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Talk about JCroz's Life and all the skills in it that he lacks


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ahh i should make a thread called " talk about jcroz's life". since no one seems to let stuff go around here i would be a thread dedicated to all u guys who cant seem to drop some things that i could care less about :stfu:


Evidences of said 'failures @ life':




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At the risk of getting banned... I hope something happens to him so he realizes how stupid he has been.

No insurance

No title

No self control

Running out and stunting.....

This is a disaster waiting to happen, and not in a good way. I just hope no upstanding members here get caught up in the inevitable crash.

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How long have you been riding without valid registration and insurance?
iv only been riding about 3 weeks
That's not what Matt was asking. You're bike is not registered to you' date=' you're running fictitious plates and you're insurance probably isn't valid.[/quote']
same difference..

yup, that's a great idea.

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No.. the great idea is posting all of that on the internet for 'cool points' because he's so cool the rules don't apply to him. I'm waiting for the thread where he asks if his 750 is fast enough to run from choppers.

Keeping w/ Jbots 'Courage Wolf' baller edit :lol:


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dude stop being a fag, get your insurance, get some plates, and get some gear then you can start working on your faggety ass wheelies. For real you are the kind of dumbshit that makes it embarrassing to own a sportbike.

If anybody wants to buy some bikes let me know this dick ruined it for me.

Quote worthy.

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IDK he just sounds young and (maybe a bit too much so) naive about crap.

He's a young kid, that's fine, but he's constantly posting idiotic shit and not listening to people. It's ok to be naive and to seek explanations, but when people tell you "get insurance and a valid registration" and his answer ISN'T "I'm going to do that right now" he's being a moron.

I wouldn't ride near this kid, he's dangerous and irresponsible.

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how is making a poll about what jacket you have gay? lol or the word used is "faggety" lmao. and u call me gay. this forum is worthless. iv been on it 3 weeks and no body can get any information out of anyone. all this site is it a group of friends who ride bikes that like to shit on ppl that try to jump on the forum. if wheelies were gay i doubt they would b as popular as they are? lol and if i have insurance yet or not is my business. dont worry about me i can handle myself. and to reply to "dude stop being a fag, get your insurance, get some plates, and get some gear" i have my gear and title and plates are mine now! WOW maybe i should just PM u before i post anything on here to make sure its ok to say it? does that sound good to u guys? get off my dick. i made a thread to hear you guys's thoughts about what jackets you think are best. its obviously not a gay thread since iv made it in a couple of other forums and gotten great feedback already. u guys are just morons that want to just bs with e.o. and see whos the whittiest guy on here with your little jokes. forums like these are jokes and no wonder people dont like them. lol if u were to really ban me for 3 days thats cool. i honestly could care less. iv done nothing wrong on here execpt try to make informative threads to learn some shit and all i do is get shit on. "bought my first gsxr today"... and al i get. " wow ur a fucking tool get ur lisence u fagg" like really? iv had my bike 3 fucking hours do u think im already going to have my lisence? or "how do you do a power wheelie?" and i get " you dont know your bike enough youll never get one and ur a fag!!"... guess what. i believe it wa 2 days later i had wheelies perfected and working on stoppies. lol so if u really think a ban is a suitable punishment plz go ahead mods.... ban me. lol what a joke :thefinger::thefinger:

Perfect example of how to spot a newfag:

1) Overuse of shorthand

2) Capitalization issues

3) Comma usage (lack thereof)

4) Horrible spelling

5) Horrible grammar

6) Poor communication in general - typically a sign of lack of intelligence, overall laziness in life, or immaturity.

7) 'Sour grapes' attitude when trying to defend actions

See bolded quotes on life lessons

1) You're not cool unless you do wheelies on your squidbike - popularity is all there is in life.

2) I think the 'whittiest' guys on here are jbot and InyaAzz

3) A bike can be mastered in < 2 days, wheelies and stoppies are the only things to bike control.

I am entertained... and it's funny that I don't think he's found this thread yet.

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Could have been sooner if it had not been for Time Out!

Has anyone said they're glad to see you back?

Didn't think so! :lol: At least you will take the kidding!

actually i got repped for being back my first day back haha

whos kidding put the damn gloves and and lets get in yotas whipped cream pool and settle this like real humans! :boxing:

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