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Smoke Alarms. Check Them.


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Mine Smoke Detector wors just fine, the wife was cooking the other day, it got a little smokey, and there we go " and by the way that thing is NOOOOOOIIIIIIIISSSSEEE" . lol i suppose they are supposed to be , ha ?

i just hope it won't go off in the middle of the night , lol it will give me a heart attack for sure :p

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Too bad you don't have a garage that my wife's POS car could be in when such a terrible loss could occur.....

Had a friend whose garage burnt down a few years back. His bike, and car were inside and was a total loss. His home owners insurance covered the loss of the garage and tools, but not the vehicles. He didn't have insurance on the bike, while it was stripped, and his car only had liability.

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Had a friend whose garage burnt down a few years back. His bike, and car were inside and was a total loss. His home owners insurance covered the loss of the garage and tools, but not the vehicles. He didn't have insurance on the bike, while it was stripped, and his car only had liability.

WOW, must have crappy homeowners' insurance if it didn't cover loss of property contained within the dwelling. The only way it shouldn't cover the loss of vehicles is if the vehicles loss is/was covered under a separate policy. If not covered, the homeowners' insurance should cover it. Be very surprised if it isn't actually covered.

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WOW, must have crappy homeowners' insurance if it didn't cover loss of property contained within the dwelling. The only way it shouldn't cover the loss of vehicles is if the vehicles loss is/was covered under a separate policy. If not covered, the homeowners' insurance should cover it. Be very surprised if it isn't actually covered.

Homeowners covering loss of a motor vehicle? :wtf:

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On the news, they were touting 10 years for replacement. I like the 5 years idea though. I need to put some up here, there are a couple NIB ready to go, but I think I might look for some interconnecteds....

The only reason I say 5 is because there have been some serious advances in the technology in the last 5 or so years. Its cheap insurance.

If you have a fairly new security system with wireless capabilities, you can get some detectors that wirelessly connect to your system and report to a central station when they go off. The hard wired interconnected ones can be connected to your security system with a relay. This is the set up that I have. It is just as effective, reports alarms to central station and is way cheaper than buying system specific detectors.

On the CO (carbon monoxide) detectors. Doesn't CO build up from the ground up, making it important to have them neat the floor? Maybe I'm thinking something else, but I thought that's how it worked....

CO is lighter than air. Therefore, install your detector on the ceiling, away from heat ducts. You want to install these near sleeping areas much like a smoke detector. They must be more than 15 feet from a gas appliance.

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Homeowners covering loss of a motor vehicle? :wtf:

That was my thought. I want to know what company he has, or at least what agent gave him that line of BS.

I switched insurance companies a few years back after that happened to my friend, and I ask around to see if any would cover a vehicle as a personal property, and they all told me that vehicles had to be covered separately.

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CO is lighter than air. Therefore, install your detector on the ceiling, away from heat ducts. You want to install these near sleeping areas much like a smoke detector. They must be more than 15 feet from a gas appliance.

Thanks for the clarification. I must've been thinking of something else, or just have seen someone do it wrong before.

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