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Who the hell is Amanda Knox?


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They convicted three people for the death of a fourth.

Justice in Italy relies on the appeals process.

Up to and including a complete retrial is common.

Apparently they understand they don't always get it right on the first try.

I can't believe how long that trial drug on for, and now they're talking of appeal. I can't imagine the financial burden this must be putting on her parents :nono: Even if they win on appeal, all that $$ will be gone for something their daughter didn't do to begin with, & if they lose.... They don't even get her back in trade for it because she'd be guilty :(

Only hope would be a book deal & the talk show/tabloid circuit

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Matt' date=' I'm not impressed. Especially coming from someone so firmly footed in our way of life as Americans. If there is not enough evidence to convict this woman in an American court she ought not be convicted in a foreign court. Maybe the US could offer assistance with forensics to clear the air, but I don't trust the Italians to build a motorcycle that won't leak... let alone not railroad an innocent girl. I'm not saying she's innocent, but she hasn't been proven guilty, yet.[/quote']

Blah blah blah, not our country, blah blah blah

You're right, I'm firmly rooted in the American ways... IN AMERICA.... :-D Maybe we as Americans should demand she be extradited to America and then tried in America!

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I say we bring her back home and do a little interrogating ourselves. Nom' date=' nom, nom...[/quote']

Man oh man, what about when all the foreign countries demand we release anyone arrested in the USA and extradite them back to their country... imagine how up in arms everyone would get.

Break a law in the US, go to jail in the US, and deal with the consequences in the US

Break a law in Japan, go to jail in Japan, and deal with the consequences in Japan

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Right' date=' but [b']we're not certain she broke any laws. If she was found guilty, along with the prosecution providing mountains of indisputable evidence against her, I'd be all for her execution, jail sentence.. whatevs. The issue is there isn't substantial evidence to conclude she did anything.

According to US rules. I know it's not necessarily the case in Italy, but "Innocent until proven guilty" is an AMERICAN thing... there are countries (Japan) that you are guilty until proven innocent... meaning they SUSPECT you of a crime and you go to jail.... you and I may not like that, but that's the way the country is run.

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I'm well aware of this.. I guess she should have been more careful when planning her travels.

I still think we should go get her. Fuck Italy if they don't like it. Yes' date=' I know that sounds elitist, but she's one of us. She shouldn't be allowed to be hung out to dry like this [b']if she's not guilty.

If she's not guilty the way WE think she's guilty :-D

I agree though, I'd be very happy if America said "if you're arrested in a foreign country we WILL come get you, but you'll be tried in America" but I know that won't happen... if that was the case you'd see countries not allowing Americans in.

You have to be REALLY careful when traveling abroad, and you have to plan ahead, don't go to Dubai and have sex on the beach...

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  • 1 year later...

How is it that only yesterday did I learn that an African dude is locked up for rape and murder over there whose DNA just happens to be at the Knox crime scene? I'm gonna go out on a limb here.....

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