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man this is crazy! Some super members on here fighting... I couldnt have pissed anyone off that bad if i tried. We maybe i could lol. U can deff tell winter is here!

i wouldnt count your chickens before they hatch........ winter is just starting :D

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man this is crazy! Some super members on here fighting... I couldnt have pissed anyone off that bad if i tried. We maybe i could lol. U can deff tell winter is here!

BTW where is Coshocton?

bfe haha come hang u'll obviously fit in :D

dude I don't say things to "scare" people, I am man enough to say them to your face because I (unlike some of your compatriots) have enough respect for you and myself to do it face to face... and deal with the consequences as they arise...

when was the last time u saw any of these said ppl?

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what is happening with all the mods and such? I am n here every day a couple times and it seems like people are changing up now? What happend to ninja chk? Why did who-dey retire? What is happening here???? Plus i want my gold star back!

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i didnt attend any of ur events, i have said nothing bad about ur events.

u dont see me getting all that pissy about all the ppl who never came on any of our group rides, yet talked shit about our group riders and the ppl that partook in them.

BUT you had every opportunity... I only got 1 invite out to your part of ohio, that I was sorry to decline, and I challenge you to find 1 post where I slammed on anyone from coshocton behind their back and when they didn't have it comming..

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bfe haha come hang u'll obviously fit in :D

when was the last time u saw any of these said ppl?

I said it in public to you right here... and I'd be more then happy to come out there and tell whomever right to their face how I felt... the point is I don't "hide" behind this whole internet bullshit thing... you want honest outta me you are gonna get it unfiltered, and I wouldn't hesitate to say them to you directly face to face...

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DAIVI PAI2K5 --- oh my gawd i was jsut about to post something in here! this fucking tool may have just surpassed mr. a i swear he is about to ask how to put fucking gas in this bike!

White Lightning --- wow..

nochknstrps --- Big0 is right but uhh dragon slayer? bawwahahaha W2800098-1.jpg

DALE DOBACK --- hahaha is he a member

nochknstrps --- yeah BigO

DALE DOBACK --- coverjrocktheassslayer.jpg

4DAIVI PAI2K5 --- thats fucking creepy

Johnny Rock Page --- :lol:

White Lightning --- haha, yeah i seen that! :lol:

NinjaNick --- Towards the end we all flew past a group of Harley riders and I remember just making it in front of their leader right before this big hill. I'm sure we pissed them fuckers off pretty good. About 2 miles later we all stopped at a gas station and a few of us parked on the side of the road across the street when their group ended up meeting with more of their harley buddies there. Anyway, I remember saying, "I wonder if they will try to start shit?" Then 2 Coshocton boys said if so they were going to keep behind me. I was just curious who the 2 were that wanted me to be their bodygaurd that day? :lol: I for some reason thought it was moody or ron, but not sure. Was it you 2?

nochknstrps --- I bet it was Mandie and ross

4DAIVI PAI2K5 --- hahahahaha! i dont think i remember that. i rememeber blowing past a few on 60 then stopping at the high school where they also stopped but went deeper into the parking lot and stopping before they took off again.

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and u still dont get it everyone has opinions on ppl whats the difference if it was said in a pm, a private group, a text or between 2 ppl at a bar???

the difference is I would tell you to your face how I felt about you... because I believe that is how honorable people conduct themselves.... not act one way in public and then a completely different way when people can't see it... there are no consequences that way, and without consequences we can not have a productive society... it's about respect man.

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I said it in public to you right here... and I'd be more then happy to come out there and tell whomever right to their face how I felt... the point is I don't "hide" behind this whole internet bullshit thing... you want honest outta me you are gonna get it unfiltered, and I wouldn't hesitate to say them to you directly face to face...

and when they told u how they felt u wouldnt take as much offense to it?

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an u cant tell me that jcroz dude hasnt asked some of the dumbest fucking questions ever to be asked on ordn....

While I have to agree, we all had to start somewhere. I didn't know shit about bikes a few years ago. And I'm feeling like a giving and patient person this month.

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an u cant tell me that jcroz dude hasnt asked some of the dumbest fucking questions ever to be asked on ordn....

Youll never learn Davi with sum numbers. :nono:

Lucky for you that you were never a noob and wanted to ask people with some experience.

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