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Laughing my ass off at the ex.

DTM Brian

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Please ignore spelling and grammar.

I will go back and clean it up later.


All this shit is great. Just felt the need to post this. So I mentioned with a post in another thread that my ex had ran around on me. Well has since made a couple calls here and there in regards to the check engine light being on her camaro and and wanting me to look at the tune. In a calm voice I reply how she see about getting help from the guy she was sleeping with. Seems to me he could help you with your needs. lol. Anyway I have ignored all phone calls and 90% of her texts. I have also been leaving my house about the time she gets out of school so I do not have to deal with her. Well tonight she comes over to the house to tell me how she is sorry. She also goes on to tell me she has been on 4 dates in 4 days. She likes one of them alot. The rest I guess are losers according to her. So I ask her why she went out with them. It is to get over me. Well I am a bit jealous that she is able to get that many dates in such a short time. I am far from jealous of what they have to offer.

So two of Lauren's complaints are the fact that I do not have a 401k for retirement (Last time I checked this does not apply to the self employeed.) I also have too many cars and she thinks I should sell all 4 mustangs and just keep the Vette. Well last time I check every single one of my toys including 4 mustangs, vette, sportbike, 4 wheelers, and 2 trucks are paid for. This year I was able to put another 30K into savings from busting ass at the shop. So I am not sure how this affects her. The whole time she lived with me she never paid for any utilities or pay any rent. Yet time and time again I am told that I have nothing in place for down the road and I am not in a financial position to support a family. Hmm. Once again every single toy is paid for. I own everything in my shop with the exception of the 4 walls around me. I put a decent chunk of change into savings every year.

Cliffs. This girl expected a $25,000.00 engagment ring and a house in New Albany. Did I mention she is a server at Applebees?

Now I want to say that I do not look down on what people do for a living. As long as what you do makes you happy and makes you feel good then I say do it. That goes for even being a door greeter at Walmart. If you work you ass off and do the best job you can do then I have all the respect for you.

So what finally makes me laugh my ass off. I ask to tell me what all of these guys do for a living. I guess the guy she really liked the most was a pizza delivery driver. I could not help but laugh. It is not because of what he does. I am sure he does a good job and makes enough money to make him happy. But I can not stop laughing when I tell her to ask pizza boy to buy her a $25,000 engagement ring and a 400k-500k house in New Albany. She was speechless. Basically ended up leaving shortly after that with tears in her eyes. Guess she of thought about me when she passed out drinking and ended up in another mans bed and going on a date with a pizza delivery driver.

Yes it would be nice to line me up 4 dates that could appreciate me for me and tell her about it. Oh well you can not win them all. However at least I am feeling pretty damn good about myself right now. :)

Edited by DTM Brian
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Wow, You really are lucky, this could have happened after you were married to her with kids then it would have been much harder to walk away from this situation. 4 dates who cares quality over quantity any day for me. Dude you are a good guy,be patient it will all work itself out.

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I have a similar story I should share with you sometime.

But, you're way more generous than I'd ever be. I didn't bust ass in this world for some woman to ride my coattails. My girl pays rent, and her half of the bills each month.

I agree with you. However she suckered me pretty good. Said she only pay for my mortgage if I put her name on it and as far as the bills go I had those bills before she moved in. Guess I was a sucker for a pretty face and well you know. LOL

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she had the balls to tell you about the boys she likes while she came over to apologize?

i know this sounds spiteful and is completely misogynistic... but i think it's time to remind her that her assets are a non-renewable resource by getting yourself a nice, young rebound gf. and then never look at her cheating face again. unless it is full of honest, bitter tears.

cheaters deserve nothing but spiteful, sarcastic, condescending behavior.

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she had the balls to tell you about the boys she likes while she came over to apologize?

i know this sounds spiteful and is completely misogynistic... but i think it's time to remind her that her assets are a non-renewable resource by getting yourself a nice, young rebound gf. and then never look at her cheating face again. unless it is full of honest, bitter tears.

cheaters deserve nothing but spiteful, sarcastic, condescending behavior.

