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revolver recomendations


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I find the Ruger LCR too butt ugly to seriously consider. I have a S&W 340PD snubbie that is great for CCW. The concealed hammer won't get tangled when you draw and the double-action only trigger pull will pretty much keep you from ever shooting it accidentally. Anything bigger than a S&W J-frame (5-shot) will likely be too big and heavy for regular concealed carry.

Now, if you just want to shoot for fun, there are lots of other options. I like a 4" barrel .38/.357 for a good house gun and a 6" barrel for target/plinking. Stainless steel is good so you don't have to worry about the finish wearing off.

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  dmagicglock said:
I don't get it? your S&W looks almost exactly like the ruger...


I dunno. I think the S&W and the Ruger look considerably different.

That being said, all other things being equal, I dont know that the visual appearance of a firearm ever had much effect on my purchase of a firearm.

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  SAMBUSA said:
I heart my S&W 38 snub Airweight ;)


  yotaman88210 said:
Im a sucker for the hammerless pistols. Cant help it. So light, so small. Good stuff

Check out the S&W 638 airweight. It has a shrouded hammer so you can still shoot single action, yet it wont get caught on anything on the draw and it only weighs 12oz. empty. I have found it to be very accurate with a little practice and when its in my pocket, I forget its there.



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