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I officially hate winter


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This is gonna take forever to type. Can only do it with my left hand. And...it's not what you think. :nono:

Long story short, i slipped on some snow...and gashed my hand open on my stairs. Real beautiful looking, ripped it open in a nice jagged way. Little pebbles of skin laying around, deep enough to expose the tissue...and leave a awesome looking flap.

Tetanus shot...check. X rays...to see if anything happened to be stuck inside. Check. Having a needle shoved into my open wound!? WTF!? Obviously, they needed a way to numb my hand to put stitches in...but there is no better way? Honestly? :confused: I think the nurse left the handle in there. Fyi...there are alot of nerves in the hand...and i think she hit every one. MMMM, that felt better than the inital gash to the hand. :roll:

I snapped 2 pics with a phone...if anyone's interested in seeing them. Probably be able to get them up later.

Moral of the story...winter is a bitch and needs to die. A slow...painful death. I know IP's down. :D

Anyway, be careful people. Who knew a white substance could cause such problems? :p

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I know exactly how you feel. I had a single pane piece of glass shatter on me and a large shard dropped right down my hand and sliced my palm open starting between my thumb and index finger all the way to my wrist. It was my right hand too. The doc told me I was lucky I didn't damage any nerves in my right hand. That would have sucked not feeling anything in that hand ever again. (the stranger anyone? Lol)

The nurs stuck a bendable needle straight into the cut and injected numbing stuff. That hurt like a mofo! I think I may have bent the rail on the left side of the bed. Or at least left a hand print. Then they stitched it up. Couldn't put pressure on my right palm for 3 months. It really sucks.

And yes, winter needs to die a horrible death.

Edited by RSVDon
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I know exactly how you feel. I had a single pane piece of glass shatter on me and a large shard dropped right down my hand and sliced my palm open starting between my thumb and index finger all the way to my wrist. It was my right hand too. The doc told me I was lucky I didn't damage any nerves in my right hand. That would have sucked not feeling anything in that hand ever again. (the stranger anyone? Lol)

The nurs stuck a bendable needle straight into the cut and injected numbing stuff. That hurt like a mofo! I think I may have bent the rail on the left side of the bed. Or at least left a hand print. Then they stitched it up. Couldn't put pressure on my right palm for 3 months. It really sucks.

And yes, winter needs to die a horrible death.

I'm obviously not a medical person, but i figured they would rub something on or around the wound. Maybe even squirt something on the wound. Not stick a needle inside it. Priceless moment...was watching the gf almost lose it. :D

3 months is crazy. Christ. I get my stitches out in 2 weeks.

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3 months is crazy. Christ. I get my stitches out in 2 weeks.

My stitches came out 3 weeks after I think. But the sensitivity in my palm didn't allow me to use my hand for anything strenuous and didn't allow me to put pressure on it for months. It still hurts on occasion for some reason. Really random.

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Be glad that they didn't scrub the wound after the injection with a wire brush.

Glad to here that you didn't lop your arm off on the stairs.

Sure it sucks, but it could always suck more.

I've had friends that have been through the brush scrubbing. I can't even IMAGINE what that would feel like. The thought of it just reinforces my need to wear ATGATT on the bike!

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Pics or it didnt happen! ahha im kidding. Bummer! hope it all heals up soon! I hate when stupid nonsense like that happens.

One time when I was in first grade, I had a nerf suction dark gun. I shot it at the windsheild of my dads car, and climbed up to get it. I slid down the hood, like a slide at the park. I cought my leg on the corner of his licenes plate. Bent the plate over, and ripped my leg open. 23 stiches outside and 11 inside, and I was good to go. I couldn't sit indian style at school for a good while.

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Be glad that they didn't scrub the wound after the injection with a wire brush.

Glad to here that you didn't lop your arm off on the stairs.

Sure it sucks, but it could always suck more.

Wire brush? No...but she scrubbed the shit out of it with some gauze. I couldn't feel it. However, i felt a good bit of the stitching process. It was either, deal with the pain...or get the needle in the wound again.

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:nono: I was expecting something worth discussing. I've had cuts like that before that I never got any medical attention for, other than just something to hold it closed!

Ok, none of them were in the palm of the hand though. I'm not going to doubt the amount of pain that caused!!!!

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Yeah, shoot. I woulda considered stitching that one myself.

Your clutch hand is worse. I bashed a knuckle three years ago in the late Winter. It still won't quite straighten out. It swelled up about twice normal size. It was bad enough to get 5 xrays to see if it was broken. I worried that I wouldn't be able to clutch up with it. It was close, but it was healed just enough to work the clutch. Although I was clutching with two fingers and skipping the bad one a lot.

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Yes. Unfortunately Some of my 1st thoughts were...that's my damn throttle hand.

You got no throttle, why you need a throttle hand ?? :D

And that just a scratch come on. I was thinkin carnage, next time I see you we'll compare scars. My smallest one is ten times worse than that and I've got 12 so far. :p

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