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Send California inmates to Mexico, says Schwarzenegger


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"I think that we can do so much better in the prison system alone if we can go and take, inmates for instance, the 20,000 inmates that are illegal immigrants that are here and get them to Mexico," Schwarzenegger said.

"Think about it -- if California gives Mexico the money. Not 'Hey, you take care of them, these are your citizens'. No. Not at all.

"We pay them to build the prison down in Mexico. And then we have those undocumented immigrants down there in prison. It would half the costs to build the prison and run the prison. We could save a billion dollars right there that could go into higher education."

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How about just ship them down to Mexico and not give them any money? Why do we need to give Mexico money to house their citizens for crimes they committed on American soil?

Fucking Neo-Con. I hate the Governator! :mad:

If you go to Canada and commit a crime, you'll do the time in Canada. FYI.

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So what? This isn't Canada. Ship their sorry asses back to Mexico, Canada, Crapistan... wherever the fuck they came from. Why spend money housing these assholes?

Did they commit a crime that is punishable by death? Yes: Execute. No: Deport.

Pauly for President: 2012!! President of Amerika, Bitches!! (shoots AK into air)

Send them back to Mexico where they can cross the boarder and be back in the US within the week to commit more crimes? I think I just shot a planet sized hole through your plan. Now if Mexico wasn't so corrupt and they'd actually do something about their citizens committing crimes, that would be a different story. However, as the "drug war" clearly shows, those deported criminals would be back on US soil in no time.

With that said, outsourcing our prisons to Mexico is a horrible idea.
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Any plan is useless until we secure our border with Mexico. It needs to be secure. Then' date=' we wouldn't have this problem.

So, strategy reroute...

Arm Texas, Arizona, California and New Mexico with fully automatic machine guns and tell them their sovereignty is in their hands. Let the states maintain the borders. They'll do a helluva' better job than the Feds do. (not that the Feds give a fuck about this nation's sovereignty)[/quote']

Pauly for Border Patrol 2010: Protecting Amerika Bitches!!! (Shoots AK in the air while tossing a live grenade).:D

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Send them back to Mexico where they can cross the boarder and be back in the US within the week to commit more crimes? I think I just shot a planet sized hole through your plan. Now if Mexico wasn't so corrupt and they'd actually do something about their citizens committing crimes, that would be a different story. However, as the "drug war" clearly shows, those deported criminals would be back on US soil in no time.

With that said, outsourcing our prisons to Mexico is a horrible fucking idea.


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Back during the early years of the Great Depression, then President Herbert Hoover ordered the deportation of all illegal aliens in order to make the jobs available to American citizens that desperately needed work. Approximately one-million Mexicans were sent home during this endevor

Once again in 1954, President Dwight Eisenhower deported 1.3 million Mexican nationals (called ‘Operation Wetback’) in order that returning American WWII and Korean veterans had a better chance at jobs.

They actually loaded them onto barges, took them to the southern most port in Mexico and just dropped them off, thinking it would take them longer to return, if they ever could.

I think we should try it again........ (illegals) I mean, a barge ride is much cheaper than the cost to the tax payer!

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If we build prisons in Mexico it would just be another type of outsourcing..before long they would be laying off our Prison Guards/Corrections Officers and just ship ALL criminals to Mexico where we could pay workers less to look after our criminals. There would another segment of the US workforce out of a job and forced to work at McDonalds and Wal-Mart. Bad idea governator...just ship the illegals (not just the criminals...ALL of them) out by barge as in the previous post...problem solved.

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