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Out, with a broken foot.. sigh


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Well yesterday was not much fun for me at all. I have a 11 week old puppy who for the life of me does not know how to stay out from under your feet. Well yesterday he ran under me I went to place my right foot down and felt him under it. So I jumped on my left foot landing on the metal part that connects the carpet to the kitchen causing a spiral fracture to my left foot. Needless to say I am on crutches now for 6 weeks.brokenfoot.jpg.

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Thanks guys, the puppy is fine... I think he knows that he did something wrong, but I wasn't mad. I am happy that the season is early so I am not too worried about riding soon. They said it may take only 4 weeks to heal but I will go back and have x-rays done to see its progress. If it needs to heal longer then it will be 6 weeks.

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Yea I gotta agree with Max "damit" .. but yea shoulda steped on it or kicked it outta the way. Dont get me wrong I love dogs have had em all my life and always will have a couple but you gotta put em in thier place and show em who boss or they wont learn.

And they heal faster than you.

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At least it will be healed up by Carlisle. :D lol

Yeah thank goodness, all though it is hard to see the weather forecast for the week with highs in the 60's and realizing that I cannot ride with this huge cast on... I go April 12th to have another x-ray done so hopefully I can start back sometime around then if it goes well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

April 12th cannot come soon enough. I cant wait to have this cast off, hopefully the xray comes back that they keep the cast off so I can ride. Sucks that we are going to be having so many nice days in a row and all I can do is ride around in a cage... damn

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This is the little guy who caused me to stumble and break my foot.. he weighs 6 pounds and is 12 weeks old. He is a cockapoo....


By hotl1k3wasabi at 2010-03-19


By hotl1k3wasabi at 2010-03-19

Sucks about your foot hope you heal soon. Now why the hell would you buy a dog that small any ways? Go to the pound and get a mutt. 100 times better in my mind. plus real dogs can drink out of toilets, not be used as footballs.

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