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Well, I hate for this to be my first post, but I feel it needs to be brought to people's attention. I could tear that graphic apart. First, notice the graphic is done in red. Red is a color typically associated with violence. Why are they not using different colors for different levels of misconduct? Also, it appears as though the majority of states are the 0-6 category...and how many of those states are 0? It does not specify. Also, These stats cover reported misconduct. Anyone can report misconduct, that doesn't mean the misconduct actually happened. A more accurate graphic would only include convictions, or at least reports which have been affirmed.

Also, to compare the average conviction rate of police officers to the average conviction rates of civilians is kinda funny. Conviction of what? Misconduct? I could go on.

Folks, the point here is, don't believe everything you see. Especially a graphic from a website dedicated to cop bashing which is finded by the NAACP and other such agencies.

DING DING DING... i like you already. But good luck with your statements with some around here. Enjoy! and welcome!

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Red is the color of passion my friend. Those are push pins of love.

Red color meaning:

Red is the color of fire and blood, so it is associated with energy, war, danger, strength, power, determination as well as passion, desire, and love.

Red is a very emotionally intense color. It enhances human metabolism, increases respiration rate, and raises blood pressure. It has very high visibility, which is why stop signs, stoplights, and fire equipment are usually painted red. In heraldry, red is used to indicate courage. It is a color found in many national flags.

Red brings text and images to the foreground. Use it as an accent color to stimulate people to make quick decisions; it is a perfect color for 'Buy Now' or 'Click Here' buttons on Internet banners and websites. In advertising, red is often used to evoke erotic feelings (red lips, red nails, red-light districts, 'Lady in Red', etc). Red is widely used to indicate danger (high voltage signs, traffic lights). This color is also commonly associated with energy, so you can use it when promoting energy drinks, games, cars, items related to sports and high physical activity.

Light red represents joy, sexuality, passion, sensitivity, and love.

Pink signifies romance, love, and friendship. It denotes feminine qualities and passiveness.

Dark red is associated with vigor, willpower, rage, anger, leadership, courage, longing, malice, and wrath.

Brown suggests stability and denotes masculine qualities.

Reddish-brown is associated with harvest and fall.

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I am not saying police misconduct does not happen...it does. I am just saying that the provided statistics are clearly slanted towards the point the author is trying to convey. Like comparing the conviction of police officers in 2009 to civilian convictions in 2004. Why didn't they compare the statistics of the same year? Is it because the numbers are less favorable to compare the statistics in 2004 or 2009? I am not defending police officers who commit crimes...they should be fired and prosecuted if possible. But please don't be blinded by poor stats.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think tasers are just fine, they aren't that big of a deal and unless you are 90 with heart problems they don't really pose any threat. Believe me I have been tased before so don't even argue with me unless you have been tased. I think cops have to deal with some of the most low-life scum this country has to offer and they should have tools at their disposal that don't require them to shoot people every five minutes. As for that graph, gimme a break. 2,854 total officers engaged in misconduct, ok well think about how many freaking police officers we have in this country that isn't very many, and they are including officers that were found not guilty. They are using the word "allegedly" repeatedly because they are trying to make the number look bigger by including every officer that had a complaint filed against them by the drug addict who was upset that they got arrested. Also "1 out of every 116.4 officers engaged in misconduct" wow guys, seriously? That isn't even 1% that's actually 0.86% of officers. Now go write home about that statistic. This is just a bunch of scare tactic bullcrap. I will give the officers the benefit of the doubt and praise the good ones before I complain about the 0.86% of officers that "allegedly engage in misconduct"

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I don't think you can use the logic you are trying to use, you must be color blind or something my god it was in RED. Your powers must be strong to have resisted the power of RED to come to your conclusions. Logic would dictate your conclusions are wrong even if your powers are strong because you totally ignored the RED.

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I think tasers are just fine, they aren't that big of a deal and unless you are 90 with heart problems they don't really pose any threat. Believe me I have been tased before so don't even argue with me unless you have been tased. I think cops have to deal with some of the most low-life scum this country has to offer and they should have tools at their disposal that don't require them to shoot people every five minutes. As for that graph, gimme a break. 2,854 total officers engaged in misconduct, ok well think about how many freaking police officers we have in this country that isn't very many, and they are including officers that were found not guilty. They are using the word "allegedly" repeatedly because they are trying to make the number look bigger by including every officer that had a complaint filed against them by the drug addict who was upset that they got arrested. Also "1 out of every 116.4 officers engaged in misconduct" wow guys, seriously? That isn't even 1% that's actually 0.0086% of officers. Now go write home about that statistic. This is just a bunch of scare tactic bullcrap. I will give the officers the benefit of the doubt and praise the good ones before I complain about the 0.0086% of officers that "allegedly engage in misconduct"

i sympathize with you because i, too, went to public school

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Oh gimme a break guys you are missing the point. I was on a rant and I forgot to move the decimal place. The point is it isn't even 1% of officers that"allegedly" partake in misconduct.

well, i couldn't let it go because you said: "Now go write home about that statistic." I didn't want to write home about it til it was cleared up.


i didn't even read the links. i really don't give a crap, minus the simple idea that people in a position of authority out to be 1. held to a higher standard (because they are given power over the majority of us) and 2. held accountable if they do not meet those higher standards with no special treatment.

i have no opinion on this specific case.

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What the fuck, another cop bashing thread?

I'm thinking i'll let it go another 15-20 posts then I'm going to close it.

Have you even read the whole thread or just the last couple of pages? Your definition of bashing must be graded on a different curve. This thread has been a good source for both sides of a discussion and some entertainment thrown in, I missed the bashing part. I'm really not understanding why it needed to be moved or shut down. This thread is months old and everyone involved has been level headed and respectful. If expressing an opinion that is different from others is bashing almost every thread here should be closed. Can you explain where you thought it crossed the line? We will try not to do it again.

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Have you even read the whole thread or just the last couple of pages? Your definition of bashing must be graded on a different curve. This thread has been a good source for both sides of a discussion and some entertainment thrown in, I missed the bashing part. I'm really not understanding why it needed to be moved or shut down. This thread is months old and everyone involved has been level headed and respectful. If expressing an opinion that is different from others is bashing almost every thread here should be closed. Can you explain where you thought it crossed the line? We will try not to do it again.


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