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State of the economy rant.


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I was reading a thread from Isaccs Pappa about finding someone else doing his job at the exact company he was laid off from a while back and this is what came to mind.....

That really sucks man... This is the fucking problem. Everyone is focused on profit.. PERIOD!...Ill bet that paying you, versus paying a fucking newb isnt really saving the Co from going under.. Its all about profit!! They dont have to pay SS tax or benefits, and less salary.. And there getting away with it.... It all started with Wal Mart, then total deregulation with the banks and traders.. First, Wally started putting everyone under buy selling the cheap ass Chinese shit.. Putting companies like Rubbermade, RCA etc out of business. And then the fucking American "sheep people" flocked in to wally world to save a buck. Literally 1 dollar! When they should have looked around at where there spending there money. Then the banks lent every dickhead with his hand out, the money he wanted.. They are so fucking stupid...And Enron jumped at the new deregulated energy laws, and didnt have to show a real profit. Witch in turn totally opened the door to manipulating energy costs by the traders.. I have Republican values, but I have to say...Reinstate the regs... Boycott all the big sellout retailers ....starting with Wal Mart(retard world, in case you havnt seen the pictures) Pay cash for everything you buy... Save Gasoline and electricity..and, FYI Im self employed, and business is off... lets start supporting unions again. Otherwise corporate is going to run the worker down, and take me with them... Then we can all live 15 in a two bedroom apt. Just like every 3rd world country. The everyday guy wont be able to find more than a 10$ an hr job. Its happening right now!! So.. Live within your means, get an education, and pay the fucking bills... Whew!!!.. Hows that for a rant?? ha ha ha. Good Luck Papa, im sure you'll land on your feet....

Now jump in, I wanna hear your opinion.

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all I had to do is read the first sentence. I know exactly what you mean.

companies wonder why everyone doesn't care for the most part...

why would anyone care about a company that has the reputation of such practices?

I feel more for the people who got hired. they are destined for the same thing but have never been in that situation before. so it's going to seem like the end of the world is coming down on them when they get let go. the people who got laid off are all the wiser now thanks to this experience.

companies are all about #1, you HAVE to be the same way.

in the last few years I only been in a walmart maybe 3 times. bought nothing. people need to stop supporting companies that move over seas, sell china products, don't buy as much products from other countries and quit bitching about the price of american products. things cost less at walmart etc because the workers from china etc are paid a day what most americans make in 30 min.

if all the jobs keep moving away...who the fuck is going to be able to keep buying the stuff they make?

it just doesn't make any damn sense to me.

Edited by serpentracer
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Yeah to all of it but the union shit. they steal money from there poor members to pay the fat cats up top. Were I work we have no union have no lay offs you only get fired if you suck and deserve to. We still had a profit sharing bonus for every employee on the floor. Did we make some sacrafices in the last year hell yeah I lost lots of money this year. But I didnt loose my job, as much as I bitch which is alot I still have a job to bitch about.

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Then we can all live 15 in a two bedroom apt. Just like every 3rd world country.

You are right about most of what you have said, i just wanted to clear this one, not every " so called " 3rd world country lives 15 in a 2 bedroom apt.

other than that, i totaly understand what you mean, and you have got some good points in it.

but again why don't some of these " American " companies reduce the amout of profite they are trying to get, so the Americans can have some kinda " Almsot " a comparising between the prices and say " freck it, i'll pay 2 more dollars and buy an american product "

I deal with some chineese products my self, and the Licensed" American desgine but chineese made " cost us 5-9 times more.....

Edited by BikerBoy
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Walmart didn't cause the problem, they merely exploited our ignorance and greed. It's all about sacrifice. I pay higher prices for US made products because I realize my livelyhood depends on Americans buying US made products. A very simple concept really. Sure, I probably won't be able to fill my house with every Chinese made electronic do-dad that comes along, but I'll survive somehow.