Great minds think alike.

Girl is 21 years old does not think before she acts. She has blacked out many times from drinking. I asked her many times to sober up so I would not have to worry. I have not had 1 drink in about a year now. This was my promise to her if she would stay sober and safe. I do not even have a drinking problem. I have never been drunk in the 33 years that I have been on this earth.

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$25,000 engagement ring?!? :wtf: Is she fuckin' crazy??? Does she have you confused with Bill Gates??

No offense to you Bry, 'cause I know you probably still got some feelings for her.... But she sounds like a wet behind the ears, 21 year old spoiled little rich bitch with no clue how the real world works or personal responsibility. Sounds like she's lookin' for a sugar daddy to mooch off of, & apparently thinks she's pretty enough that her looks are her ticket through life

Like someone above said.... Better you found out now! Were you guys actually married, or she's just an ex girlfriend? Young girls like that have a lot of growin' up to do. With you bein' 33, you may wanna skip the chippies & look for someone closer to your own age, who's got her own career & financial security, and ain't lookin' to you as her winning lottery ticket

BTW.... If you can keep your heart from being involved & fallin' for her again.... Sounds like you could probably keep bangin' your ex while you're out lookin' for the real Mrs. Right. I'd degrade her in all kinds of ways too.... Fuck her & treat her like the dirty whore she is.... Just don't fall into her trap again. Keep your dick in it, and your heart out of it!! She doesn't like what you got on the menu for her, then she can get the fuck out!! No rings, jewerly, cars or $$ of any kind.... No help with bills, finances, etc.... Just put out or get out! It's your terms now!

Edited by Fonzie
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BTW.... If you can keep your heart from being involved & fallin' for her again.... Sounds like you could probably keep bangin' your ex while you're out lookin' for the real Mrs. Right. I'd degrade her in all kinds of ways too.... Fuck her & treat her like the dirty whore she is.... Just don't fall into her trap again. Keep your dick in it, and your heart out of it!! She doesn't like what you got on the menu for her, then she can get the fuck out!! No rings, jewerly, cars or $$ of any kind.... No help with bills, finances, etc.... Just put out or get out! It's your terms now!

Haha this statement is full of win. And the Fonz is right, just get what you want from that bitch, that's what she tried to do to you. Also, I'm a server at Applebee's and I've met a ton of girls that are servers at other Applebees and none of them are worth your time. That place is a black hole when it comes to respectable women. Howver, if you're looking for dirty tramps then Applebee's is the place to be.

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Good for you! You saved yourself a lot more heart ache. The shits of it is, a decent looking woman will never have a problem getting 4 dates in 4 nights. And if she holds out for a few weeks, she'll find some numb nuts who will buy her a $25,000 engagement ring and the big house she wants. He will be the sucker that loses everything to her as she runs around on him then divorces him and finds someone with more money. Been there, done that. Marriage in this state is only good for the female...... its a license to steal. I wont do it again without a pre-nup or until the laws change. Too many women look at guys like stepping stones to what they want. Congrats on NOT playing that game.

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$25,000 engagement ring?!? :wtf: Is she fuckin' crazy??? Does she have you confused with Bill Gates??

No offense to you Bry, 'cause I know you probably still got some feelings for her.... But she sounds like a wet behind the ears, 21 year old spoiled little rich bitch with no clue how the real world works or personal responsibility. Sounds like she's lookin' for a sugar daddy to mooch off of, & apparently thinks she's pretty enough that her looks are her ticket through life

Wow, Money grubbin Ho. Fuck her, I agree with Fonz. New Albany is full of cunts like her, and NA can keep them.

I wouldnt keep your dick in it either. You obviously care too much about the bitch for that. Stay as far away from her as possible, cut off all communication and find a better one. They are everywhere.

Get a better chick, live well and make sure all her friends know how happy you are. Living well is the best revenge.

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$25,000 engagement ring?!? :wtf: Is she fuckin' crazy??? Does she have you confused with Bill Gates??

