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This pissing anyone else off?


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"I got it, but I was showing the relevance. At what point is it justified? Never. Being a lawyer you of all people should know revenge is never legally justified. Two wrongs never make a right."

Satan, I am a lawyer, not an idiot. And you are correct, revenge is never a LEGAL justification. But, sometimes a school bully needs to be socked in the mouth. This country is too "litigation happy." Call the cops, tell the principal, tell a teacher, etc. Sometimes that stuff works and it should be done first. But in the end, sometimes a bully needs to be socked in the mouth.

How many years was this tree around where blacks did not/could not sit under it? And when they tried, nooses got tied to it. Not saying the victim was the bully, but in the end, self-help and self-preservation is necessary.

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1.White kids claiming a tree as only for whites is asking for it.

2. Hanging nooses in said tree after a black kid sits under the tree is asking for it.

3.If they wanted to kill the white kid, they would have. They didn't kill him, or attempt to.They just beat his ass. Just like a soldier beats suspected terrorists.

4. Al and JJ are exactly what was needed to bring this farce to the national level. Agree or disagree with them, they get attention.

5. Anything to get the black community mobilized will be a good thing. Pop culture is destroying the already underprivileged black community.The hip hop culture will make their already dismal plight implode, so IMO, getting people out on the streets is a good thing.

6. Fire away whitey.;) I'm sure I'll get destroyed for not being white enough.

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1.White kids claiming a tree as only for whites is asking for it.

2. Hanging nooses in said tree after a black kid sits under the tree is asking for it.

3.If they wanted to kill the white kid, they would have. They didn't kill him, or attempt to.They just beat his ass. Just like a soldier beats suspected terrorists.

4. Al and JJ are exactly what was needed to bring this farce to the national level. Agree or disagree with them, they get attention.

5. Anything to get the black community mobilized will be a good thing. Pop culture is destroying the already underprivileged black community.The hip hop culture will make their already dismal plight implode, so IMO, getting people out on the streets is a good thing.

6. Fire away whitey.;) I'm sure I'll get destroyed for not being white enough.

1. well shit...lets hang 'em...even the ones that didnt have ANYTHING to do with it!!!

2. see 1

3. ....i wasnt one of the kids doing the beating....and i dont THINK that you were so INTENT is only known to the offenders....and with the way kids are now a days the intent could have been anything.

4. JJ and AL dont care about anything other than camera time...certainly not justice!!!

5. WOW!!!! ok....:lol:

6. WHITEY?? what about BLACKIE????

.....and the kid that beat down....wasn't it proven that he had NOTHING to do with the nueses being hung???

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Now that I am caught up on this thread....

Why weren't the kids that established the "white only" tree spoken to and/or suspended?

Why weren't the kids that hung the nooses reprimanded by expulsion?

The message could have been sent when those things happened, but instead you wait until a group of kids jump one kid for whatever reason....why is this?

The whole situation is just irritating. People talk about how history is soooooooo important because we can learn from our mistakes and successes, but what have we learned? -Apparently not much. During the racist acts during the 50s and 60s, we should have learned that "whites only" or "blacks only" or hanging nooses or burning crosses or burning buildings all just escalated the problem...people see color. So, in the case of these kids, if you show that you are willing to reprimand those who want to claim "whites only" trees and hang nooses, then maybe just maybe there will be less riots and/or racial beat downs.

Regardless of what people say...hanging nooses resembles a premeditated act. Hate to bring it up, but history once again says...Columbine, 9-11, and VaTech had signs of the acts being premeditated, but yet we chose to over look the premeditation because.....?

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Good time for me to join in on this I guess.

Now that I am caught up on this thread....

Why weren't the kids that established the "white only" tree spoken to and/or suspended?

The fact that this is a "white only" tree is a subject of debate. Whites just so happen to sit there a majority of the time. People (especially youth) tend to self segregate with people they have something in common with. Race, skin color, religion are all divisions that are constantly acted on. The tree is aplace where mostly white kids happen to sit.

Why weren't the kids that hung the nooses reprimanded by expulsion?

