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New DSL modem needed VERY soon.


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Ok so my current modem has gone k'put & I need a new one but what one to get?

This is what I have now: >>> bestbuy.com - Motorola Netopia High Speed ADSL <<<

Do you have or know any better ones for about the $70 mark?

No wireless stuff needed just the basic DSL plug in modem.


I am looking for feedback as to which ones (if any) are better than the one in my link not just any random modem.

Edited by mrbret
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I have a Westell 327W DSL wireless Router, I got it with Version DSL awhile ago. Don't know if it will work for other providers, let me know if you are interested.

This isn't it, just a pic for you.http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=380206242838&rvr_id=&crlp=1_263602_263622&UA=WXS%3F&GUID=f323f2521260a0e202010751ff16b31e&itemid=380206242838&ff4=263602_263622

I don't know which router is better than another, sorry.

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I dont think so, they do when you get set up but dont think they replace it.

Anyone else have AT&T / SBC Yahoo and know for sure?

Might wanna at least call & check before you spend the $$

Our cable remote quits workin', they literally throw it in a big trash can & hand me a brand new one. My DVR box was actin' up.... They brought out a new one

BTW Bret.... LOVE the avatar!! :D

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I dont think so, they do when you get set up but dont think they replace it.

Anyone else have AT&T / SBC Yahoo and know for sure?

The motorola modem supplied by ATT is a cheap piece of crap and is good for about a year. When it starts to go you get iffy connection to the net.

ATT replaced mine free. The hassle is that you have to go thru the entire service phone numbers starting with the number in India and enventually someone will get you to the local service guy who will come out and check your modem and verify its junk.

Good luck dude,


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i think i might have my ATT/SBC/Yahoo DSL modem from when I was at OSU. if it'll work for you, you can have it. it's been sitting in my box of crap forever. I'll have to look at the model and whatever once i get home from the shop. let me know if ya want it.

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I checked, it was only covered for 1 year.

Cost more to buy the same modem from AT&T than it does from Best Buy

Check microcenter, I don't even bother going to bestbuy anymore for my computer stuff, its microcenter or nowhere.


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