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Nailing Jello to a Tree

Victory ryder

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OK, I'll admit it, I burnt noodles. Kawi had to tell me that something smelled like it was burning bc I didn't even notice it. :o I'm getting better. I'm just not used to operating things that are all electrical/mechanical and stuff, COME ON GIVE ME A BREAK!!!!


But they was still good noodles, I had seconds :)
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If someone makes racist comments and there is a little bit of truth in them it doesnt mean its ok or right.

there are HUGE differences between racist (or sexist) comments and a STEREOTYPE.

I'm with JRMii on this - if it's funny, the motive is to be humorous, not hateful. You can have fun at someone else's expense without hating them, or believe they're inferior to you.

stereotypes ARE based in truth, and that's what makes them funny. The idea of suggesting that everyone of the same gender or race acts the same way is ridiculous, and thus comical.

the "ist" comments imply that the group in question is inferior.

black guys have big dongs, black people like watermelon, irish guys have little dicks, irish people have red pubes, irish drink too much, asians are short, asians have narrow eyes, jews are rich, jews are cheap, etc. etc. etc.

do any of those stereotypes imply that someone is 'inferior?' No, it's just picking on a generalized trait or habit for the sake of comedy.

Now can you weave stereotypes in with racist remarks? absolutely - but they're not inherently related.

Victory Rider tried to post stereotypical attitudes of women as FACT, and if he was trying to be funny, he failed. I don't know if that makes him a sexist, but i'm offended by the fact that it wasn't at least entertaining.:rolleyes:

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and two 'M's

jussayin'... not that it matters, regardless. I get called Jason half the time at work, I don't even bother correcting people anymore.

Carry on.

when did you add another M? I swear there was only one.

When I first joined the forum I figured your name was Jeremy and you were trying to be clever

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OK, I'll admit it, I burnt noodles. Kawi had to tell me that something smelled like it was burning bc I didn't even notice it. :o I'm getting better. I'm just not used to operating things that are all electrical/mechanical and stuff, COME ON GIVE ME A BREAK!!!!


1952... I don't think they had electric stoves then, probably just gas. jussayin

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  • 3 months later...
Guys, you don't get it do you????

Ask any woman who is interested in learning how to ride (At least those of you guys who can get a woman to even talk to you without a large application of pepperspray to your face)

Anyway, ask her what her understanding of what motorcycles really are. They'll tell you "They're dangerous-They're scary-They're loud Blah,blah,blah.

To us guys,it's an extention of our bodys,minds and souls. It's a guy thing. We've been around mechanical things all of our lives, they haven't.

They need to understand the basics and need to know their way around a bike. Most women crave to learn and most of them will jump in head over heels (No Pun) to learn. Have you ever been that excited to learn how to cook,knit,sew or do any other domestic chores or hobbies that women do? In general a motorcycle scares a woman like how a sewing machine works baffles most of you to no end.

Difference is they are willing to learn how ride and/or work on their own bikes.

I don't see any threads on here how you bunch of machos tore up the ol' Singer last night or bent your favorite #4 knitting needle two rows from finishing a project or broke your 3rd surger in the last month.

How many of you got a 3 day crash course in drivers training and got your drivers license and your first car???? Didn't happen, Did it???

It takes practice and patience from both partys.It's all about skills.

Is the MSF and BRC important??? YES it is!!!! Very much so.

I think it should be required every 4 years. I'd take it,gladly.

But you still need basic skills before you walk into a room full of strangers and spend the next 3 days with a frustrated insturctor who has the personality of a piece of burnt wheat toast trying to teach what?? 20-25 people how to ride who have no idea what the difference is between muffler bearings and muffler clamps??

Women need to understand whats being thrown at them. They think differently then us, but I still love 'em.....

I have known many women who have gone in cold and failed misrably and was very discouraged and most quit after the 2nd try (And Failure).

I love my wife and explained to her that when she took the test that she'd be ready.

She was, in fact she was top in the class of 25, she even beat me. I had been riding for 10 years at that time. I'll admit it,bad habits. But what I tought her wasn't riding, it was what she was riding.

I wouldn't let her take the test till she could tell me the name of every part of the bike I pointed at (in her own words), I explained to her that she didn't need to know what it did, just what it was. What it does can come later in time,and it did. She can now walk into a dealership for service by herself and knows shes not getting stroked by the service writer or mechanic.

Yeah, waaaay late on this one, but I'm going to say this guy's a douche.

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