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State of the economy rant.


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i'm not being snarky, or being a hater, but i think it's time to start offering mandarin chinese as a second language in public school.

i, for one, welcome our superior slant eyed overlords.

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There are so many things wrong, at so many levels, im not sure of the solution either. Im sure there is more than one way out...just saying. We have got to start somewhere, and that somewhere is getting on the same page to start. And it seems to me that we can only start at a grassroots level, by making some of the same choices..... Stop feeding the beast.

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what? you haven't learned it yet? there are only two major characters in chinese phonetics. I like to call them the 2 C's of China:

ching and chong.

there, now you know chinese. time to get that international business degree you've been wanting.

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The typical American worker has become fat and lazy. Unions facilitate this.

I have more, I'll add later.

At a shade over 12% of the working population, I don't think union workers are the problem. Given the advantages of our competitors (see earlier post), I doubt that it is humanly possible for Americans to work hard eneogh to make up the difference.

I don't think people understand the disparity in worker costs. I ran across this article recently about electrical engineers salaries in Taiwan. This excerpt says it all.

In mainland China, an EE earns a median salary of $7,000, about one-third of the $22,700 of his counterpart across the Taiwan Strait and roughly 50 percent below the mean salary for the entire Asia region, $13,500.


Let me know if you find anyone with an engineering degree that wants to work for less than $600/month.

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if you've ever worked in a union you know that they're as worthless as the people they help keep employed. (speaking from experience at multiple union jobs, that shouldn't even have been unionized!)

Back in the day, they had a place, back when companies could get away with almost anything. These days, there are too many labor laws, and about all the unions deal with are above and beyond maintaining safe and fair working conditions, and more about how much money they suck out of the company, and how many benefits. Just my opinion and how I see it, of course.

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what? you haven't learned it yet? there are only two major characters in chinese phonetics. I like to call them the 2 C's of China:

ching and chong.

there, now you know chinese. time to get that international business degree you've been wanting.

I think your forgot the third...chang.

Ching chong chang motherfucka!

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Back in the day, they had a place, back when companies could get away with almost anything. These days, there are too many labor laws, and about all the unions deal with are above and beyond maintaining safe and fair working conditions, and more about how much money they suck out of the company, and how many benefits. Just my opinion and how I see it, of course.

I Agree with you 100%


1. My wife who works for Pepsi Americas (3yrs) is being bought back by Pepsi Co. My wife used to manage a Pizza Hut (13yrs ago) which was owned by Pepsi Co. company. Pizza Huts were sold off as franchises.

Being as her employment with Pepsi Co. was not terminated (she was sold off) when Pepsi Co does buy Pepsi Americas. She gets 13 years of seniority and benefits just like that.

Works out for the good. But there is a lot of stupid stuff that she puts up with now.

2. My dad worked for Conrail back in the early 80s was laid off a few times, finally tired of it and ended up doing something else for about a decade. Anyway we move back he looks into going back to work for the rail road. They ask him where he is at in the list. Turns out he is the #2 or 3 guy. Long story short he gets paid from the time they refilled his position it was like 9 years of back pay.

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Okay here is another reason that i think realy helps freckin up the economy, and i see that with my job everyday" Buying stuff off the internet " you can find the same things that you have to pay 15$ frm a store for 7$ online, and you do that, i understand everybody needs to save money, that is cool

but here is what you really did .

cut someone income , probably leading to 1 or more sales men to lose their jobs, which might lead to a store or more to close.

" okay someone might say why don't they meet the internet price " i have a theory about that , they can't because the store pays 1. hourly rage for employee who helps you finding something that you just take the name and the modle number and search for it online to save some bucks.

2. the store pays federal , state, county, and so many other taxes , that the internet sale doesn't pay, neither the sales tax.

3. you can always go back and return whatever you bought, or even ask for explination abotu something, or get ur stuff fixed if it was deficted or even excahnge, most of internet sales will be finaly, and sometimes you buy an PSP from ebay and get a 10 years old gameboy instead.

but hey you saved 20 dollars on that .

1 sales man lost his job, that guy won't give his sone money to buy ur candy that you are selling, and he won't come to ur store and buy his wife a new earings, and hey he will not come to your workstation and fix his motorcycle, he will sell it and walk, or find an online someone to fix it for him ...

and so you lost a customer or more, and day by day you are losing more customer, so you will have 2 options, you can close and be like that guy

or you can start selling your serivces online and fire your workers " heck at least you are fine right ? "

So seriousely i do beleive that buying stuff online " and i am talking about stuff that you can buy from stores " just so you save few bucks is frecking up this country's economy, that if it isn't number 1 reason for it ............ my rant " temporarly " over.

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Some of the biggest online retailers also have physical stores (walmart, best buy, target.. etc)

Not to mention, internet sales help these retailers (small, and major) make money when they may otherwise miss out on sales. The cash comes in when the busy worker (and parent) doesn't have time to go shop, or cannot get there during normal business hours... The online store is ALWAYS open.

The money comes in when the weather is too treacherous to hit the stores... I used to be a buyer for a major retailer in DC, and whenever we got any unexpected snow, our area branch sales took a BEATING vs. the projection. And with stores in multiple locations throughout the East coast, 6 stores could be affected one week, and 10 the next (depending on the weather pattern).

The money comes in when the consumer needs to purchase a gift for someone, and have it sent to their home which is 3000mi. away.

Which brings me to another point... The rise and prominence of online retailing has given more work to the shipping industry (i.e. FedEx, UPS) (Just a hypothesis... I haven't researched this).

Edited by KruelHouse
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