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To the guy on Refugee Rd in Pickerington tonight around 1130p


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Dude, three things:

A) You're freaking nuts for riding tonight. It's freezing.

B) You just about t-boned that Celica because you were being an idiot and doing 90+ in a 45. I literally closed my eyes because I didn't think you were going to clear the car and I didn't want to see your ass get smeared all over the road.

C) Your bike sounded like it was going to blow up when you passed me.

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I rode this morning when it was 20 degrees at 6am... Cold as hell, but didn't get to have the car today so had to ride the bike. Glad I did though, everyone told me I was crazy as hell for riding.

As for the guy who did 90+ past you, ah hell no, it is way to effen cold to drive faster then 35mph.. What a dbag..

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I'd say the majority of the motorcyclist out there are sensible, courteous and try their best to observe the traffic laws (I did say "try"..lol)

It's that bone-headed minority like this a-hole that tarnish the reputation of bikers and needlessly risk their lives and whomever they might take down with them. I would like to slap that man in the face with a cold, dead, slimy fish.

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