control oversight for billions of dollars of our economy)

Investigate previous CIA agents for "waterboarding" and threaten to prosecute agents who had done so. (OMG you poured water on someone that killed Americans, how dare you)

Won a nobel prize

World Apology tour '09

Cash for clunkers, where we subsidized our own company that we already paid for by giving rebates for cars that mostly went to foreign companies and took forever for car dealerships to get their money back from the gvt. (have they got their money back yet?)

Give everyone 13.50 extra on their paychecks that they're going to have to claim as earned income at the end of the year anyways (thanks, I love paying taxes on my tax breaks)

So yes many of you have bush derangement syndrome and I'm not saying he was just as good as the original George W. but his form of big government (which went in the opposite ideological direction) took many years and a couple wars to build. These actions took obama only months, I have no idea what this list will look like by year 2 (i'm hoping small considering interim elections). But he's by far the worst president I've seen since... you guessed it, Carter.

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^^^I like it... this was all i was going to say

I dont like Obama because he hasnt done ANYTHING! Wait, he has raised the deficit to a level that hasnt been seen (relatively) since WWII. He is not a man of his word by any means, latest example is the closed door meetings with a "100% completely transparent office" of his. Or how about the increasing amount of socialism instead of capitalism. Thats just my take.... Im about done with these battles politics. Sheesh...

But you did a much better job. ha ha

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everybody always says.. "oh what has obama done, he hasn't do anything since he's been in office"

I think he's done plenty, probably too much. Let's take a look, shall we?

Sign executive order to close gitmo (yay terrorists have rights too ya know!)

Lifted a ban on sending federal funding to clinics overseas that perform abortions (this was like the first or second thing he did in office, making money available to kill babies is uber important!)

Ensure terrorists that are arrested in war time are Mirandized... I know, they're just like all the illegal immigrants here, maybe we could send them a social security check while we're at it?

Limit Pay of Executives (because this doesn't scream socialism)

Bail out GM

Bail out Chrysler

Bail out the Banks

Fire a CEO of a private company (GM)

Spend tons of time and resources on pushing universal healthcare that isn't supported by the majority of america

Push for Cap and Tax (Cap and Trade) to limit our economy because other major countries won't abide by it.

Give state secrets to Russia regarding the location of our Nuclear warheads

Cut defense funding on ballistic missile defense systems

Scrap the Missile Shield for Eastern Europe

Killed a fly on camera (this was all the rage for 48 hours)

Declare war on Fox News (maybe we should focus our "wars" on al qaeda, taliban, etc)

Establish white house office of "urban affairs"

Appoint a ton of czars to circumvent the existing government structure that consists of checks and balances. (these czars were never reviewed or appointed by house or senate yet control oversight for billions of dollars of our economy)

Investigate previous CIA agents for "waterboarding" and threaten to prosecute agents who had done so. (OMG you poured water on someone that killed Americans, how dare you)

Won a nobel prize

World Apology tour '09

Cash for clunkers, where we subsidized our own company that we already paid for by giving rebates for cars that mostly went to foreign companies and took forever for car dealerships to get their money back from the gvt. (have they got their money back yet?)

Give everyone 13.50 extra on their paychecks that they're going to have to claim as earned income at the end of the year anyways (thanks, I love paying taxes on my tax breaks)

So yes many of you have bush derangement syndrome and I'm not saying he was just as good as the original George W. but his form of big government (which went in the opposite ideological direction) took many years and a couple wars to build. These actions took obama only months, I have no idea what this list will look like by year 2 (i'm hoping small considering interim elections). But he's by far the worst president I've seen since... you guessed it, Carter.

I really should be working right now, but this is just too good to pick apart.

No, terrorists aren't protected under the Constitution. They ARE protected under the Geneva Convention, and holding them indefinitely without substantial cause or trial is a blatant violation. Not a "well, let's experiment a little..." violation, a "oh shit, oh shit, I've been subpoenaed to the Hague" violation.

I am absolutely against sending federal funding outside of the country for something that can be easily done at home. Although it's really tempting, I won't enter into a abortion debate with you in this thread.

Haven't heard about this, I have a feeling there's more to this story.

Limiting pay on executives that HAVE TAKEN GOVERNMENT MONEY. It's kinda hard to repay an 25 billion investment when the CEO's taking home a 25 million or so pay package AND a golden parachute of 160 million.

We should not have bailed out GM and Chrysler. Bush did it too, but with MUCH less oversight than Obama.

You want to talk about bank bailouts, talk to Bush. Paulson wanted COMPLETE immunity and UNQUESTIONABLE AUTHORITY to do whatever he wanted. You really think that's the way to run government?

65-70% isn't a majority?

Cap and trade is a TERRIBLE idea. There is absolutely no reason for government to be in this at all.

Citation, please?

That fly deserved it.

I think declaring war is a little harsh, eh? Considering all the half-truths and opinions spewed simply to stir the pot and get a temporary ratings boost, are they really a news agency?

Haven't heard anything about this, either. Citation, please?

Not this shit again. This stuff started with REAGAN. You know, the guy all Conservatives hold up as the One, the Gold Standard to which all other conservatives are measured? Yeah. Another manufactured outrage by Fox.

American doesn't torture. Period. Even Cheney said it. Waterboarding is torture. Period. Even the conservative talking head Mancow said it. You need me to draw you a picture?

Yes, and put me in the category of "didn't deserve it" too.

I don't think you really understand what the cost of the "if you're not with us, you're against us" foreign policy of the last 6 years was. A little contrition is necessary before any fences are mended.

CfC was a dumb idea too. Now the people that ran out to get any financing they could to afford a new Corolla, knowing they couldn't afford their upside-down 10 year old Explorer anyway are defaulting. You can't trust that stupid people will make good financial decisions the second time around.

Didn't do my homework on the tax cuts either, I have no opinion.

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