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Tiger declines 3rd interview w/ investigators, bears sole responsiblity. Thoughts?


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So Tiger Woods has declined his 3rd request for interview by investigators and is saying he bears sole reponsiblity for the incident.

I personally think this is BS being that it seems because of his 'name' and wealth he can just tell the investigators to go away.


I'm pretty sure the cops wouldn't be so kind to myself if I were to avoid answering questions to what happened that I wrecked my car into a fire hydrant and then a neighbors tree at 2-something in the morning.


Thoughts on this???:boxing:

CNN Link: http://www.cnn.com/2009/US/11/29/tiger.woods/index.html

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Well, you don't HAVE to talk to accident investigators if I recall correctly. Since it's possible he committed a crime (dui, driving left of center, etc etc doesn't matter) anyone of us can plead the 5th and decline to speak to police.

If it was you or me, yes, we're more likely to be arrested for "hindering an investigation" or some crap, but the charges would get dropped since it's not breaking the law.

But whatever, doesn't impact me :)

My opinion is my own, and not a legal opinion, I'm not a lawyer or an insurance agent.

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yes he did. its simple. hollywood and athletes get special treatment. period.

I doubt it was a DUI...He was leaving his house and was pulling out of the driveway...

He could have been drinking at his home by himself or something, but doubt it was a DUI... Could be though...But don't see Mr. Woods as a big drinker...

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Previous news report states it was 25 mph impact. This evening's news report states he declined interview for 3rd time, and was found lying outside the vehicle, unconscious..... hhmmmm doesn't compute. Another version was his wife was seen running down the street hitting the side of the SUV with a 5 iron,he hit the tree, she beat his ass w/ that golf club and nearly killed him, knocking him out because he was "playing with that big breasted"woman over in Australia, and now his wife is pissed!

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[doesn't compute. Another version was his wife was seen running down the street hitting the side of the SUV with a 5 iron,he hit the tree, she beat his ass w/ that golf club and nearly killed him, knocking him out because he was "playing with that big breasted"woman over in Australia, and now his wife is pissed!


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it's called, "i plead the fifth".

also, maybe some celebrities just want privacy for something embarrassing. I'll eat those words if their sex video is finally released, but til then... who gives a fuck? lol

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Previous news report states it was 25 mph impact. This evening's news report states he declined interview for 3rd time, and was found lying outside the vehicle, unconscious..... hhmmmm doesn't compute. Another version was his wife was seen running down the street hitting the side of the SUV with a 5 iron,he hit the tree, she beat his ass w/ that golf club and nearly killed him, knocking him out because he was "playing with that big breasted"woman over in Australia, and now his wife is pissed!

EXXXXACTLY my thoughts

TOO many fishy details! The report I heard said he was doin' 33mph. How the hell'd he get goin' that fast down his driveway?? Aerial shot looked like circular driveway.... Not some country lane. Why the hell'd she need to bash the window in with a 5 iron to "rescue him"??? And why was he "lapsing in & out of consciousness"?? I also heard Saturday? that when investigators went back out to interview him, they were told he was "resting" :nono: No way you 'n me could'a got away with that excuse :rolleyes:

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EXXXXACTLY my thoughts

TOO many fishy details! The report I heard said he was doin' 33mph. How the hell'd he get goin' that fast down his driveway?? Aerial shot looked like circular driveway.... Not some country lane. Why the hell'd she need to bash the window in with a 5 iron to "rescue him"??? And why was he "lapsing in & out of consciousness"?? I also heard Saturday? that when investigators went back out to interview him, they were told he was "resting" :nono: No way you 'n me could'a got away with that excuse :rolleyes:

A few other interesting facts; if he was going 25 mph or 35 mph why didn't the airbags deploy and his gated community has it's own police force. I think he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar and the Mrs. tee'd off on him. The chicca he was alleged to be dating isn't too bad but appears to be a tramp to the rich and famous from what I read on Yahoo tonight.

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I'm pretty sure the cops wouldn't be so kind to myself if I were to avoid answering questions to what happened that I wrecked my car into a fire hydrant and then a neighbors tree at 2-something in the morning.

im pretty sure all you are legally required to provide the cops is your license, registration insurance etc when asked. you dont have to tell them anything, and you dont have to answer any questions if you dont want to. and in all honesty its probably better NOT to. they arent there to help you. they are there to build a case against you.

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A few other interesting facts; if he was going 25 mph or 35 mph why didn't the airbags deploy and his gated community has it's own police force. I think he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar and the Mrs. tee'd off on him. The chicca he was alleged to be dating isn't too bad but appears to be a tramp to the rich and famous from what I read on Yahoo tonight.

Airbags usually don't activate unless a hit exceeds a certain deceleration force. That's usually around 40 mph give or take depending on situation. So a 25 mph hit, while damaging, probably wouldn't be enough to seriously injure you or need the airbag.

On another note, trees don't move......at all. Hitting a tree really fuckin' hurts.

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im pretty sure all you are legally required to provide the cops is your license, registration insurance etc when asked. you dont have to tell them anything, and you dont have to answer any questions if you dont want to. and in all honesty its probably better NOT to. they arent there to help you. they are there to build a case against you.

Correct me if I'm wrong John..... But if you do refuse to cooperate other than the basic required info, aren't "average joes" then "invited" down to the station for further questioning... And sometimes arrested if the invitation is refused & there's enough suspicion or probable cause?

The other thing that's got me scratchin' my head here.... If he was still on his property, or in the gated community..... Isn't that all private property, where FHP & LEO wouldn't have juristiction anyways? If I wanna drive around drunk on my 5 acres & crash into a tree.... Could LEO do anything about it if I'm not leaving the property or threatening anyone else harm? Kinda like a parking lot fender bender..... I was told by a cop once "I can cite you both, or neither, but since this is private property, I can't determine cause & just cite one"

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i'm wondering the same thing... or did he manage to drive his drunk ass out into public streets?

or maybe the fact that he hit a fire hydrant involves the police since it is technically city property? i think it is anyway... i guess it depends on the state/city.

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