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Pop machine "hack"


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Most modern soda machines have little computers in them. The tiny RED LCD usually displays the data. The computer can be controlled by using certain buttons on the soda machine in different combinations. This can be used to check the temperature, see the amount of money (load and dump), and dump certain sodas. Will usually only work on newer machines that look like the one on the right. They need to have an LCD and also need to have some type of message on it “ICE COLD SODAS” This tells you it is running something.

1) Accessing the Menu: Press the buttons [4][2][3][1] one after another. It will be left to right in some machines and up and down in some so try both methods. Once you press these keys you will be in the debug menu. It should display ERROR or something similar.

2) Once you are in, button [1] becomes the back/exit type of command. Button [2] becomes scroll up. Button [3] becomes scroll down. And Button [4] becomes select/enter. You can now scroll through the features.

3) As you scroll through the menus you will see items such as SALE, CASH, VER, ERROR, and RTN.

4) What each item means: Cash - displays the amount of money in the machine. You will also be able to find more info on what was purchased how much for each item and are arranged by slot #s. SALE- shows how many drinks have been sold and how many from each slot. (slots are in same order as buttons so if button 1 is coke then slot 1 is coke as well.) VER- the machine firmware version. (pointless) ERROR- COLJ (Column Jam), VEnd (Vend Mechanism), Door (Door Switch), Sels (Selection Switch), CHAR (Changer Errors), Acce (Acceptor Errors), Sts (Space 2 Sales), and bVal (Vill Validators). (can’t do anything w/ this either, except clear the errors!) RTN- Returns back to normal menus, you can also do this by pressing on the coin return button or the back button. Also by holding a coin at the tip of the coin slot it will display the current temperature of the inside of the soda machine.

5) There above are the options that are usually enabled, but most other options are usually disabled if the owner (or maintenance dude) is smart. But if they happen to be enabled here they are: CPO- Coin payment mode, which will dump coins out of the machine. You will be able to specify the type (dime, nickel, ect.) and the amount. tvFL- tube fill mode, which lets you fill the machine w/ coins. (retarded huh) PASS- allows you to change the default password from 4231 to something else. PrlC- change the price of a drink! (1 cent!) StOS change what each button links to (so if some1 presses coke you can make it go 2 sprite.) COn- are machine configuration settings too much to tell just experiment. TIME- Set TIME. LANG- change language.

I'm gonna try it, though I'm sure ones at very public places like walmart or the mall are secured against this, i bet places like office break rooms, waiting areas, etc arent

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I wrote this article in 2005. It’s been 4 years. Asides from the fact I was a horrible writer back then, I doubt this hack still works. Most machine vendors were patching up machines when this hit the internet. And keeping in mind that this is probably illegal, unless you find a old machine that still does this, you probably should just shell out a buck or two for your drink! :)

try and and let us know if it still works...

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we use to have a machine that you could feed a 5 followed quickly by a 1 and it would spit both back out then reinsert the 5 and it would keep it in make your soda selection and the 5 would come back out and it would dispense change from the 5.

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Got my hand in a little bit of everything. ;)

Actually, we dont mess with the vending business anymore but still have the machines sitting in the shop. Garrett, should I post pix so I'm not accused of lying?

hey I have seen pics of the tractors so I believe you, as long as your soda machines are not really gumball machines that are not yours but a friends that his parents rent for you

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This might not work anymore but to get the coins to drop out of an older machine:

Boil some water, dissolve as much salt as will dissolve & put in a spray bottle. Walk up to the machine and spray like 1/2 a cup into the bill slot. The display will freak out a bit and then drop its coins. I have never done it myself but, I have seen this done. Probably will not work anymore...

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Got my hand in a little bit of everything. ;)

Actually, we dont mess with the vending business anymore but still have the machines sitting in the shop. Garrett, should I post pix so I'm not accused of lying?

Sell them to Gump. He needs vending machines to keep the slaves hydrated.

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