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Is bitching about everything on OR a sport???


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I actually feel alot better.

Bronchitis and sinusitis have kicked my ass all month. I don't know how old people deal with this shit. Uncle Punk what's your secret?

My secret is to be kind, gentle, sweet and polite with others, to allow them to have their own fun and not be an over moderating jack booted thug. If you are being good, bad things don't happen to you like the karma diseases being plagued on you currently.

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Crom and Odin answer my prayers. Your atheist god is weak and puny compared to the combined power of mine. They have dictated my only goal in life is to crush my enemies, see them driven before me and hear the lamentation of their women!

I was stricken with karma diseases to remind me of the weakness that is in all men and to overcome it with prayers and pharmaceuticals! I have prevailed!

I know you dispair as you will never reach this level of being. It is hard to accept that greater men roam free and your atheism is a self imposed prison of mind rape. I will pray you accept a warriors focus before it is too late.

As for evil, it is in us all. It is a tool to be used to accomplish that which your mother would not approve of and once the deed is done we shut it away till needed again. All jack booted thugs know and accept this!

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  • 2 months later...

It doesn't have to be about the site. Just everything in general. :lol:

I swear, Ohio winters must do some sort of genetic mutation, causing the bodies of grown men to produce more estrogen or something.

Hell I've been in a good mood. The weather has been mild, I'm as happy as a pig in mud. :D

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