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HOLY HELL!! omg!! lolz!!! OUCH!!!

kawi kid

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i still am trying to figure out how that fatass ref could even come close to passing the 12 min 2000 metre run requirement to even be able to officiate at the college level.

wait wait wait.... 12 mins for a 1.25 mile run?

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wait wait wait.... 12 mins for a 1.25 mile run?

yes at a minimum, technically to be able to center he should be able to do 2400 in 12. easy for most if not all the younger crowd, but its ridiculous when you see these fat refs doing the semifinals and finals soccer matches for HS, and they also are supposed to be able to keep up with the college guys as well? ya ok.

That wouldnt be too hard at all. As long as a twinkie was dangling in front of his face(chris griffin exercise method) he would be fine.

you apparently haven't seen these guys try and run, sorry i mean waddle.

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:lol: My ol' man got thrown out of my soccer games when I was a kid for yelling at the refs

I think his exact words were "How can you make an offsides call when you're on this half of the field? Move your fatass down the field!" Blew the whistle, "Sir, you can be upset with my calls, but the personal attacks are uncalled for - please leave the premises." Some fat chick - I was maybe 11 or 12. :D Good times, my dad's hilarious.

Props to you parents if you actually do say something... get'em fusion! :lol:

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:lol: My ol' man got thrown out of my soccer games when I was a kid for yelling at the refs

I think his exact words were "How can you make an offsides call when you're on this half of the field? Move your fatass down the field!" Blew the whistle, "Sir, you can be upset with my calls, but the personal attacks are uncalled for - please leave the premises." Some fat chick - I was maybe 11 or 12. :D Good times, my dad's hilarious.

Props to you parents if you actually do say something... get'em fusion! :lol:

I got carded more than few times when I was younger. Mostly yellow's and only red carded once I think. :lol:

Yeah I'm a loud mouth as a parent, but I try to bite my tongue at least a little as a coach. My assistant coach this last season a few times had to help me remember to settle a little. :lol: I usually don't get too bad unless it's a ref who is consistently making bad calls. The big ref though cost us a game and that really made fusion unhappy. :D

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It was great fun until his coach came over to me and informed me that they try to keep "excessive celebration" to a minimum. I told him that rule sucked and so does Arsenal. (he had a ghey Arse hat on)

Later' date=' they had a small banquet kind of gathering and everyone got a trophy. Even the losers.. I mean, second-first place kids.[/quote']

"Excessive Celebration"? Did you cum on the guys wife's face too? Jeez :rolleyes:

You didn't stand your ground and at least ask the guy why you can't celebrate just because he's been neutered? This is why I don't think I could get a vasectomy.

How old were these kids? I've said before that 'participation' award are fine for little kids... but there's a point where kids need to sort out who's going to be on the traveling team and who's stuck behind playing rec league continuing to rack up participation awards. The sooner they learn they're not all special (and are mature enough to handle it), the better.

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yes at a minimum, technically to be able to center he should be able to do 2400 in 12. easy for most if not all the younger crowd, but its ridiculous when you see these fat refs doing the semifinals and finals soccer matches for HS, and they also are supposed to be able to keep up with the college guys as well? ya ok.

you apparently haven't seen these guys try and run, sorry i mean waddle.

yeah, that's absurd. I did a 3200 in 13 mins one time.... just saying...

I agree with ya, if the refs can't keep up with the group, they shouldn't be reffing.

*sigh* about the trophys to all the kids thing... that's frustrating. You teach kids that they get trophys for not being the best, then what are they striving for? Its like, I dont have to try, bc everyone is going to tell me how good i did even though i didn't do that well at all. When you're kid is on the losing team you say, nice job, better luck next time, it takes practice to get better. dumb.

Edited by OsuMj
proof reading... :D - thanks jrm
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haha parents and coaches are the best part man! if you don't have thick skin you will definitely not make it in the officiating business.

sometimes back when i didn't care i would fuck with the coaches if they were bitchy, call a push (=to holding in football, happens all the time just don't want to call it) at midfield (no advantage loss/created) and look at them and smile :) drove them crazy.

nowadays all the parents are up in the bleachers and i can't hear them.

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You ran two miles at a 5:30 pace? I call bullshit.

Had a buddy in the Army, he was from Kenya. He did 2 miles in about 9 or 10 mins. He was always the first to finish. then he'd turn around, run back full speed to the last person and help pace everyone in. Dude was a machine. I don't think I ever did better than 13 mins for 2 miles

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