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Okie doke so the easy part of glassing the tank is done..... Next up is stripping the tank of paint, and then glassing the piece I just made to the tank.... then the HOURS of sanding, and then HOURS of bondo and sanding! ohhh boyyy..

But I will say I am SUPER IMPRESSED with how awesome the piece I made turned out, seeing that I have never done fiberglassing before. I just spent HOURS in prep, and did all research and studying I could so it was like I already had done it before I ever even mixed the hardener into the resin and dipped the brush...

And sorry in advance for the the crappy pics here.... they were taken with my blackberry, my camera's battery died on me, and I don't have time to wait for it charge whilst I was fibgerglassing... So I have like two prep pictures, and then these three....SOooooooooooooo HERE THEY ARE!

Here it is in the all heated up cellar.


Didn't take much at all to pop it right off the tank, YAY for lotsa prep work!


And I cut off all the excess fiber, and started to sand the edges where I will be glassing it/attaching it to the tank.


Oh, and I am only itchy in two spots! haha

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so you just glassed in a place for the chin of your helmet? or was the tank also dented?

Naw the tank was in perfect condition, it just had HORRIBLE looking lines to it, and it wouldn't flow the way I am invisioning the end result of the bike to look... And so I am making a "new" tank with more modern and flowing lines... make sense? ....(And it will be a lot more comfy for the very aggresive ride the bike will have)

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All cleaned up, and nothing but a frame.


Had quite a few of these tabs to take care of...








The tank actually looks decent at this angle, but I can assure you it looks HIDEOUS once u put on the seat and the tail and see it all put together.... ( also, NO MO PAINT! took 5hrs! BLEH!!!)


And here is my glass piece I made just kinda sittin on the tank, its a little off in the angle right now...



Starting ONCE AGAIN, EARLY tomorrow morning... Hoping to attach that top piece to the tank and get sanded and primed tomorrow, and also paint the frame tomorrow.... Atleast that is the plan....

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WERD optimo, WERD.:cool:

So I did HOURS of sanding today on the frame...then primered it

Then sprayed a metallic flake gloss black- it looks REALLY good, I wish I didn't have pics with just this crappy blackberry camera.

Then I also did like 5coats of clear coat...

Here are some pics.



The frame painted:D


Gah this camera does not do the paintjob justice!:mad:


Oh and then also I primered and painted the tank underneath where the fiberglass will go. And if the night continues to go as planned, I will attaching the fiberglass piece to the tank....its only 8:18pm right now, I feel I can go til about midnight....

Just waiting for the frame to finish hardening and drying up, and then I will start working on the fiberglass piece, I don't wanna be kicking up any dust walking around, the paint job on the frame is too beautiful....

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what color will the actual bike be when your done black?? with that sexy frame you should pick a lighter color that would show off the black well. maybe white??

Horrible horrible question to ask me........:confused:... I spent 1hr at the paint place looking at colors......I still haven't decided on what color for the rest of the bike, BUT I am gonna try and figure it out tonight cause I gotzzz to do some more painting tomorrow so that this stuff has ample time to dry and harden before I have to take it back to cleveland on Sunday:eek:

Off to go play with photoshop for some color inspiration!

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Okie doke.

I got done a little earlier than I thought I would!:D

Here is the tank all fiberglassed together now


And here is a better picture of the flake that is in the paint


Uhmm........Tomorrow is gonna be cleaning up and sanding and painting the rear swingarm (it has a broken off tab thingy that I am gonna clean up)[ Annnnnnnnnnd gonna start working on the tail/bobber end of it, and gonna start polishing some more aluminum pieces- footpegs, rearsets, brake, triple etc....

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Oh its not very sparkly actually at all, that pic was taken RIGHT after I sprayed it...now that it has dried and it has had clearcoat, you can't tell that there are any metallic flakes in it unless your eye is like inches away from the frame. But yeah I am right there with ya on not liking the SPARKLY stuff, this is a MOTORCYCLE, not some piece of jewelry haha!

As for a color, I'm thinking about a kinda neonish kawi green...or red, or ehhhh idk! hahaha

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Hrmmm I'm actually thinking a copper color ATM...... with a lil special black design on it....:D

Sooooooooooooooooooooo for today....

Although I'm not done for the night just brought the tank inside so it can be all nice and warm and I'm gonna do my first layer of bondo on it...

First here is a picture I forgot to post a couple days ago...

BWHAhahaha! ohhh yesss it oughta be KILLA and THRILLA! I suppose you could call it an upgrade?


And here is what has happened so far today.....

Working on polishing some pieces...


Hrmmm yep, just a little bit of sanding.... haha! Actually in all honesty, I ACTUALLY enjoyed sanding today, I had a perfect setup- I was sittin in a recliner computer chair with the tank propped against a work table, it was COMFY sanding! A MAJOR FIRST!

