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Did I miss the new rules thread?

Uncle Punk

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Im just wondering how many points I can rack up in 1 single post.. Me thinks a bunch.

:) all in good fun though. :)

I'll one up you & bet I could max points & get banned in a single post :D

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Doesn't seem all that different. Most of it is common sense anyways.

but "Excessive Attention Whoring - 1pts" Whoever gets the attention whore award is walking a fine line then. :)

eh, it's all too easy. If you want to get into a online pissing match, do it on yahoo messenger.

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Doesn't seem all that different. Most of it is common sense anyways.

but "Excessive Attention Whoring - 1pts" Whoever gets the attention whore award is walking a fine line then. :)

eh, it's all too easy. If you want to get into a online pissing match, do it on yahoo messenger.

Yeah, I really can't figure out what all the fuss is about.

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Probably that you're working on a demerit system, that worries people... also I'm still not exactly sure what constitutes "annoying" the mods

If they PM you and say you are annoying the shit out of me, you'd better stop. I doubt anyone will give you a demerit without a warning first. Prob the only stuff that will get you one right off the bat, is stuff that is so obvious you know you shouldn't do it. If you wouldn't say it to your grandma, (except whoever called her a cunt in another thread) don't say it.

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But you said post whores were in trouble!!! :eek: I'm just trying to be a good guy. :lol:


Thank you! Now I'm just questioned on my ability to be serious again. PS I'm always serious! :)

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If they PM you and say you are annoying the shit out of me, you'd better stop. I doubt anyone will give you a demerit without a warning first. Prob the only stuff that will get you one right off the bat, is stuff that is so obvious you know you shouldn't do it. If you wouldn't say it to your grandma, (except whoever called her a cunt in another thread) don't say it.

Oh my God...... what the hell is this? Logic? On Ohio Riders? :eek:

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Probably that you're working on a demerit system, that worries people... also I'm still not exactly sure what constitutes "annoying" the mods

but the system has been in place for this whole time!!!!!


the same shit goes.

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but the system has been in place for this whole time!!!!!


the same shit goes.

Well not exactly...

The cumulative point system with increasing penalty is new... even if you guys just applied the same principal before you never made it public...

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its been going on for nearly a year..... about as long as i have been a mod. basically if you treat everyone with fairness and the same with the forum its all good. if you havent had a problem in the past more than likely you wont have any in the future. if you have had a problem i hope you have realized what you did and adjusted.

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its been going on for nearly a year..... about as long as i have been a mod. basically if you treat everyone with fairness and the same with the forum its all good. if you havent had a problem in the past more than likely you wont have any in the future. if you have had a problem i hope you have realized what you did and adjusted.

You guys have been keeping track of users and how close to a ban they are?! Damnz, now I wanna see! :)

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The following rules will be strictly enforced. These apply to any medium offered by this site whether it be private messages, threads, posts, group messages, visitor messages, arcade comments, etc. You can say it, you can think it, you can call your buddy up and tell him all about it, but don't do it on this website:

Annoying the mods/admins - 1pts

Excessive Attention Whoring - 1pts

Abuse of website - 2pts

Unauthorized Advertising - 2pts

NWS Avatar - 2pts

Multiple Accounts - 3pts

Post under another's username without permission - 3pts

Excessive Leg Humping / Sexism - 3pts

Personal Attacks - 3pts

Wishing Bodily Harm and/or Wreck - 3pts

Threats of Violence - 6pts

Racism - 6pts

Spamming - 12pts

3pts = 3 day ban

6pts = 7 day ban

9pts = 1 month ban

12pts = permanent ban

points are dropped after 1 year


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I would consider spamming and unauthorized advertising to be the same, spam is unsolicited marketing. I'd consider posting 100 welcome :lol: in the introduction forum to be spam... but that's just me :-D lol

Also, interesting note, signing up for marketing and then not reading it is being called BACN... I find that awesome.

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I would consider spamming and unauthorized advertising to be the same, spam is unsolicited marketing. I'd consider posting 100 welcome :lol: in the introduction forum to be spam... but that's just me :-D lol

i would consider that abuse of the forum

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i thought this was about fun.. and riding.

don't be ridiculous. here, have this training pamphlet:


for serial though. it's not very special or new. i didn't think anything needed changing per se, since even the most recent "offenders" if you can call them that, were punished pretty thoroughly without any new rules required. But then again, that's the point really... there are no new rules. just an announcement that the old rules will be more consistently enforced.

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