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Computer Networking/Remote Access help


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Ok I am a complete and total beginner when it comes to this remote desktop and networking. But somehow because the one guy in our office that is the psuedo "IT guy" is busy doing his actual job, this has become my project. The boss' exact words were.....you're young, this computer shit should come natural to you so its your project.

Anyway what I am trying to do is be able to remote desktop in to our server from an outside network, say my house. I have been able to get it to work in network, ie while I'm sitting here in the office plugged in to the network (which previously it wouldn't allow). Yes, I know about LogMeIn.com but I am trying to save that as a last resort for a couple reasons.

What steps do I need to take to get this to work?

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You need to forward TCP port 3389 on your external firewall...assuming you have one (you better). You'd have to know the topology of your network..so provide some details and folks will be able to help you better.

Thats part of my issue. I'm no computer whiz and all this shit is basically real new to me. So I'm not sure what sort of detail I need to provide in order to give a better idea.

I didn't setup the server and the guy that did is on vacation for the next 2 weeks so I am at a complete loss.

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Your only bet is the services like log me in, gotomypc, or an app to run on your PC that will run over an open port, like 80 or 443 (www traffic). VNC is an example. You will have to know what your external public IP address is, and make sure the proper NAT or PAT is in place.

If you don't know what you're doing, you're going to open your business up to external security risks. So while there are free resolutions to your problem, you may be setting yourself and you job up for some hacking.

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Since you're able to RDP to the server when you're at work, the server itself is not the issue.

The issue is the ability to get into your network from the outside. If you have a "network guy", (s)he should be able to set up a VPN (Virtual Private Network) for you. This can be done on the router itself or via a firewall appliance (F5, Watchguard, etc.). You may already have said VPN and you just don't know about it - "server guy" who is on vacation would know. "Pseudo IT guy who's busy" should also know.

A place to start - determine if your server is open to the Internet: (assuming it's Windows):

- Find your local address: from a command prompt, "ipconfig", note your IP address.

- Find your public address: from a browser on the server, go to http://whatismyip.com and note your IP addr there.

If the two match, you're good to go (and probably hacked soon, if not already).

If they don't, then there's work to do, and it shouldn't be you doing it. No offense intended whatsoever. I do Windows and Linux server administration, run a VMWare vSphere envirionment. I have DBA's to do Oracle system administration and Cisco CCN*'s to do router stuff.

As Inya said, IF you can get to your workstation from the outside via Logmein, WebEx, GoTo, etc., your mission is accomplished, as you're able to RDP to the server once "inside".

Could go much deeper, but it sounds like your boss unreasonably asked you to do something way over your head. Just because "you're young and should be able to do this "computer shit" doesn't mean you can. If you dig into it and find you like it, there are always jobs for us nerds, and the pay is pretty decent. Experience and certifications are more important than formal education/degrees.

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Your only bet is the services like log me in, gotomypc...

This really is the best answer for someone that does not know what they are doing to set up direct remote desktop. A little program that runs on your server, wont hurt a thing and is pretty secure. I like log me in, they have a free version that works well. It will take you 10 minutes to set this all up.

And for the record, I would not open up remote desktop directly to the outside. If you must do it this way then what you need to do is set up a good VPN system. VPN connect your home computer to the work network...then it is just like you are there.

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well upon reading some other stuff and these suggestions and not understanding a damn word, I'm just going to pitch logmein to the boss next week because fussing with this stuff worries me that I'll mess shit up and or want to throw it out the window.

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Send me the firewall and server IP.. Its OK, Im your friend!!! :) What type of business do you guys do?

Trust him! What harm is it to give personal information out over the interwebz?

VNC is a nice tool. I use it all day long, though not into servers, however some of our other network types do. VPN is a pretty safe means to get in. Inya and Tonik hit is right really. So I'll shutup.

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Trust him! What harm is it to give personal information out over the interwebz?

VNC is a nice tool. I use it all day long, though not into servers, however some of our other network types do. VPN is a pretty safe means to get in. Inya and Tonik hit is right really. So I'll shutup.

I will rape a VNC box like it never existed.. Tip: use something else which is secure and encrypted.

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I will rape a VNC box like it never existed.. Tip: use something else which is secure and encrypted.

And FYI, RDP by default is not secure. You need to edit the terminal services settings or use gpo to force it to a high encryption level.

Edited by walther_gsp
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