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So I think I've made an error in getting two dogs...

I love these two, but I find myself constantly stressed and unhappy. I just don't think I'm cut out to have dogs inside. I'm always worried about them chewing on something, getting on the furniture, or making a random mess. To top the list I don't give them the attention they need. I work from 7-4, try to be in bed around 10 or so, and often find myself working on something after work and before bed leaving them little time to exercise and play. I've considered putting them outside, I just don't like the idea and ultimately don't feel like I can give them the love and affection that they need.

All of that said, does anyone here think they could use a couple dogs or know someone thats interested? I'd love to see them go together, but maybe splitting them wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. I don't know though.

The first is a boxer/beagle mix, from a no kill shelter. He's 14 months and has some behavioral issues from that. Crate trained, up to date on all shots and neutered. Some obedience (sit, down, no, come...) He needs a lot of attention, a really calm owner, and another dog around (imo).


The other is a lab/beagle mix, she's 6 months. I got her to compliment the first and they play extremely well together. She's up to date on all shots, not yet spayed, crate trained, house trained for the most part. A little obedience. She's a cuddle monster would rather be held than anything else.


Edited by dustinsn3485
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if you're serious about giving them up, you should put some details about them.

breed (pics would help), age, training (house broken? obedience?), health (shots, vaccinations, pre-existing conditions) and others.

i think if i was alone, i'd have a tough time taking care of my dog. thankfully (well, not really), my gf's been unemployed for the last few months when we got the dog, so he's had someone around to play with him and make sure he's not getting into trouble.

having a dog is stressful. i never thought i'd be so happy to watch something poop until i had a dog. damn dog wouldn't poop in the yard but after a week or so of adjusting from the pound to living in my little shanty, he started letting loose. i almost came.

and that's when i knew i had a problem.

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why didnt you think of this shit before you got the fucking dogs. seriously bro. not trying to be an asshole. :nono:

Thanks for the positive reinforcement, that's why I took over 4 months of researching and reading and looking before I decided to get one. It wasn't on a whim, it was a well planned/researched choice. I made a mistake. I'm not the dog person I want to be right now. I still love the dogs, but I shouldn't have gotten them so soon. It's a really, really tough thing to let them go. For the dogs, I think it's better. They'll have better lives with someone else.

if you're serious about giving them up, you should put some details about them.

breed (pics would help), age, training (house broken? obedience?), health (shots, vaccinations, pre-existing conditions) and others.

i think if i was alone, i'd have a tough time taking care of my dog. thankfully (well, not really), my gf's been unemployed for the last few months when we got the dog, so he's had someone around to play with him and make sure he's not getting into trouble.

having a dog is stressful. i never thought i'd be so happy to watch something poop until i had a dog. damn dog wouldn't poop in the yard but after a week or so of adjusting from the pound to living in my little shanty, he started letting loose. i almost came.

and that's when i knew i had a problem.

I forgot about that part, I'll edit the first post. And add pictures I suppose. When my g/f was unemployed it was better, but still not how I thought it would be. And now she's working more hours than me some days and I just really feel for the dogs and not giving them what they need.

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I'm with that dude. And I hear you say months of research, yadda yadda. You are doing nothing wrong. Crate train, a little excersice,feed and hang out with them. They don't really need much more. They sleep 16+ hours a day.

in these situations I usually say If two dogs are too hard for you life is gonna kick your ass. But give it some time before you give up.

I've got 4 rescues that people threw away. So Ima little sensitive to this I can't handle a dog crap.

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I know what you're going through because I've been there. Biggest thing is that they are both still young and learning. If you can stick it out they will calm down and gain the independance that you are probably used to with mature dogs. In the long run giving them away opens them up to a world that isn't going to necessarily be as good to them as you can be. Even the little time you give them is better than they might have otherwise. Remeber, there are lots of other dogs out there abused, mistreated, and underfeed that would chew their right paw off just to have a warm house and loving family for one day.

My two definitly tie me down and make some long distance trips I'd like to do impossible. But as I've told friends and family, I'd rather be tied down to something I love than to free without that love.

