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Lookout Cleveland, we got UFO's


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it's probably a streetlight, or the wily Canadians messing with us by reflecting light off their hockey gold medals. Way to be gracious winners, dicks.

haha I was trying to think of a good Canada joke and just had nothing come to me

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Didn't the military deny the Stealth Bomber when it was in testing flights? So we know we can trust the military. We also know the government wouldn't keep something from us. Not saying E.T. doesn't exist but there are too many agencies wanting to hide stuff from the public.

Although the Canadian Gold Medal explanation is very plausible.

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Almost all sightings are natural or military. Especially a sighting that re-occurs same time and same place each day, that's geographical and/or weather related. I've known military pilots to play with advanced gear when they shouldn't, and result in some all time winner UFO sightings...

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nah, the jobs aren't leaving Cleveland fast enough by train so they have been outsourced in to aid in the process :lol:

you mean the jobs are being outsourced to the prawns?!


dey took our jerbs!

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before i finished watching the video (the 'expert' mentions spotlights), my first thought was, "ok, so someone opened a new Cinemark without notifying the local crazies..."

if it's actually a UFO, why hasn't anyone tried to shoot it down? KILL THAT WHICH WE DO NOT UNDERSTAND! :p

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