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Nut Up or Shut Up! (Directors Cut)


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It appears to me that majority of you that Ben decided to get all worked up were not even mentioned, but you decided to follow Ben's lead like a heard of sheep without knowing what the fuck was going on...I wish he would have left it open for you to read and re-read and re-read…

You would find out that some of the random people that were shit talked about had just posted something in a thread that one of the people in NUoSU did not agree with and/or wanted to bring it to the attention of others in the group. A lot of time the shit talking amounted to something like this..."Fuck, here this safety know it all goes with his safety book thumping bull shit again" then others added there smart comments like, "I bet that dude never goes over the speed limit, I wish he would shut the fuck up...we get it take it to the track." and blah blah blah jokes sarcasm jokes - More often than not, if you could follow the times that random folks were mentioned and the times of posts in the threads...you'd see that some of the people in NUoSU were commenting and going back in forth in the thread. Shit was pretty harmless and I’m sure someone has a problem with my sarcasm and jokes too, but I don't give a fuck because I'm not talking to you or maybe I am and still don't give a fuck...

There was some talk about how the thread topics have gone to shit, but it's not like most of them are really about anything anyways....so when the group was made and said to be talk about motorcycles was a joke along with the community description that may have expressed it better, “cause we don't play well with others.” It was so we can talk amongst friends without it getting moved to the drama queens or edited, which happened anyways. Hell, if most of you haven't noticed...most of the people in NUoSU would have crazy post counts if it wasn't for shit getting moved to edumacated fucksticks/flame room/drama queens, but who really gives a fuck about post count anyways.

...what about the RIP threads that NUoSU was talking shit about...it was more of a generalization that the main page has became a Yahoo news feed. In reality if someone posted motorcycle deaths from all around the world it would be out of control. In the end, I guess it's a good reminder that it could happen to you or maybe even your days are numbered...but personally I skip right past most of them because I don't feel like reading about another one.

We are all slower than someone...fair statement, but to touch on the 1000rrrider subject, he was claiming to be super fast and lead others to believe this by putting on race take-offs (which he didn’t know the real pros/cons to that either, but chose to preach about it). No one in NUoSU said they were fast, so from some folks lack comprehending ability took it as such...I am 100% positive that you would feel much different if you knew or spent the time with the dude (not saying he’s a bad guy, but his ego and antics were a bit disliked), but since the majority of NUoSU had the pleasure of watching him ride and see him rave about his greatness...we talked about it amongst friends, kind of like a remember when sort of thing...I'm sure there are plenty of people you have rode with and you chose to never ride with them again. If you are ever questioned why you stay far the fuck away from them, you would then say why...who goes up to someone and says "you are slow and dangerous, so stop leading everyone to believe other wise before some poor soul tries to learn something from you and hurts themselves." Shit was irritating, so it was talked about amongst NUoSU. It wasn't meant for the board because it would have been pointless and taken as we think we are fast bull shit...anyways, since I'm on this topic, his talk was also compounded by his "a birdie pmed it to me"-casper abilities related to a situation neither were there to see for their own eyes...but to sum that up, Parks and mainly 1000rrrider posted on or.net about shit on our trip to the gap before I even knew what the fuck was going on and I was with them. We ripped on Parks as well and he was in NUoSU.

Now to the real reason it got blown up....there was a certain someone that came up (you would say unwarranted do to the fact that there were no related posts involved, but none the less they were still brought up for whatever reason) and well this person was a friend of the family...so wham bam ka boom we got project lift off…the or.net wizard shut us down and tried to drag us in the mud because he was mad. THE END

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Nobody cares what you said about Todd. It was biting the hand that feeds you and talking mad shit about a beloved and major contributing member that pissed people off. What did Moose do to you guys and what have you done for the betterment of the site and members lately? I have an idea, why dont you guys go form your own site called the Kershocten Fucknuggets and talk mad shit about all the people you dont even know in the privacy of your own little deal. Did you really expect to call the creator of the site everything but a white man with no repercussions? You guys were egging him on. Its a testament to his easygoing temperament that you are still here.

