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Mirrors must be useless on cars..


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I think you have to have a thick skin to ride a bike. Next time someone does something stupid and about scares the shit out of you, react to save yourself and forget it. The more pissed you get, the more your chances of doing something stupid to 'get back at them'. After all, does anyone even remember the whole thing the next day? No. In fact, within about three hours it's gone. Don't ever sit on anyones flank for more than a second. Squirt ahead or fall back.

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I used to carry a few ball bearings with me. Used them twice, first time it went straight into the radiator and second time straight THROUGH a windshield. Once I realized it would go through a windshield I stopped carrying them. I was lookin to scare people and maybe cost them a few bucks to fix their car but i wasnt looking to hurt them. My dad carries marbles and said all you do is flick it in the air and you will eith leave a hell of a dent or a hell of a crack in the windshield.

However the more I think about it the more I dont want to carry anything, riders get a bad enough reputation for no reason at all, why give people a reason to think badly of us.

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Last week I had a kid throw something at me while I was riding with 3 others. Maybe gum or something like that. Scared the shit out of him by doubling back through the church parking lot, and pulling up on him. Sure he didn't envision that. In a raised voice, just said "Do we have a fucking problem, you and I??" I could have responded in any manner. I'm Scottish, what can I say...

Two years ago, I did most of my errands on a 50cc scooter that was a bit 'roided up. I had a guy purposely run me off the road in a 45 zone. He HAD to get in front of the scooter as it went from 2 to 1 lane. Pushed me to the construction zone and into the orange pylons. Got the license plate, called the police, and they just about told me they were going to do nothing. Like a simple assault, he said- unless there are witnesses, they won't do a thing...

Something similar happened on High Street by Hound Dog's Pizza with the construction there. Only there is a light at the corner of Ackerman. It must have been funny to see a guy get off a scooter and pull somebody out of a plum Neon. Even funnier to see a college student aged guy crying about it. I guess nobody came forth as a witness.;)

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I've always wanted to know if its possible to punch/knock off someones mirror while wearing riding gauntlets with CF knuckle protection. I doubt I'd ever have to use the skill, but it would be nice to know ahead of time so that if it ever does come to that, I don't shatter my wrist in the process :p

The marble/ball bearing thing sounds like a good idea, but I can't really think how to carry them in a such a way that makes for easy access/throwing. Maybe easy-detach weighted bar ends would be a good idea...

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