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Wish me luck, tomorrow is V day...


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Well guys, since the riding season is officially, I've made the hardest decision I've ever had to make.... I'm going in tomorrow for a vasectomy :(. I've got one son right now and while I love him more than anything, I just can't do it again. My wife called me selfish (she wants a little girl), but I bought her a new diamond this week so I think she's on board with the decision now. So wish me luck, I guess I'll be walking funny for the next week or so.

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yikes.... i've known other guys that have done it and they don't regret it though...

they said a positive of it is that it can be done in the doc's office with local numbing and leave the same day. I think that's a NEGATIVE. I'd rather be knocked out before someone starts snipping my junk and i'd want to be out of it for days after so i dont have to think about what happened until it's all better

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how much does this cost? I have 2 already and dont want no mo.

A few hundred, and usually covered by health insurance (they hate babies as much as we do!)


Have some sperm stored? it's only like $20/month to store it. If in the next year you change your mind you can turkey-baster it! Call it foreplay!

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how much does this cost? I have 2 already and dont want no mo.

My doctor is charging about $500, but its a covered procedure by my health insurance (Summa). The insurance company should be happy to pay it, I think it cost them around $12k for my wife to have our son.

I'm actually surprised she thinks you getting fixed is selfish. I don't know many females that would hesitate to jump on the offer to not have their tubes tied.

She felt that our son should have a sibling to grow up with so he wouldn't be lonely. I disagree, I think he'll be just as happy being an only child. I would have been fine being an only child, but I didn't get that lucky. But then again, I am an asshole and not much of a people person.

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forget the frozen peas.. they suck ass and thaw in a matter of minutes.

My buddy used something else that he said worked great.

What did he use that was better? I already got the peas, I told my wife she has to eat them when I'm done with them:D We don't waste food at our house.

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I am an only child and its GREAT! I only wanted 1 kid,but my dam swimmers are too good now i have 2. I am going to look into this and please report when its done. Also did u freeze any sperms for the "just in case"?

Ok, I'll let you know how it goes. I thought about freezing some sperm for the just in case, but I just don't think I want to keep that option open. I'm going on 35 yrs old, and I just don't see me one day saying hey lets have another.

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There was an episode of two and a half men the other night, Charley went to go get this done, couldn't do it but came home with a date. Pretty funny episode. Good luck with the procedure!

:lol: i watched that last night

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Thanks for all the replies guys... For anyone curious, the procedure was cake. I didn't feel anything at all and as of now I still have no pain or discomfort. I even decided just to come back to work today, I was bored sitting around the house yesterday.

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