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The Drama Continues

DTM Brian

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First things first Brian...are you TRULY done with her?

It's hard to say, I'm slapping a protection order on you after you just opened the door and invited her in.

Tell her...in one statement...and I would do this over the phone, not via text, because irrational people may not take that seriously...tell her you're done..over..she's not to come around...no more calls..visits..etc..or else you will get the order. Don't make it a conversation, just make that statement, then get off the phone.

Of course, we are all on the sidelines here and she could have some bomb ass punany that is clouding your judgement. :)

1. There is no fixing any of this. Even if I did want it to work she would fall off the wagon in 2 months. She needs help.

2. I have tried the whole thing about PLEASE stay away. I wish the best. If you do not stay away I will take legal action.

3. I open the door and let her in to prevent her from destroying shit outside my house.

4. Of course we all know that crazy women are crazy in bed. LOL. But it is not worth the heartache of putting up with her crap. If all she wanted to be was sex buddy then I would be the luckiest guy alive.

5. I think a trip to see her folks with copies of the text messages would find herself without her family again. They think she has been staying sober since she moved out in June. LOL

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I had a woman that did the irrational thing. Broke things off three times, and then would come back in tears within the week. Yeah, I'm the idiot who thought I could make it work. Cyber burn the whole relationship. It felt great.

Friended her again on Facebook when the "I'm so sorry" message came through again, so she could see that I was with a younger woman who had just gotten her law degree. A year after this whole thing, Erin and I are still together, and I still smile about the finality on the last relationship.

Also, give Lauren the website and threads. Picture might help, and cyber-burn Baby, Burn!

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1. There is no fixing any of this. Even if I did want it to work she would fall off the wagon in 2 months. She needs help.

2. I have tried the whole thing about PLEASE stay away. I wish the best. If you do not stay away I will take legal action.

3. I open the door and let her in to prevent her from destroying shit outside my house.

4. Of course we all know that crazy women are crazy in bed. LOL. But it is not worth the heartache of putting up with her crap. If all she wanted to be was sex buddy then I would be the luckiest guy alive.

5. I think a trip to see her folks with copies of the text messages would find herself without her family again. They think she has been staying sober since she moved out in June. LOL

Go the legal route then...your only choice. And if it were me, I'd let her break shit outside. Take a picture of her doing it. call the cops..whatever...but I wouldn't let her back in my house. Never.

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As I look at the clock it is 2:25 am. Lauren has been calling and texting me since 1:30 am saying we need to talk. I have not answered the phone. My guess is she is drunk. I do not want to turn my phone off so I am prepared for the worst. If she comes to the house I am calling the cops so they can haul her drunk ass off. I did not want it to come to this. It looks like I am going to need to get a protection order.

Ugh I had to deal with that with the ex. She would get sloshed and blow my phone up then show up at my house. However, I'm not so strong willed so I'd usually just bang her then kick her out in the am. Seriously though man, if you gotta get a protection order then just do it. No sense in dealing with some crazy bitch that won't leave you alone. Hopefully she doesn't show up, it sucks to deal with a drunken whore causing a scene and waking up your neighbors. Trust me I've been there.

What's the problem here guys?!? :dunno:

"Now I'll relay this little bit

It happens more than I'd like to admit

Late at night, she knocks on my door

She's drunk again and, looking to score

Now I know, I should say no, but

It's kind of hard when she's ready to go

I may be dumb, but I'm not a dweeb

I'm just a sucker with no self esteem"

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I asked what her bar tab was last night. Her reply was $200.00


If she's as hot an amazonian as you claim... She waren't buyin' no fuggin' drinks for herself :rolleyes:

Bat.. Shit.. Crazy..

She's NOT crazy.... She's a typical 21 year old, irrational, self centered chick, partyin' her a$$ off, who's got some growin' up to do, & maybe some "daddy issues" which is why she's drawn to Brian I'm guessing

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It's either open the door or go and be destructive.

Hence. Protection Order Time.

The protection order might be harder to get than you think...

Unless I read the statute wrong (which is possible), you're going to have to show that she's guilty of 'menacing by stalking' in order to get a protection order.

that would mean she has to be "knowingly committing acts which make you believe she will cause you physical harm, or emotional distress."

...and courts are skeptical about emotional distress. Unless you're seeing a therapist about it, they're probably not going to do anything.

Now if she owns firearms, fear of physical harm is easier to prove.

I say just start calling the cops on her every time she shows up at your house. After they pick her up a few times for vandalism and/or trespassing, and she's wasted, either the cops will get sick of dealing with her and charge her with something more serious, or a judge will put the puzzle together, and levy a harsher sentence.

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You could tell her not to contact you using any of your telecommunication devices. Tell her once, record it or send her a certified letter stating this. The next time she faxes, texts or calls have proof and call the cops. They have to arrest her. You might have to explain it to the cops but it's the law she would go to jail. It would send a message of leave me the hell alone without getting all crazy about it. I'll see if I can find the ORC that dictates this. This is advice from a VERY savy attorney.

I found it:

Title 29 Crimes procedure Chapters 2911 to 2923

2917.21 Telecommunications harassment

read (a) and (5) and (b) and (3)

misdemeanor of the 1st degree on the first offense and a felony of the fifth degree on each subsequent offense.


she could still stop by for "nookie" but she can't call you or text or email or fax:D

na really this is sad, stressful stuff, I hope it ends soon for you.

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I have not received a text or call in 48 hours. So it looks like everything is going to be ok.

You could tell her not to contact you using any of your telecommunication devices. Tell her once, record it or send her a certified letter stating this. The next time she faxes, texts or calls have proof and call the cops. They have to arrest her. You might have to explain it to the cops but it's the law she would go to jail. It would send a message of leave me the hell alone without getting all crazy about it. I'll see if I can find the ORC that dictates this. This is advice from a VERY savy attorney.

I found it:

Title 29 Crimes procedure Chapters 2911 to 2923

2917.21 Telecommunications harassment

read (a) and (5) and (b) and (3)

misdemeanor of the 1st degree on the first offense and a felony of the fifth degree on each subsequent offense.


she could still stop by for "nookie" but she can't call you or text or email or fax:D

na really this is sad, stressful stuff, I hope it ends soon for you.

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Maybe she found another sugar-daddy to latch on to, but when he gets wise to her gold-diggin' ways, he's going to kick her ass to the curb...back to your front door. Do you have the strength to turn the punanny away? Damn those succubus, and their evil ways.

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Maybe she found another sugar-daddy to latch on to, but when he gets wise to her gold-diggin' ways, he's going to kick her ass to the curb...back to your front door. Do you have the strength to turn the punanny away? Damn those succubus, and their evil ways.

Not all women are like this, fortunately.

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