I wish he'd left NUoSU up too, so everyone could bear witness to the douchebaggerie that was being spewed.

Fuckin Ghey.

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I wish he'd left NUoSU up too, so everyone could bear witness to the douchebaggerie that was being spewed.


It's fun to reminisce. That, and we all have our off-days, weak moments, etc... we are who we are, good and bad, but it's good to keep reminders like that on the board to keep us all in check.

Hell, maybe 2 years from now, it'll give us a good chuckle.

...Unless it was trash-talk about me, then I'm totally against bringing it back. :p F*(kers. :D

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i dont recall ever talking bad about ben? i always thought i got along great with ben and carie??

some ppl just annoy other ppl its an every day thing. i mean fuck u just annoyed me by talking shit about where im from i dont put u on blast for being from canal winchester, or riding a wanna be harley bike.

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Adam, you wernt really talking bad about people as I recall (except your buds which is expected), but some of your SG were talking shit about Ben and others.

I am not talking shit about where you are from, I've got nothing against you or coshochton, but some of your crew said some fucked up shit about people they dont even know and now they are trying to act like it was no big deal. But whatever.

As for CW, you can say all you want about it and I'll be right there with you. Its turning into a fucking ghetto right before my eyes. As for my bike, wanna drag race? :D

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and to be honest, i really don't care, its the internet "no one cares". if someone is hurt, grow some fucking skin. I don't know how people can live life if things get to them so bad. There is not a thing you can say to me to make me mad, if you got something to say, say it. Ill answer back. If no one wants to ride with me anymore, "oh well" im not worried about it. Everyone was talking smack about everyone in that group. and the whole i'm faster than someone else, show me where i put that then ill believe it. im not taking back anything i have said and don't regret it either.

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and to be honest, i really don't care, its the internet "no one cares". if someone is hurt, grow some fucking skin. I don't know how people can live life if things get to them so bad. There is not a thing you can say to me to make me mad, if you got something to say, say it. Ill answer back. If no one wants to ride with me anymore, "oh well" im not worried about it. Everyone was talking smack about everyone in that group. and the whole i'm faster than someone else, show me where i put that then ill believe it. im not taking back anything i have said and don't regret it either.

ditto lol

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I read it before it all got deleted and there was a lot of shit talking about people outside of that group. Granted some of the stuff was you guys messing with each other but there was a lot of shit talking about other people in there too.

You say that we have not rode with 1000rr or have not been around enough to understand why you guys said what you did about him yet people you have not met or talked to or rode with are getting thrown under the bus because you dont like what they posted. How about you meet them first and have a real conversation with them and if you dont like them then talk shit to their face.

I do wish that it would not have been deleted because I can promise you that most people that read it would not be too happy about it. There wasnt a single thing in there about me but when i read it I thought it was shitty of all of you in that group to be talking shit about people for no real reason.

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:confused: did it get deleted?

nothing gets deleted (with the exception of a former mod that had her own agenda.) really dont understand why you are coming at me about the whole deleting stuff mess? maybe its cuz im the only mod around this weekend for this mess and am the one umpiring?

its not deleted, its out of public view........... would you rather it be out for everyone to read still?

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We are all slower than someone...fair statement, but to touch on the 1000rrrider subject, he was claiming to be super fast and lead others to believe this by putting on race take-offs (which he didn’t know the real pros/cons to that either, but chose to preach about it). No one in NUoSU said they were fast, so from some folks lack comprehending ability took it as such...I am 100% positive that you would feel much different if you knew or spent the time with the dude (not saying he’s a bad guy, but his ego and antics were a bit disliked), but since the majority of NUoSU had the pleasure of watching him ride and see him rave about his greatness...we talked about it amongst friends, kind of like a remember when sort of thing...I'm sure there are plenty of people you have rode with and you chose to never ride with them again. If you are ever questioned why you stay far the fuck away from them, you would then say why...who goes up to someone and says "you are slow and dangerous, so stop leading everyone to believe other wise before some poor soul tries to learn something from you and hurts themselves." Shit was irritating, so it was talked about amongst NUoSU. It wasn't meant for the board because it would have been pointless and taken as we think we are fast bull shit...

