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Universe ending sooner than 1st thought.


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I wonder why they dont credit the Mayans. They predicted 12-21-12 as the end of the world............over 3 thousands years ago.

The Maya had an understanding of mathematics and understood the value of zero long before its discovery in the Eastern parts of the world. Their understanding of numbers and astronomy gave us the Mayan calendars of the Long and Short Counts. So why does this calendar attract so much attention now? The Mayan calendar ends on the Gregorian calendar date of December 21, 2012, which most people believe is the total end of civilization, as we know it, while others believe it is simply a change of enlightenment in this current time. Many theories have sprung up about this end date, ranging from the laughable, to the religious, to the scientific.

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yeah I don't get it... less billions of years away than thought? Whats the margin of error on those calculations? And since the universe is infinitely big, can we really calculate all the energy consumption, available energy etc? And black holes give off heat from the friction of the molecules being consumed... so although its not the same physics as earth, that energy still isn't destroyed, only transferred.

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So.... if everything is the same temperature we die..crap..we'll be off this rock flying around within 300 years..lookin for a new place to crash. I could see something disrupting our orbit and screwing up the gravity before anyhting else.

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So.... if everything is the same temperature we die..crap..we'll be off this rock flying around within 300 years..looking for a new place to crash. I could see something disrupting our orbit and screwing up the gravity before anything else.

Well, it gets difficult to describe... but... as entropy slows, so does time, or existence as a word that describes human observation of time. Or in effect, we wouldn't notice a thing happening. It would just go on forever trying to stop. Till eventually it did. And probably already has in part. And energy conserved, it would probably start over. Biggaboom.

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don't know if anyone saw this the other day, they created a black hole artificially using magnetics in a lab in China. I don't think its a true black hole but pretty neat none the less. Might work for cloaking technology someday (harry potter was way ahead of his time)


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don't know if anyone saw this the other day, they created a black hole artificially using magnetics in a lab in China. I don't think its a true black hole but pretty neat none the less. Might work for cloaking technology someday (harry potter was way ahead of his time)


True..no gravity involved, but very cool nonetheless.

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Well, it gets difficult to describe... but... as entropy slows, so does time, or existence as a word that describes human observation of time. Or in effect, we wouldn't notice a thing happening. It would just go on forever trying to stop. Till eventually it did. And probably already has in part. And energy conserved, it would probably start over. Biggaboom.

so we could just be in a universe backfire. Like when your motor backfires. Stuff happens, builds up builds up, bamb explodes, then dies back down. Just a backfire to us is a split second but the universe takes gazillions of years to die... Size is irrelevent, time is irrelevent. Kinda like a hummingbirds thought process has got to be a lot faster than ours. We could be a small as an electron flying around a atom to something or someone else i guess?atom.jpg

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I wonder why they dont credit the Mayans. They predicted 12-21-12 as the end of the world............over 3 thousands years ago.

That date is nothing other than the end of a cycle, or an era--if you will. Normally a new cycle would start, but they apparently hadn't worked far ahead enough to document the succeeding cycle. More pressing matters as the society was crumbling due to overpopulation/drought/diminished carrying capacity...

"Doomsday" is mostly a western creation.

Of course, I'm not buying anyone Christmas presents until 12-22-12--just in case.

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I wonder why they dont credit the Mayans. They predicted 12-21-12 as the end of the world............over 3 thousands years ago.

Why didn't the Mayans predict there own demise if they were such good "time keepers" and can predict things??

Don't believe the hype, its all bullshit.. nobody will be able to predict the end of time/man. :cool:

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Well.. maybe I should of used the word decline! They had a huge decline around the 9th century that almost wiped them out completely!

Collapse is another good word. Who's to say they didn't see it coming? Probably just sat around arguing whether it was their own fault, or a natural climatic cycle.

Once a civilization reaches the peak of what the land base can sustain, it doesn't take much to tip the balance. Say an extended drought, as suggested by the ecological record. Even if you see it coming, what does one do about it? Divide into smaller groups and leave the city centers to exploit available resources wherever they may be. Which is most likely how it played out...And the culture never recovered to what it once was before the arrival of the Spanish.

Again, the idea of the 'end of the world' is a social/cultural phenomenon imported by the Europeans. As far as the 'Mayan prophesies' of the same--they are pretty much the invention of tabloids and history channel specials selling the end of the world.

As far as the calendar is concerned...Keen astrological observation and complex mathematics. Pretty amazing for the time when one thinks about it...And you don't have to add a day every 4 years to keep it correct.

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