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OR Upgrade Trial... Successful?? Eh....


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So I did a dry run of migrating OR to the new vBulletin software. It's still really buggy. I can get it to work okay in my test environment from a fresh install, but upgrading is a no go. Too many errors to sort through. So, I'll try again another day. I have to test it more. I'll probably wait until vB 4.0.2 comes out later this month. Hopefully they get some of this shit figured out. Some of the errors I got tonight have been posted on the vBulletin forums for three weeks without answers. Go figure. I'm about to just ask for a refund for the software and start looking at other options. This new vBulletin software is flaky at best. So long story short, here we are back to the original site just as it was at 8P. Sorry for the waste of three hours guys and gals.

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The new software really does have a LOT of cool new features, but that's one buggy ass piece of software. If we released anything that bad at work, I'd be fired.

In my company, you get kick backs and a promotion. You need to quit that shitty job and get on board son!

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No worries Ben

Like I said in the other thread.... Whatever's easiest for you

However.... That doesn't mean I still don't reserve the right to blow you all kinds of crap over programming stuff I have no inkling of understanding!! :lol:

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