The principal tried to expel the kids that hung the nooses but the superintendent reduced it to the suspension. I was really confused as to why until I saw a comment posted by a student at Jenna that said the nooses where hung as part of a hang'em high (cowboy themed) prank related to an upcoming game against a rival school. Apparently this common area commonly has this sort of thing going on although I'm sure nooses haven't been hung there before. I guess this tree is in the center of that courtyard. This just adds to confusion I suppose but could explain why it was reduced.

The message could have been sent when those things happened, but instead you wait until a group of kids jump one kid for whatever reason....why is this?

see above. also it's been said that there isn't a connection between the nooses and the jumping. The media and others (guess who) seem to be drawing the connection rather baselessly.

The whole situation is just irritating. People talk about how history is soooooooo important because we can learn from our mistakes and successes, but what have we learned? -Apparently not much. During the racist acts during the 50s and 60s, we should have learned that "whites only" or "blacks only" or hanging nooses or burning crosses or burning buildings all just escalated the problem...people see color. So, in the case of these kids, if you show that you are willing to reprimand those who want to claim "whites only" trees and hang nooses, then maybe just maybe there will be less riots and/or racial beat downs.

Regardless of what people say...hanging nooses resembles a premeditated act. Hate to bring it up, but history once again says...Columbine, 9-11, and VaTech had signs of the acts being premeditated, but yet we chose to over look the premeditation because.....?

Read above again. It's not as clear cut and jumping to conclusions.

1) The kid that got jumped didn't have anything to do with the nooses.

2) I read an account that claimed the black kid that it's suggested had the nooses against (couldn't think of a better way to put it) was trying to pull the Jena6 off the kid getting jumped.

3) There's plenty of accounts of white people being tried and convicted with attempted murder (with a deadly weapon) for beat downs just like this.

3 a) If you shoot at someone and miss, they may be uninjured but your still guilty of attempted murder. The amont of damage done in the attack has nothing to do with the charge.

3 b) 6 guys, continuing to to beat someone can be cause for attempted murder charges. Continuing to beat them after they are unconscious only gives more weight to it.

4) All 6 of these kids should go to prison for a short time. A beating is a beating and rightfully is against the law.

There's more but I'll leave it for another response I think.

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Good time for me to join in on this I guess.

The fact that this is a "white only" tree is a subject of debate. Whites just so happen to sit there a majority of the time. People (especially youth) tend to self segregate with people they have something in common with. Race, skin color, religion are all divisions that are constantly acted on. The tree is aplace where mostly white kids happen to sit.

The principal tried to expel the kids that hung the nooses but the superintendent reduced it to the suspension. I was really confused as to why until I saw a comment posted by a student at Jenna that said the nooses where hung as part of a hang'em high (cowboy themed) prank related to an upcoming game against a rival school. Apparently this common area commonly has this sort of thing going on although I'm sure nooses haven't been hung there before. I guess this tree is in the center of that courtyard. This just adds to confusion I suppose but could explain why it was reduced.

see above. also it's been said that there isn't a connection between the nooses and the jumping. The media and others (guess who) seem to be drawing the connection rather baselessly.

Read above again. It's not as clear cut and jumping to conclusions.

1) The kid that got jumped didn't have anything to do with the nooses.

2) I read an account that claimed the black kid that it's suggested had the nooses against (couldn't think of a better way to put it) was trying to pull the Jena6 off the kid getting jumped.

3) There's plenty of accounts of white people being tried and convicted with attempted murder (with a deadly weapon) for beat downs just like this.

3 a) If you shoot at someone and miss, they may be uninjured but your still guilty of attempted murder. The amont of damage done in the attack has nothing to do with the charge.

3 b) 6 guys, continuing to to beat someone can be cause for attempted murder charges. Continuing to beat them after they are unconscious only gives more weight to it.

4) All 6 of these kids should go to prison for a short time. A beating is a beating and rightfully is against the law.

There's more but I'll leave it for another response I think.

very very good dude!!!! clear concise and true!!!

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Good time for me to join in on this I guess.

The fact that this is a "white only" tree is a subject of debate. Whites just so happen to sit there a majority of the time. People (especially youth) tend to self segregate with people they have something in common with. Race, skin color, religion are all divisions that are constantly acted on. The tree is aplace where mostly white kids happen to sit.

