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So im watching this really good movie....


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does it? I mean... i've put together a few lunches and haven't had one mention of sheep, one ounce of drama, nothin. We talked about riding, about life, made jokes, generally had a good time.... you should try it but with your version of what you consider fun (maybe not a lunch... maybe a trip to a motorcycle museum, or golf, or your creative idea... :D).


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uh... sure... but more in the cbus area... i think there's been like 4 or 5 lunches without any memorable hang up on any of the things that you seem to be frustrated with :p

Anyway, just thought I'd throw that out there....

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uh... sure... but more in the cbus area... i think there's been like 4 or 5 lunches without any memorable hang up on any of the things that you seem to be frustrated with :p

Anyway, just thought I'd throw that out there....

That's because you control your luncheons with an iron fist and a steal boot. :D

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uh... sure... but more in the cbus area... i think there's been like 4 or 5 lunches without any memorable hang up on any of the things that you seem to be frustrated with :p

Anyway, just thought I'd throw that out there....

I can't quite make it Cbus and back in my half hour lunch.

I make it to Cbus about once a month if I'm lucky. So group things, unless they're near Dayton don't happen for the Dayton crowd too often.

The Dayton crowd appears to be getting married and having babies right now so it's getting smaller...

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Is that a midget strip club where the girls ride around on sheep? :D

If so, Im in.

Please stop with your shenaniganage.

Somebody has a serious case of KurtCobainItis

PRIVATE DO NOT READ>Max. I'm talking about Dustin.<PRIVATE DO NOT READ.

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I can't quite make it Cbus and back in my half hour lunch.

I make it to Cbus about once a month if I'm lucky. So group things, unless they're near Dayton don't happen for the Dayton crowd too often.

The Dayton crowd appears to be getting married and having babies right now so it's getting smaller...

true story, and I get what you're sayin, but there's other options...

1. recruit new daytonians

2. organize some daytonish thing and see how the turnout is

3. organize something between your city and the nearest other large city (cincy? idk i suck at geography and am to lazy to look at a map)

4. plan a trip to cbus, let me know, and I may be willing to help ya plan the fun!

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Is my picture with Shitty's 'stains' still there?

i need to see said pic... pm it to me haha

That is why I'm stepping in....

I hope it will work out....

In the end....you cant please all the people all the time.....

There will be some people happy and some upset....

oh yeah i got sinner in my man pocket, so im gonna get all the news first.

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It sounds to me like MJ is a community organizer.

yeah... i dont mind organizing stuff... more than me not minding organizing stuff, i dislike when people are unhappy, more than disliking when people are unhappy, i dont like hearing people complain about things that could be fixed with a smidge of effort (sorry kiddo - not trying to be a jerk)...

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