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... until it snows, and January 1st


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Was at a wedding today with a club rider and I asked how long he'll ride for. That was his answer, I think that's a really cool idea.

His comment was "no matter how much snow or how cold, I'll at least ride to the end of the street, starts the year off right"

Anyone else have some cool traditions/superstition?

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Ice is the only thing I avoid. Can be colder than freezing, but if it's dry you'll see a red Aprilia out. Daily.

QFT this guy rides! :) I wish I had the type of job that allowed me to do that...but I still managed to rack up 18 thousand miles in 2 years of having the bike...(bought it brand spanky new too)

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It used to be mandatory with my friends to ride somewhere in the morning on January 1st every year. As well as New Year's Eve if we could manage it. Not far, just go somewhere for a while and go back home. the first and last day of the Years.

We got pulled over in Reynoldsburg once. No charges, I suspect he thought we were drunk for being out when there was a lot of ice still around. He actually said he was impressed when we pulled over on ice, using feet a lot to stay up, and didn't fall down. I don't think he saw that I had put my side stand down and was sliding on that, holding it with my foot on it.

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It used to be mandatory with my friends to ride somewhere in the morning on January 1st every year. As well as New Year's Eve if we could manage it. Not far, just go somewhere for a while and go back home. the first and last day of the Years.

We got pulled over in Reynoldsburg once. No charges, I suspect he thought we were drunk for being out when there was a lot of ice still around. He actually said he was impressed when we pulled over on ice, using feet a lot to stay up, and didn't fall down. I don't think he saw that I had put my side stand down and was sliding on that, holding it with my foot on it.

That's more what I'm talking about! The whole "start the year off right" just seems like a really cool idea.

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I took out the bike December 31st, 2007. 55-60 degrees and sunny. I plan on doing it again this year, weather permitting. :) If there's snow/ice/wet salt, I won't be out.

hue's got a valid point, I'm not completely locking down the CBR for the season. There will be freak windows like this Tuesday/Wednesday it's supposed to be 60-70 and sunny.

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