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Two fighter jets just flew over downtown really low.....


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There's also a huge Veterans Day Parade just outside of my office on Nationwide Blvd. I would say it's just a vets day thing...

That'd probably be it. Wonder why the hell they're having a Veteran's Day parade on a weekday five days before Veteran's Day.

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On 9/11/2001 there were military helicopters patrolling UAkron because of the PolySci building, that was crazy.

Then 6 or 7 years ago during the air show some plane flew too close.... I saw a fighter jet fly over my apartment really low, then come crawling back following this tiny little prop plane.... was awesome

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it is pretty cute that you guys notice them when they fly over though :) Planes flying overhead is almost a daily occurrence here, and yesterday I watched a helicopter land from my office window for some reservist thing-a-bob

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it is pretty cute that you guys notice them when they fly over though :) Planes flying overhead is almost a daily occurrence here, and yesterday I watched a helicopter land from my office window for some reservist thing-a-bob

It's hard not to notice when my building shakes.

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There's also a huge Veterans Day Parade just outside of my office on Nationwide Blvd. I would say it's just a vets day thing...

Same here. I work @ nationwide in the Marconi building and I heard the jets fly over, it was pretty damn loud

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Two fighter jets just flew over downtown really low. Isn't downtown a no fly zone? The last time this happened it was the governor going for a joy ride. This time it was two and they were booking ass south. Odd.

I dont think downtown is a no-fly zone. I dont see any TFRs on the FAA website.

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Same here. I work @ nationwide in the Marconi building and I heard the jets fly over, it was pretty damn loud

Actually, they sometimes fly under. I watched one go South on High St, about half way up the Nationwide building. Thought I was seeing things, but from my view, he was behind the federal building. That's low. Bet that rattled some windows.

And yeah, heard them today. I was outside, but they were so low I couldn't see them.

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