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Breaking news: Fort Hood closed amid reports of several killed


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Incidentally, most of the founding fathers were Deists, not christians. Remember, our country was founded at the tail end of the Enlightenment.

True statement And the reason they called themselves that was because they had been forced to worship inside a state church as the state told them. (Britain) But by declaring independence, each would be free to worship their God as they saw fit. They just didnt name a religion. The concept of freedom was new!

Every other document penned by the founding fathers makes clear that their Christian God was a part of their thought process founding this government. The fact that they endorsed no religion was purposeful, the fact that they intended to be and already were influenced by a faith in a christian God is un-mistakable. Its written Everywhere you look.

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Heroes of Ft Hood

Don't ignore Sgt. Kimberly Munley. Let's remember her for who she is. Remind the world of the courage of American women, and teach the children of her bravery. She charged in, and fired with four shots that hit to stop Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan. Return fire shot her through both legs and a wrist wound. Remember as well as the quick actions of the military personnel and medical personnel, to save the lives of those fallen. Combat instincts saved many people.

...Munley was in the vicinity when the gunfire was reported and rushed to the scene. Munley "saw some injured and scared people trying to move out of the area" and "received information that the suspect was between a set of buildings." When she rounded a building, Medley said, the policewoman saw the assailant "pursuing a soldier who had been injured."She fired at him twice, which immediately drew his ire," Medley said. The assailant "turned toward her and charged, firing rapidly during that charge. She returned fire and fell to the ground trying to protect herself...Bullets sort of struck each other simultaneously.

"She's a hero," ... "She eliminated the threat. She did what she was trained to do."...



Unsuspecting victims, unexpected heroes

Kimberly Munley ended Fort Hood rampage using Virginia Tech lessons

Women answer the call of duty at Fort Hood

War at Home: First Responders Describe Carnage at Fort Hood

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Heroes of Ft Hood

Don't ignore Sgt. Kimberly Munley. Let's remember her for who she is. Remind the world of the courage of American women, and teach the children of her bravery. She charged in, and fired with four shots that hit to stop Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan. Return fire shot her through both legs and a wrist wound. Remember as well as the quick actions of the military personnel and medical personnel, to save the lives of those fallen. Combat instincts saved many people.


Unsuspecting victims, unexpected heroes

Kimberly Munley ended Fort Hood rampage using Virginia Tech lessons

Women answer the call of duty at Fort Hood

War at Home: First Responders Describe Carnage at Fort Hood



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Heroes of Ft Hood

Don't ignore Sgt. Kimberly Munley. Let's remember her for who she is. Remind the world of the courage of American women, and teach the children of her bravery. She charged in, and fired with four shots that hit to stop Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan. Return fire shot her through both legs and a wrist wound. Remember as well as the quick actions of the military personnel and medical personnel, to save the lives of those fallen. Combat instincts saved many people.


Unsuspecting victims, unexpected heroes

Kimberly Munley ended Fort Hood rampage using Virginia Tech lessons

Women answer the call of duty at Fort Hood

War at Home: First Responders Describe Carnage at Fort Hood

In all rights, this should be the headline, the front page of the papers..........

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When was the last time you heard of a Muslim implementing their thoughts and beliefs into our laws and having that big of an impact?

Also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crusades

inb4: Obama

When was the last time you heard of a Muslim implementing their thoughts and beliefs into our laws and having that big of an impact?

Does Obama's efforts count?


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Yeah, yeah I think it does.

Maybe, but it was too easy as a "retort" to my question ;)

I think to go back to the "last" Muslim to "influence" politics would probably be Malcom X.. Ahmadinejad and Bin Laden probably count, but not the way I was referring to.

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I see it as poetic justice. Well' date=' except for the officer. I hadn't heard she died. :confused:[/quote']

No, she's ok. Recovering. She might be all over the TV sooner or later. Maybe not, some people aren't that way.

I guess her shots were just the first, and didn't stop the shooter right away. The story unfolds...

The Washington Post

Munley, who had been taking her patrol car in for maintenance, was the first armed police officer to arrive at the readiness center. For the first few minutes, she was the only person other than Hasan who had a gun. "She was a single patrol officer," said Medley, the director of emergency services at Fort Hood, Tex.

Medley, said Munley and Hasan shot each other at nearly the same moment. Another officer at the scene said Hasan paused to reload his pistols just seconds after unloading his weapon into Munley.

"He's reloading! He's reloading!" screamed a soldier hiding behind a vehicle.

As Hasan fumbled with the magazines, another police officer, who had arrived on the scene just minutes after Munley, fired his weapon and felled Hasan, said the soldier, who was crouching in the parking lot.


Within moments of the fire, Munley and Hasan lay on the ground near each other bleeding badly. Hasan's pistols and several magazines of ammunition lay splayed near his body. A soldier rushed up to Munley and fashioned his belt into a tourniquet to stem the bleeding from her thigh before an ambulance ferried the officer to the base hospital.

ABC News
After Sgt. Kimberly Munley helped stop the Fort Hood massacre by shooting Major Nidal Malik Hasan several times, she collapsed from her wounds and doctors who treated her were afraid she wouldn't survive.


"She was fading in and out of consciousness. She wasn't saying much," medic Francisco de la Serna, who began treating Munley when the shooting stopped, told ABC News.


Sgt. Mark Todd, 42, a retired soldier who also works as a civilian police officer at Ford Hood, also engaged in a firefight with Hasan that lasted less than a minute, according to The Associated Press. Todd was not wounded.

Army officials say that an investigation is under way about whose bullets brought down Hasan as there was much confusion following the shooting. Munley's supervisor initially credited her with the shot that stopped Hasan.

Todd told The Associated Press Saturday that he was unsure if Munley had wounded the suspect, because "once he started firing at me, I lost track of her."


After firing his Beretta at Hasan, Todd said the suspect flinched, slid down against a telephone pole and fell on his back.


Munley, the mother of two girls, was sped to Metroplex Hospital several miles away where doctors say she lost so much blood that they feared she would not make it.

Edited by ReconRat
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