No offense to you Bry, 'cause I know you probably still got some feelings for her.... But she sounds like a wet behind the ears, 21 year old spoiled little rich bitch with no clue how the real world works or personal responsibility. Sounds like she's lookin' for a sugar daddy to mooch off of, & apparently thinks she's pretty enough that her looks are her ticket through life

Like someone above said.... Better you found out now! Were you guys actually married, or she's just an ex girlfriend? Young girls like that have a lot of growin' up to do. With you bein' 33, you may wanna skip the chippies & look for someone closer to your own age, who's got her own career & financial security, and ain't lookin' to you as her winning lottery ticket

BTW.... If you can keep your heart from being involved & fallin' for her again.... Sounds like you could probably keep bangin' your ex while you're out lookin' for the real Mrs. Right. I'd degrade her in all kinds of ways too.... Fuck her & treat her like the dirty whore she is.... Just don't fall into her trap again. Keep your dick in it, and your heart out of it!! She doesn't like what you got on the menu for her, then she can get the fuck out!! No rings, jewerly, cars or $$ of any kind.... No help with bills, finances, etc.... Just put out or get out! It's your terms now!

wow.... just wow fonz!!! I am so surprised to see you thinking the same way I would... :D I guess that explains why I like ya so much...0002020B.gif Bry, fonz is dead on.... I think that people have to be good enough as they are, if not they aren't right for each other... I tried to change my ex-wife, it didn't work... she tried to change me didn't work... and I've had girls tell me all the time where I need this or that to change to make me a better catch... F all that BS!!! My wife accepts that I am a goofball, I love bikes, I like different toys, I change my plan almost daily... but she still puts up with me... :)
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Haha this statement is full of win. And the Fonz is right, just get what you want from that bitch, that's what she tried to do to you. Also, I'm a server at Applebee's and I've met a ton of girls that are servers at other Applebees and none of them are worth your time. That place is a black hole when it comes to respectable women. Howver, if you're looking for dirty tramps then Applebee's is the place to be.

I gotta start hanging at applebee's.... I like black holes!!!:D Hell I like HOLES! and Boobies! and even better when they come as a matched set.... LMAO!

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take this peice of advice from me. No matter how much she wants you to get rid of the cars and bikes and shit. Do not. She just wants to see how far you will jump through hoops for you. Been there, done that. Its no good.In the end the things that keep you sane will be gone, and so will your girl. Just run the other way.

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Srsly. I didn't realize how rich and fiscally savvy pizza guys were.

This is why I can't date 18-21yr olds anymore. They're fun to look at and hop in the sack with, but their rationale and lack of problem solving ability drives me INSANE.

And they say women mature faster than guys :rolleyes:

*Sry to all the womenfolk on here - there are many exceptions to the misogynistic views which I express, and I love you ladies that are the exceptions. I seek your type out.

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Srsly. I didn't realize how rich and fiscally savvy pizza guys were.

This is why I can't date 18-21yr olds anymore. They're fun to look at and hop in the sack with, but their rationale and lack of problem solving ability drives me INSANE.

And they say women mature faster than guys :rolleyes:

*Sry to all the womenfolk on here - there are many exceptions to the misogynistic views which I express, and I love you ladies that are the exceptions. I seek your type out.

I couldn't agree more. I've somehow been stuck in a rut of 19 and 20 year old girls for the last 2 years and its fun for awhile then I just get annoyed as shit with them for the exact same reason.

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Srsly. I didn't realize how rich and fiscally savvy pizza guys were.

This is why I can't date 18-21yr olds anymore. They're fun to look at and hop in the sack with, but their rationale and lack of problem solving ability drives me INSANE.

And they say women mature faster than guys :rolleyes:

*Sry to all the womenfolk on here - there are many exceptions to the misogynistic views which I express, and I love you ladies that are the exceptions. I seek your type out.

Just give me a heads up when you upgrade to a new model and put the current one on the curb lawn.



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Brian, sorry to hear she is still treating you like shit. Hope you are able to not get sucked back in by her and can move on. You have always tried to help her and every time I have been around you it seems like she treats you like shit.

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