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Concealed Carry: for the non believers.


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I agree, was actually hoping to some punk get his shit handed to him, oh well. The problem is that most business' have their place posted for no firearms. So if you do have the permit and carry where you're not supposed to, you're breaking the law. If you don't have a permit and carry, you're breaking the law. So you might as well just carry.


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if i remember rite, the signs mean nothing..... john'll have to update us on that. I think that it's limited to gov't. property,banks,schools, bars,cars,etc. but other than that you can carry whether they post a sign or not.

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if i remember rite, the signs mean nothing..... john'll have to update us on that. I think that it's limited to gov't. property,banks,schools, bars,cars,etc. but other than that you can carry whether they post a sign or not.

I took the concealed carry class about a year or so ago. I thought I remember reading in the book that you cannot carry in any business or place that has a sign that says it is not permitted. You also cannot legally conceal carry into a business that dispenses alcohol.

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Pedro's right. There is an Ohio statute that allows any place of business to post, there is official signage with the statute number on it, trust me, I see it every day.

Time for a Pops soapbox story.

A little over four years ago I was lead to believe that I was a hunted man. Yes, it was over a woman and things went south in my life real fast. I have a friend that was a POW in Viet Nam for doing his job as a sniper, his story is told to very few and I am one of the fortunates. The one thing that he told me was, "No matter how tough you think you are, when you take another man's last dying breath, whether he is your enemy or not, you have to live with that for the rest of your life. Make sure that is the last option you have!" I ran that through my head a thousand times over the weeks of mental torment. I had gotten to the point of picturing my wounded or dead dogs. I knew where I was going to kill this person in my house, and I knew what the brain stain was going to look like on the wall behind him as he came up my stairs. I had now mentally prepared myself to take another man's life and I was a wreck, carrying everywhere I went and looking over my shoulder. At 11:30 one night I hear the gravel crunching in my driveway, dogs go ballistic, I grab my .45 off the nightstand. The dogs are in full attack mode, I'm locked and loaded. This is it, the pounding comes on the door, dogs charge. I'm yelling at the top of my lungs, "Go away! I've got a gun, I will shoot you!" Dogs head down the stairs and I follow, so much for my plan. I turn the corner, gun aimed head high to the back door. I am now pointing a loaded gun at someone who I loved very much, thinking it was someone different. She wanted her remote because her new boyfriend was in town. She could have died that night, and almost did. A few days later I settled down, made some calls and handled my problem another way. Situation settled.

My point is, don't carry because it's cool. Protect what you have, but if it's replaceable, let them have it. I don't know what it's like to take a man's last dying breath. I do know what it's like to prepare yourself to do that, and that was a mental train wreck for me.


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Now that's what I'm talkin' 'bout!

Doing the Glock Rock!



Oh yeah, Djoo, that was some cool shit in the WERA website!

what'd i do now? :eek: hehe, i'm always raisin hell over there. my dad calls me all the time and tells me to just shut up, i have a lot of fun with it... what thread are you talkin about?

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Fight Crime, shoot back.


This happened in Columbus. I spoke with the guy about the shooting and told his story to the last CCW class that I taught.

THATS THE VIDEO!!! I was looking for that!!![/quote:c7b08]

I had it filed away in my email, under "Proper use of a fat chick for cover & concealment."

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  • 2 years later...

/thread resurrected.

I thought Gun + non-believers fit well with Guns + Churches

Proposed Law Would Allow Guns in Churches


Copied text for the ones who have the site blocked or can't get the link:

Little Rock, AR - Should you be able to carry a gun to church? It's a question state lawmakers will be taking up next week when they debate a bill that's kicked up a little controversy. The bill being discussed would let churches decide on their own to post a sign to ban guns inside, but opponents say it should not even be an option.

Grant Exton is a gun owner and president of the state's Concealed Carry Association. He's been working with lawmakers on a bill that would allow people licensed to carry a concealed handgun to take their guns to church. Exton says the proposed law's less about guns and more about property rights.

(Grant Exton, Concealed Carry Association) "Businesses, homes here in Arkansas are able to make the decision on whether they want to have people carrying on their premise, and we're just trying to give that right to churches as well."