Ive stayed away from these last few threads here about this whole fiasco becuase I dont talk shit about people its not my style, I make smart ass and sarcastic posts yes but I dont talk shit about people and didnt want to be apart of this but this post here I dont understand ??

The super fast part and race take offs , I dont recall ever telling anyone Im super fast and I run take offs because of the price and have said that everytime it came up ,120 -150 a set you cant beat that . and I do know the good and bad to them dont know where you came up with that either ?

The ego , greatness and unsafe to ride with part ?? That really gets me because Ive no clue what your talking about Ive joked back an forth with Parks a few times and maybe a couple others that by the way are better riders than I so if thats where this came from youve takin it wrong . I attend most every OR function and numerous rides with a ton of people on this board and this is the first Ive heard anyone say Im unsafe and they dont want to ride with me because Im dangerous or that Im egotistical so if you feel that way because of somthing I did or said to you Ive no clue what it is but Im sorry you feel that way.

The biggest thing that gets me here and Im not calling you or anyone else that was part of this thing out in any way so dont take this wrong but this group was called "nut up or shut up" now I know what I take that to mean so why is it that noone bothered to "nut up" and say anything either directly or in a PM to the people you guys were so pissed at I say this because if someone is eating at me like that Ill say somthing to them and I stood and talked to you for 20 or 30 mins just a couple days before all this shit blew up and you didnt say a word about anything I had done or am currently doing thats pissing you off ?

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nothing gets deleted (with the exception of a former mod that had her own agenda.) really dont understand why you are coming at me about the whole deleting stuff mess? maybe its cuz im the only mod around this weekend for this mess and am the one umpiring?

its not deleted, its out of public view........... would you rather it be out for everyone to read still?

I dont know if you didn't notice the "?" at the end of my sentence. If you would have you response would be something like "it got moved for the time being"

The whole point is "private" groups should be "private", if you disagree with that then just change them to "groups". Don't even try to argue that or come up with some stupid shit about drug deals. This is logic that a two year old should understand.

Second "mods" can't see a "PM" but I am guessing that admins can, if they have that ability then I will no longer use that feature I will stick to my private email account. Reading other peoples Private messages or private group posts is 1000x more childinsh than talking shit about someone not to mention very unethical. I haven't even seen the "posts in question" but I am guessing that someone was pissed because their friends name came up and they decided to let their friendship cloud their judgement.

Referring to the bold part should it have ever been public? Ben really showed them didn't he? The little vengeance just showed that their ethical boundaries aren't quite where they need to be.

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well since that was the second time you have brought up the whole deleting fiasco to me i took it as im being acussed of someting sorry i misread.

but the social groups, private or not, have to be moderated. the still follow under the rules and guidelines of the forum. mods ans admin pop in from time to time to check to make sures rules are not being broken. even private social groups can be used in court against someone or even worse the forum. private messages have not been looked at, but if you cant trust that they arent then you might want to stop. i myself have not seen the slightest hint of that at all from admin.

the social group was supposed to be about riding. insteadthere was more bashing of other members than anything. it was uncalled for. and yes it was back and forth between the ten that was members also but there is no need for people to use a forum tool or extra to bash the forum or members of the forum. go make your own forum for that.

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well since that was the second time you have brought up the whole deleting fiasco to me i took it as im being acussed of someting sorry i misread.

but the social groups, private or not, have to be moderated. the still follow under the rules and guidelines of the forum. mods ans admin pop in from time to time to check to make sures rules are not being broken. even private social groups can be used in court against someone or even worse the forum. private messages have not been looked at, but if you cant trust that they arent then you might want to stop. i myself have not seen the slightest hint of that at all from admin.

the social group was supposed to be about riding. insteadthere was more bashing of other members than anything. it was uncalled for. and yes it was back and forth between the ten that was members also but there is no need for people to use a forum tool or extra to bash the forum or members of the forum. go make your own forum for that.