The principal tried to expel the kids that hung the nooses but the superintendent reduced it to the suspension. I was really confused as to why until I saw a comment posted by a student at Jenna that said the nooses where hung as part of a hang'em high (cowboy themed) prank related to an upcoming game against a rival school. Apparently this common area commonly has this sort of thing going on although I'm sure nooses haven't been hung there before. I guess this tree is in the center of that courtyard. This just adds to confusion I suppose but could explain why it was reduced.

see above. also it's been said that there isn't a connection between the nooses and the jumping. The media and others (guess who) seem to be drawing the connection rather baselessly.

Read above again. It's not as clear cut and jumping to conclusions.

1) The kid that got jumped didn't have anything to do with the nooses.

2) I read an account that claimed the black kid that it's suggested had the nooses against (couldn't think of a better way to put it) was trying to pull the Jena6 off the kid getting jumped.

3) There's plenty of accounts of white people being tried and convicted with attempted murder (with a deadly weapon) for beat downs just like this.

3 a) If you shoot at someone and miss, they may be uninjured but your still guilty of attempted murder. The amont of damage done in the attack has nothing to do with the charge.

3 b) 6 guys, continuing to to beat someone can be cause for attempted murder charges. Continuing to beat them after they are unconscious only gives more weight to it.

4) All 6 of these kids should go to prison for a short time. A beating is a beating and rightfully is against the law.

There's more but I'll leave it for another response I think.

Thanks for clearing that up....just for the record, I don't think that the 6 kids who jumped the one kid should get off without punishment. If you want to make an example and set a presence of what will not be tolerated...hang nooses = expelled....jump someone = jail time. So, when the next :asshole: tries some stuff like this, they will know what is coming.

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Watch it. That's teetering on the line.

Let's keep this a civil debate.

yeah no shit! besides if this kid that got beat up was hanging nooses up on a tree he deserves an ass kicking..try that shit where i am from and the potentional of a kid like that catching a few hot ones in the ass highly probable!

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ok sorry about that ...a little fire coming out there.... hopefully this incident will subside and folks can get past theses few individual causing a big uproar. 6 on 1 was wrong for sure but alot of deep hard feelings are still there when it comes to race. Dont know if that will ever change.

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You were better off in my school being black than fat so do not start with the oppressed talk.

My neighbor is an anesthesiologist and she is a black woman, I am sure that she would not be happy with someone telling her she cant do it because of her race. She would probably say I am a doctor because I worked hard and spent my time studying. Tell her that she is oppressed and she will tell you if oppressed is making 300k then yes I am.

People can achieve what ever they want and the only limiting factor is themselves.

that was a "one of a kind school" you went to.

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I was going to reply to a bunch of posts, but I won't change any minds so I'd rather just drop my 2 cents in the bucket and move on...

First, the situation was completely out of hand before this incident... The administrators should be held accountable for allowing such a situation to develop... Something that is getting lost in this country is the "on your watch" theory... If you are in charge and it's 'on your watch' you should be held accountable... Held accountable for not being proactive, taking appropriate actions, or even putting the wrong people in place.

Second, these kids should be tried for attempted murder. If I kick you in the face while you are knocked the fuck out, what else could I possibly be doing? Trying to wake you up?

Third, AS and JJ are money hungry dirtbags... They would sell out every black person in the world if it they could guarantee they would be safe and the paycheck was big enough...

Finally, I cannot imagine what it must be like to be anyone other than me... A fat white guy who gets hot chicks all the time... That being said, I wish everyone could be treated equally... However... People are their own worst enemies, so they will continue to perpetuate the things that keep the races divided... whether that's ignorance, learned behavior, or government sponsored discrimination... It's not getting any better...

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I guess you grew up with more money than I did.

now that is funny......more money? LOL..but seriously just never knew of many schools like that. Not saying i had a lot of problems moving from the city to the quasi-burbs in 8th grade but i guess there is always a few in every group that try to cause problems for new people who are different in anyway. I usually nipped the problem quickly one way or another and made alot of friends in fact i believed its one of the best thing to happen to me....i had to learn to deal with people other than those from my own group which is the way the world works....dont clown me for this next statement...but the fact is...."most of my closest friends are white."

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