It's also about personal protection. Exton cites the 2007 shooting that killed one person and injured four others in a Colorado church, where a gun-carrying church security worker stopped the shooter.

(Exton) "She was able to stop them at the door, while 7,000 congregants were seated in the pews and the Colorado Springs police said she probably saved a couple hundred lives."

Little Rock pastor John Phillips, now at Central Church of Christ, has first-hand experience with guns in the sanctuary. In 1986, while working at a different church, across town, he was gunned down in the pulpit.

(John Phillips, Little Rock Pastor) "A gentleman came into the church. He was mentally deranged, and at the end of the sermon, pulled out a gun and shouted something about baptism and proceeded to shoot me in the back a couple of times. I still carry one of the bullets embedded in my spine."

Phillips says philosophically, a sanctuary is a place of peace and should be gun free. As for protection, despite what he's been through, he says he feels safer in a church with no guns.

(Phillips) "We really believe God provides and protects his own and that it wouldn't be in the best interest of what the church stands for to have people armed and packing on Sunday morning."

This weekend marks 23 years since Reverend Phillips was shot. The bill goes before a house committee on Tuesday.


I also wonder how everyone would feel if this story was done about a mosque or synagogue. Let the Jews and Muslims CC in their respective places of worship... acceptable or not?

Edited by JRMMiii
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I truly despise "Gun-Free" zones and I would have to have something on me regardless of the law, which pretty much pisses on your right to self-defense. Hey, Virginia Tech could have been prevented if someone decided to break the law and carry a firearm, thus putting that loser away before he took anyone else with him. I'll take a misdemeanor over a casket anyday.

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Pedro's right. There is an Ohio statute that allows any place of business to post, there is official signage with the statute number on it, trust me, I see it every day.

Time for a Pops soapbox story.

A little over four years ago I was lead to believe that I was a hunted man. Yes, it was over a woman and things went south in my life real fast. I have a friend that was a POW in Viet Nam for doing his job as a sniper, his story is told to very few and I am one of the fortunates. The one thing that he told me was, "No matter how tough you think you are, when you take another man's last dying breath, whether he is your enemy or not, you have to live with that for the rest of your life. Make sure that is the last option you have!" I ran that through my head a thousand times over the weeks of mental torment. I had gotten to the point of picturing my wounded or dead dogs. I knew where I was going to kill this person in my house, and I knew what the brain stain was going to look like on the wall behind him as he came up my stairs. I had now mentally prepared myself to take another man's life and I was a wreck, carrying everywhere I went and looking over my shoulder. At 11:30 one night I hear the gravel crunching in my driveway, dogs go ballistic, I grab my .45 off the nightstand. The dogs are in full attack mode, I'm locked and loaded. This is it, the pounding comes on the door, dogs charge. I'm yelling at the top of my lungs, "Go away! I've got a gun, I will shoot you!" Dogs head down the stairs and I follow, so much for my plan. I turn the corner, gun aimed head high to the back door. I am now pointing a loaded gun at someone who I loved very much, thinking it was someone different. She wanted her remote because her new boyfriend was in town. She could have died that night, and almost did. A few days later I settled down, made some calls and handled my problem another way. Situation settled.

My point is, don't carry because it's cool. Protect what you have, but if it's replaceable, let them have it. I don't know what it's like to take a man's last dying breath. I do know what it's like to prepare yourself to do that, and that was a mental train wreck for me.


Quoted for truth.

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having a ccw licence's is a big problem if u ask me...u get treated like a convicted when u get pulled over, you always have to read up on new laws all the time...shit is dumb i got arrested and takin to jail when a cop seen me in my garage working on my bike and seen my gun wuz on my side the cop apporcted the garage and asked me if i seen some guy's on a 4 wheeler i said no i didnt he grabs my hand and puts it behind my back and goes do u have any weapons on u i stated yes i have my gun and i have a ccw licences he said what are u suppost to say when u see a officer and u have ur ccw licences...and i said inform then u are carring a gun but i never know if im in my garage minding my biz and u walk up on me asking me a question about some guys on a atv....i spent 2 days in jail....for this act so everyone beware...lol i got it droped in court but i cant get the 2 days of my life back....lol

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