Wellp here it is....


I'm going for perfection peoples!:wheeliezx10: (took a lil bit of work making the gas cap fit in nice and flush)


Action shot! DW MOFO!! (taking care of 1 of 4tabs on the tank....)


I don't even know how many lil boxes of these I smashed.... :D


That white dust doesn't magically appear, you gotta DW!!!:metal: (facebook pic hahaha!)


Nope it isn't....


(I like MTN dew :cool:....)

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Amazing what you're doing to that thing!

Props to you my friend! Props to you!

So you're doing the frame black.... how about the swingarm?! I couldn't really see in that first pic of whether it was on and part of the black scheme or not....

Oh, and have you decided on a color for the rims?! And powdercoating in the near future?! :D

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Amazing what you're doing to that thing!

Props to you my friend! Props to you!

So you're doing the frame black.... how about the swingarm?! I couldn't really see in that first pic of whether it was on and part of the black scheme or not....

Oh, and have you decided on a color for the rims?! And powdercoating in the near future?! :D

Thanks man for the words man!:D:D:DMakes the work better when people are already appreciating it all...:D

Yep frame is shiny black.... The color for the tank and tail I'm pretty sure is gonna be copper with a special black design on it (itzz a schweeekwart) The swingarm I am not sure if it will be black or copper, I think it will be black to better show off the polished aluminum sides on it....

Wheels not sure on, depends on the final color...

And sadly no powdercoat isn't in the NEAR future... I'm far too poor (I work for a non profit organization technically as a volunteer and get a little stipend) And actually I can lay a pretty good and durable paint job down with the aircompressor and paintgun..

BUT as crazy as it may sound if all goes as planned, I do plan on powdercoating this bike in the somewhat near future (hopefully in the fall)

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Hmmm not bad not bad.... But I'm thinking a lil brighter copper color, not so burnt or dark or whichever that kinda shade is called. Thanks for the pics!:D I'm liking the copper forsure! Now just gotta decide on a shade...

Wellp, the rear taillight came in..........uhto now that means I should try and get to making a fiberglass tail! I'm running out of time! Hmmm maybe it will be made outta sheetmetal...ahhh! time is running out!:(:mad::(

So gonna bolt it in and use a tab to secure the back of it, and then there is a top little lip/hanger thing that I am gonna try and use also.


A rear end view will look like this, but the top edges will be a lil rounder and not so square


And here is a top view, just imagine the sides being much more curvy/rounder....itll flow perfect flush with the curve of the taillight


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i like the tail, why dont you set up a skeleton out of sheet metal then fiberglass it when you get back home. also position the light higher up on the tail. it looks kinda funky so low

eh yeah I tried the sheet metal route today...didn't work out so hot hahaha! The tail light is actually angled, and with that the LEDs shine straight at ya, and I also want to keep the tail light low on the tail- it makes the stance of the bike much lower.... I'm cool with funky :D haha

really looking badass. If you are looking for a copper ish color might I suggest GM Sunburst Orange Metallic but darkening it up a tad if its too bright for what you are thinking

Thankya sir! I shall check that ISH out! hahaha!

The orange I like.... and it may be the one that bad324 is suggesting, is the one on the new eclipses.

hrmmmmm idk.....I'm thinking a more METAL looking copper color, eh idk, I'll try and find a pic....

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Sorry I forgot to upload some pics.... On the tank I just did bondo and sanding work to it...

Also put 2more coats of clearcoat on the frame (it still isn't PERFECT smooth in a couple spots, bleh!)

BUT, here after spending a total of 8hrs on this fawkin tail.... I now have a clay piece that I will glass over...TOMORROW! hahaha!

(I made 4 different clay tails, and finally finished the night off happy with this tail)

it has some sexy curves to it, I'm rather pleased with it...:D


And...sorry you will have turn ur monitor or head a little bit to see this one level lol!


SOooooooooooooooo... in making the tail-

I first spent about 2hrs getting the tail light to mount into the subframe all beautifuly while also keeping it so I could remove it incase it ever breaks or something-that took forever to figure out.

THEN I spent a good 3hrs fabbing up a sheetmetal tail for it---ultra fail.:flingpoo:

Then I ofcourse had to grind it all off/apart. BLEH!

THEN I busted out the clay- a medium I have worked with many a times, and it is VERY forgiving- metal, not so much....

AND NOW....its 3am and I'm tired. Put in another oh 16hr day:boxing:

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Man, that is a s**t ton of work......... glad you are doing it and not me. You trying to make the bike look like copper metal or just a good copper color? Just curious........... did think of one thing........ you wreck that thing(god forbid) and you'll have anyone within 20 yards gettn injured by shrappnel. LOL

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