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If you've ever had a dalmation puppy you wouldn't say that. :lol: Hyper, full of energy, want to play as hard as possible till they wear themselves stupid and pass out. My forarms used to look like I worked in a thorn patch from all the scratches and needle sharp teeth bites i'd get while playing. Only when they mature do they start to calm down, pay attention and enjoy naps.:)

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dont get too hasty. i have a full boxer (read: very lively, active, and would/does play 24/7 when given the chance), live in an apartment, and work 10 hours a day. you can't always be the perfect dog owner, just work with what you've got and ease up on the worries. they're just pups, if you accept they're gonna misbehave you'll be more relaxed. i've lost a number of electronics to chewing etc in her first year. just get em out and having fun when you can and let them play around the house when you're home. they're probably happier than you think. a variety of chew toys (hard, soft, squeekers, and rawhides) and a run once a day will make them more than happy. throw in 10 minutes of some work on commands with treats and they'll fuckin love you. it's not like they're girlfriends.

Edited by smashweights
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The bond you build with your dog is amazing. I move around being in the miltary and all, even though my dog's not running around with the neighbors kids everyday like she used too...she's happier just sleeping in my lap. Dont give up on the dogs just yet.

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I had a newf you didn't play with him he played with you. Biggest problem out of him was. He would lay in the shower after you were done, and paw water out of toilet, water dish or anything else wet to lay in. Oh and I will be getting another one some day.

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Dude, they are puppies!!!!!!!!! They arent going to be perfect at this age. You gots to hang in there and keep them!! I work 10s most of the time and keep my dog in a crate or secluded to one smaller room. I still dont trust him not to chew on things. But you have to give it more time. You are giving up way too easy. Those dogs are going to act like puppies till about age 2. Enjoy it while you can. I wish I had a puppy

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God, I agree with Yota on this one! I would give anything to have my dog back! Long story!(my ex kept him) I will be getting another NEXT year! See pic below it will look like them! Jack, my old lab was 5 and still got into trouble but thats why I loved him so much he was such a little shit! Dogs are more happy then you know! I work 24 hour shifts and will still get a dog! Work isn't an excuse to get rid of your dogs! Just wait it out a few more months and see! You even said you will be heartbroken to get rid of them so don't! You will regret getting rid of them! I wish I still had Jack! I miss him thats why I'll be getting another Lab next year!

The below picture is my sisters dogs Ruby (8month old lab) Bo (7 week old lab) I will be getting one from my sister next year when Ruby has pups!


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I had a lab when I was younger. Jasper was his name. He use to take me for walks. haha. He also disappeared once and return 30min later with a whole frozen chicken.... I guess a neighbor was unloading groceries and Jasper helped himself to a chicken? Good stuff

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The below picture is my sisters dogs Ruby (8month old lab) Bo (7 week old lab) I will be getting one from my sister next year when Ruby has pups!

GTFO!! MY sister has a black lab named Ruby...but i dont think we're talking about the same sister....


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God, I agree with Yota on this one! I would give anything to have my dog back! Long story!(my ex kept him) I will be getting another NEXT year! See pic below it will look like them! Jack, my old lab was 5 and still got into trouble but thats why I loved him so much he was such a little shit! Dogs are more happy then you know! I work 24 hour shifts and will still get a dog! Work isn't an excuse to get rid of your dogs! Just wait it out a few more months and see! You even said you will be heartbroken to get rid of them so don't! You will regret getting rid of them! I wish I still had Jack! I miss him thats why I'll be getting another Lab next year!

The below picture is my sisters dogs Ruby (8month old lab) Bo (7 week old lab) I will be getting one from my sister next year when Ruby has pups!


Oh my, cute as hell!

I was up a few times taking little elway out, 5 weeks is too young to learn anything, so they guy is sleeping in my bed and I wake up to take him out when he starts to sqirm around.. Of course the other 2 shepherds have to sleep in the bed if he is in there..

True story though, my 8 year old Shepherd just ate another bluetooth device, so ya i just remember anything they do is MY fault for leaving it somewhere they can get it..

You can't worry about them tearing anything up, you just have to not care

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