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iPhone leaves AT&T June 2010?


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Just speculation but God knows everyone is hoping!

AT&T's iPhone Stranglehold Ending June 2010?

Posted by Eric Zeman, Nov 23, 2009 01:32 PM

Neither AT&T (NYSE: T) nor Apple has ever admitted how long the exclusive sales arrangement is for the iPhone. Despite their silence, at least one person strongly believes the deal will end in June 2010, which means the iPhone will then become available via more carriers in the U.S.

Even though the iPhone has been a success story in the U.S., it could have been even more successful if AT&T weren't the only network operator selling the device. Since June 29, 2007, if U.S. customers wanted an iPhone, they had to purchase one with an AT&T contract. Brave users many have purchased their iPhones outright and hacked them to work on other GSM networks, but all the "legit" iPhones are still locked to AT&T.

Since the iPhone was first announced, the public has wondered how long the exclusivity deal between Apple and AT&T is. Why? Because people want to be able to use the iPhone on networks other than AT&T's. According to Broadpoint AmTech's analyst Brian Marshall, they'll be able to starting in June 2010.

Marshall was recently interviewed on Bloomberg TV, and mentioned some interesting points. CNN's BrainStormTech blog reports that Marshall said:

  • The contract that gives AT&T (T) exclusive access in the U.S. to Apple's (AAPL) iPhone expires in June 2010.
  • Apple is now getting a $450 subsidy from AT&T for each iPhone it sells; after June, that subsidy will be reduced to $300 for all carriers, domestic and international.
  • The 4% of AT&T subscribers who use the iPhone consume roughly 40% of the network's bandwidth.

Interesting stuff, but many of the comments under the BrainStormTech post claim that Marshall doesn't know what he is talking about. The comments openly dispute the facts and say that Marshall is flat-out wrong. I can't say if he is or if he isn't. "Three years" has always been the guess that analysts and the media keep returning to on the subject of iPhone exclusivity, so his basic premise makes sense to me.

What's most interesting is to note that the iPhone's availability in France recently expanded beyond just a single carrier -- and sales shot way up. With sales taking a dramatic turn like, Apple is surely counting down the days to when it is no longer beholden to AT&T.

If you want to see Marshall's spot on Bloomberg TV, here it is:


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I guess I haven't seen one in person but it doesn't seem like anything that special. While I HATE Apple's restrictions and limitations to software, I have to admit they have such a headstart on the competition (Droid isn't the first device labeled "iPhone killer" and how much of those are you aware of now? 0) in the way of apps, that I'm not sure anyone can catch up. I've read stories of developers have already dropped their Droid development teams and are just sticking to iPhone....

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Well that was fast. I figure the droid was going to do well. Its got some cool features. I guess if the iphone came to verizon Id consider it... but I wanna try to droid i think. Removable memory and replaceable battery. I mean yea, the iphone will have tons more apps, but if the phone is better then ill prolly stick with it and not have as many apps. :dunno:

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Apple only has more apps because the amount of time it's been around and the popularity of the phone. More apps doesn't mean better apps either.

The fact that someone would make a phone that you can't replace the battery in is just more evidence to the fact that Apple is only out to rip you off just like they do with the slow rolling of features.

On another note voice recognition on the Droid works amazingly well. Google Navigation is way better than I though it was going to be.

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It'll be interesting to see which network picks it up if ATT drops it. Unless Apple completely redesigns the phones internals, it won't be on Verizon any time soon because the iphone is a GSM device and Verizon has a CDMA network; the difference is as fundamental as gasoline and diesel.

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Yeah apple has 2349862578 apps . . . but have you ever tried them? 1) 90% are stupid unless 2) if it's at all useful it needs paid for and 3) expect the original features to have been pared down to what Apple considers "acceptable". Opensource > Big Brother Apple.


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Verizon is CDMA, the Iphone is GSM. Rest of the world is GSM and CDMA is on it's way out. I don't think Apple will build a CDMA Iphone just for Verizon.

Now, will Verizon switch to GSM to get the Iphone. Perhaps.

And how many people here in the US actually need a GSM phone to travel internationally? I would say out of all the cell users in the US, its probably something like 10% at most use their phones both in the US and internationally.

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Verizon's 4G network will be GSM, then it will work with the iPhone. They've talked alot about when it will be available, most recently saying sometime in 2010, which happens to coincide with the speculated iPhone contract end... :dunno:

Verizon has already been testing their 4G network here in little ol' Columbus.


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I've still got my original iPhizzle. Over 2 years old now and I'm still happy with it. I don't run/own many apps. They all seem to lose their charm after a bit. I'm used to the time it takes to internetz while off of wifi. Have the airport extreme at the house and it's fast like a Tiajuana hooker. I've also had ZERO problems with ATT. And at $118 a month (discounts rock) for 2 iPhones i'm good with that.

I'm waiting for the IPhone XXX to come out.

It comes standard with a pretty mouth.

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Gist of it is:

A new report citing sources in the Taiwan handset supply chain says Apple has contracted to produce a UMTS/CDMA hybrid iPhone due in the third quarter of next year that will enable the company to sell a single global handset to all carriers, and specifically to Verizon Wireless in the US.
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I just bought my wife a HTC Eris w/ Andriod on it (only v1.5 for now). She didn't put it down for a week straight! She just loves the thing, she get her email on it, does her Facebook stuff, takes pics (5MP), it's a sweet ass OS and a really nice phone. I did find out that they will be releasing an update for to at least v1.6 or maybe v2.x so she'll be able to use the new navigation on it.

I have to say, after playing with both a Droid and the Eris I could easily take the Eris at half the price and get the same functionality.

Apple can suck balls IMO.

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