Then maybe they should be changed to "social groups" and eliminate the word private from them. Private kind of implies that they are private. I think there was a MOD that was a member, so I don't think they were being "policed" I just think someone was being nosy.

Kawi, you are a cool dude don't let others bad judgement bring you down. I know what this is really about but I am trying to use some tact and not hurt feelings.

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Ive stayed away from these last few threads here about this whole fiasco becuase I dont talk shit about people its not my style, I make smart ass and sarcastic posts yes but I dont talk shit about people and didnt want to be apart of this but this post here I dont understand ??

...oh really, you don't talk shit...

...anyways, since I'm on this topic, his talk was also compounded by his "a birdie pmed it to me"-casper abilities related to a situation neither were there to see for their own eyes...but to sum that up, Parks and mainly 1000rrrider posted on or.net about shit on our trip to the gap before I even knew what the fuck was going on and I was with them. We ripped on Parks as well and he was in NUoSU.

...that was about you, also. I guess since it was via PM it makes it all OK, so don't come to me about talking shit because to be quite frank there wasn't shit I said that I wouldn't say to you. I felt that my lack of words and the distance I kept from you let it be known that I did not approve of your actions, so if you were all that concerned you would have asked me about that instead of blowing me kisses and saying gay shit like "love you too"...

The super fast part and race take offs , I dont recall ever telling anyone Im super fast and I run take offs because of the price and have said that everytime it came up ,120 -150 a set you cant beat that . and I do know the good and bad to them dont know where you came up with that either ?

...maybe it was all the "come to coshocton and we'll show you how to ride!" or the "I've been running race take offs for years because they are super sticky!"...list goes on...all some what insignificant, but point taken.

The ego , greatness and unsafe to ride with part ?? That really gets me because Ive no clue what your talking about Ive joked back an forth with Parks a few times and maybe a couple others that by the way are better riders than I so if thats where this came from youve takin it wrong . I attend most every OR function and numerous rides with a ton of people on this board and this is the first Ive heard anyone say Im unsafe and they dont want to ride with me because Im dangerous or that Im egotistical so if you feel that way because of somthing I did or said to you Ive no clue what it is but Im sorry you feel that way.

Unsafe...I'll go with the constant hand full of brake you were grabbing mid corner in all weather conditions with people behind you. When the ground was wet we were already going pretty slow to begin with, but you felt the need constantly brake in the corner. Then there was the wheelie in the parking lot of the hotel that you almost sat down in hotel office...since I didn't see this I can't really say much about the 100mph speed trial you had through the mall parking lot and almost got hit because of it, but I heard about it and those with you were not happy. I could continue about other things such as riding in the wrong lane around corners, but I feel you get the point...

The biggest thing that gets me here and Im not calling you or anyone else that was part of this thing out in any way so dont take this wrong but this group was called "nut up or shut up" now I know what I take that to mean so why is it that noone bothered to "nut up" and say anything either directly or in a PM to the people you guys were so pissed at I say this because if someone is eating at me like that Ill say somthing to them and I stood and talked to you for 20 or 30 mins just a couple days before all this shit blew up and you didnt say a word about anything I had done or am currently doing thats pissing you off ?

...as I said before shit was just irritating, so there was no need to come to you and say what you were doing is not good because in most cases you should know better...instead the way I chose to handle it was to keep my distance.

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nothing gets deleted (with the exception of a former mod that had her own agenda.) really dont understand why you are coming at me about the whole deleting stuff mess? maybe its cuz im the only mod around this weekend for this mess and am the one umpiring?

its not deleted, its out of public view........... would you rather it be out for everyone to read still?

Yes open that shit up!!!


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