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Why a "preemptive" nuclear strike shouldn't be an option...


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Actually guys and gals, If we would have invaded the communists bastards country after WWII which would have been a "preemptive" war...


and the problem wouldn't have arisen from

the dumb asses testing nuclear weapons near people. We could have

removed the problem before it happened by a preemptive war. War is hell

but so is seeing all the baby's we could have saved from being

stillborn or born with major birth defects.

While we are on the dead baby in a jar topic...Think about all the aborted

baby's whose mothers were spared the hell of raising them in this country and

tell me those mothers in Kazakhstan wouldn't give their lives for a perfectly healthy child that we take for granted here.

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It also reminds me of "The Hills Have Eyes". - Part I or II

Which is fiction and has no basis in fact unless someone was stupid enough to move to a desert in search of a good home and even if they did, we did MOST of our testing BELOW GROUND to lessen contamination. Ten feet of earth will protect you from 100% of radiation and if you happen to get a little

radiation every once in a while you could actually get less cancer than the average person. Small doses of radiation kill cancer according to doctors.

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