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This economy is another reason why people should continue to improve themselves instead of settling down on a job/career and expecting the company to keep them gainfully employed for the rest of their lives.

Its funny how you bitch about cheap chinese products but isnt that part of capitalism? It's certainly a part of economics.

Blaming republicans and lack of regulations werent the cause of this recession. Look into Clinton's administration and his impact on the Community Reinvestment Act. (Disclamer: Im not putting blame on solely one party).

The market place buys whatever products are better (price and effectiveness). American companies should step up their game if they want to compete. As a consumer Ill buy whatever product I feel is a better value....whether it be american or other.

I dont

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American companies should step up their game if they want to compete.

Compete? How do you compete with a labor force that makes a fraction of ours, government subsidation of industry, currency manipulation and government provided healthcare? Other than throwing in the towel and having your product manufactured in the countries that enjoy these advantages, you could ask your employees to work for 75 cents/hr with no benefits. Any takers?

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The real problem is the hyper inflation of everything american. It starts with the labor being to high, also the shareholders need there cut on top of that. Labor needs to pay top dollar due to the over high prices on the products we need to survive. Homes are over priced, food, clothes, basic needs to survive. Not to mention that the cost of what it takes to produce electrics toys as to what they sell for. You think they are not making a killing on electronics? I hope the whole world crashes, heads back to the stone ages where you have to hunt for your food and provide for yourself. and paper money is worth the paper it is printed on. That is what it is gonna take a fresh start to make this country right again. Like stated above you gonna give up your wages and work for what they pay in china? Are the execs gonna give up there million dollar bonus? Are the people gonna stop buying what they need to make there life easier? Not gonna happen, and it's not gonna get better anytime soon.

rant over

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People think cheap workers is somehow the answer to everything. Sure it's part of the problem, but how about a company become more innovative. Create products and processes that put themselves ahead of the curve. Provide a product/process in a niche market somewhere.

Failing business models is what drives the companies into the ground. Its not just China and cheap labor.

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what really gets under my skin these days is companies looking to hire that start out in entry level positions, minimum wage, and expect an associate or bachelors and at least a year or two experience.

who's to blame? fucking idiots that go apply to these places...they keep feeding the beast.

I don't know about some of you but I didn't go to college for 4 years to work for less than $30/hr. just sayin.

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No I am refering to the union that has to make $20 an hour to clean locker rooms or have double time for sat an triple for sundays. They strike if they are gonna loose a few dollars a hour. Then scream for a bail out when they go belly up! Guys at my shop took anywhere from a 15,000 to 30,000 pay cut this year. I was one of them. Were we over paid for what we do? HELL YES, I rode the fat pig while I could when they cut our piece work prices we all moaned. Did we strike? did we walk out? no we went to work and did our jobs. Do I still make good money yes, does the company make more off me then they should yes. And even more since they cut our prices. And trust me I hate the game alot!

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I guess if I was losing the 'game' on a consistent basis, I'd probably pick up my ball and go home.

Should a janitor make $20/hr, who's to say? How do you know he isn't worth $20/hr?

If it came down to giving 200 people a $5/hr raise, or a CEO another $2.1M bonus on his $8M salary - I'd probably choose the former.

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I feel your pain Speedy. As people lose their jobs, they wont have money to spend on items or services. So the snowplow guy and the landscaper lose customers and money. As a result those businesses have to make cuts in employees and equipment. There needs to be more manufacturing domestically. Need a good prodcut, priced right, which includes the cost of labor. Good pay SHOULD bring good workers, but not always. IS my beer any better or colder when served by workers at the stadium, no.

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Speedy and I work at the same place. ALL hourly and salary people took a pay cut or reduction in hours, so at least we were all in the same boat. I'd give up SOME of my hours to still have a job. I am not sure that the savings on reduced cost of a product always makes it to end user. Other costs stayed the same or went up, like utlity,shipping cost of raw materials and the actual materials.

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