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Super Nintendo Question


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So, I've been going back and forth on whether I should sell my SNES and games. I don't play it anymore, it seems to be around more as a decoration than a gaming system.

The only thing is I have no idea how much I should be selling it for. I've looked on Ebay, but haven't found anything comparable... at least I don't think they are when it comes to the games.

I don't really want to part with it... but the extra cash would be helpful in purchasing the last few items that I need to finish the repairs on my bike.

All this being said, I figured you all would be able to give me a fair estimate on what I should be asking for it on Ebay or whereever.

What I have is the SNES, necessary cables, 3 controllers, and these games (22):

Killer Instinct

The Legend of Zelda A link to the Past

Super Mario All-Stars

Super Mario World

Super Mario Cart

Super Empire Strikes Back

Super R-Type

Darius Twin

Mortal Kombat

Mortal Kombat II

Mortal Kombat III


Zombies Ate My Neighbors


Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball

Donkey Kong Country


Super Tennis

NHLPA Hockey ‘93

NHL ‘94

Tecmo Super Bowl II

Tecmo Super Bowl

What do you all think I should look to get out of this, if I decide to part with it?


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Honestly with the Xbox360 and PS3 I really doubt you will get much out of it. SNES is just way to old for the new stuff out there. I personally wouldnt want a SNES when there are games out there with better graphics for better systems.

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since you have Shaq Fu Id ask for probably $500.00

Ahh yes Shaq Fu... if you've ever played it you would know why in my house when someone had difficulty moving a character in a game we laugh and say, "You can't drive Shaq Fu!"

As far as parts that are left. I need to get a new handlebar and most likely new clutch/brake levers. Both of those seem to range from very inexpensive (stock) to crazy expensive (aftermarket).

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dude I just searched high and low to find a good snes and nes. These are classic systems that I am proud to own. I wouldn't get rid of it If I were you. But I'm saying with all the games and everything you can probably get $50 off of it on Craigslist. Or you could hook me up with a couple games ;)

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If you're in C-bus there's always Play It Trade It on Polaris. I'd keep it; there's just something about SNES that the new systems can't touch. Heck, I've kept all my vintage systems. But, if you don't want it, I'd be happy to take a few cartridges off your hands.

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