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Why I prefer Chrome


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wrong. the google toolbar is much more than just a search engine. maybe you should have googled it before you posted?

Auto fill, password manager, gmail checker, and search engine... problem is, you can get a ton more with FF addons, but I realize that wasn't your point :)

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wrong. the google toolbar is much more than just a search engine. maybe you should have googled it before you posted?

i had to load up the ol IE to see what i was missing out on...

google search - address bar

news articles - set up a RSS feed in your chrome bookmark toolbar and you're all set

buttons/gadgets - google homepage

bookmarks - ctrl + B will show your bookmarks

spellchecker - automatic in chrome/FF

translator - right click over your word of choice

autofill - automatic again in chrome/FF

magic wand thingy - again one of the right click options in chrome

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everytime I use firefox it slows way down on me. and loads pages where some of the words are overlapping etc. it sucks.

IE8 seems to work so much better and has a better layout of all the open tabs.

and google likes to install hidden background services that can't be stopped from starting. that's why I got rid of the toolbar.

I spent about a full 4 hrs trying to get rid of the 4 updater services from my computer that were using up about 8 mb of memory.

Edited by serpentracer
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  • 1 month later...


I just downloaded Chrome and have to say I am really liking it. It is fast, simple and easy to use. The biggest concern I had was the bookmark quick links at the top, which Chrome has. I use those all the time. Each tab being independent of itself in case of a crash seems like a great idea as well. Oh, and it has an integrated spell checker with IE doesn't (that I know of?) It is nice to be able to post on OR and have it spell check as I type this. I think I am going to stick with Chrome unless something major comes up. :D

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I just downloaded Chrome and have to say I am really liking it. It is fast, simple and easy to use. The biggest concern I had was the bookmark quick links at the top, which Chrome has. I use those all the time. Each tab being independent of itself in case of a crash seems like a great idea as well. Oh, and it has an integrated spell checker with IE doesn't (that I know of?) It is nice to be able to post on OR and have it spell check as I type this. I think I am going to stick with Chrome unless something major comes up. :D

errr, I thought the OR forum had a spell checker...

And funny that, all the power Mac users at work use FireFox.

Oh, and "All Tool Bars Must Die"

I'll stick with my plugins and addons in FireFox.

They do wonders for speeding up browsing.

No ads, no flash, no garbage, no cross scripting, no crap floating across the screen when I'm trying to read!, etc etc.

Everything that wasn't necessary is suppressed.

Edited by ReconRat
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errr, I thought the OR forum had a spell checker...

And funny that, all the power Mac users at work use FireFox.

Oh, and "All Tool Bars Must Die"

I'll stick with my plugins and addons in FireFox.

They do wonders for speeding up browsing.

No ads, no flash, no garbage, no cross scripting, no crap floating across the screen when I'm trying to read!, etc etc.

Everything that wasn't necessary is suppressed.

Didn't know OR had spell check, haha. I hate Mac. :D Firefox is a memory hog for my older laptop. and haven't had any ads, flash or crap yet. I like it.

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  • 2 months later...
can you print preview with chrome yet? thats ONE of the reasons i went back to firefox....along with not having very many addons

Nope, not yet.

If you really have to have print preview:

(assuming you're running Windoze)

- install IE Tab extension for Chrome

- on the page you <need> to preview, right-click and use the 'open in IE' function

- right-click, Print Preview

This is really a work-around, as it uses IE to render the page.

If you're running Linux (not tested, but I assume it would work, maybe with a little effort): you could install IEs4Linux, which will run IE 5-7 under Wine. Once that's done (easy, btw), you could probably install the IE tab extension and be on your way.

Edited by jblosser
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That's pretty silly imho... Switch away from IE for obvious reasons just to have to use it for a piece of basic functionality that another browser lacks.


I have an iPhone because it's shiny and it does all this cools stuff... but mine doesn't do video capture so I have to keep a video recorder in my pocket too.==

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I don't do enough direct webpage printing to need a print preview function. Click Print, if it looks bad, cut/paste into gedit, print from there.

I agree, though, that it should be there.

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