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I find it interesting.....


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.....that I have been snubbed by both HD and sport bike riders in regard to the "bike wave". I make an effort to greet riders I pass and am finding most folks wave back. I guess some just don't bother. Oh well, rant over:violin:. As you were.

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I give the 'normal' wave to 'normal' looking riders.

if some huge cruiser with a rider in sleeveless denim and a fu-manchu comes roaring down the road, I do my best to give him the biggest, gheyest wave possible. I also yell "hay-ay" in my helmet, although I'm pretty sure they don't hear me. That's just for my benefit.

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The H-D guys won't wave because they learned in the MSF class to always keep both hands on the handlebars at all times.... :lol:

I always wave, only once or twice have not received a return wave.

Edited by jblosser
handS, not hand... plural.
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I give the 'normal' wave to 'normal' looking riders.

if some huge cruiser with a rider in sleeveless denim and a fu-manchu comes roaring down the road, I do my best to give him the biggest, gheyest wave possible. I also yell "hay-ay" in my helmet, although I'm pretty sure they don't hear me. That's just for my benefit.

Thats some funny ish right there:D

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I always feel ashamed when I wave at scooters. Not really on topic for this thread, but it was just a random though that came to mind and I decided to type it. Hmm, I wonder if the coffee is done brewing.

You should. I never used to wave at Rosso. :D ......and yeah, I get the joke.

if some huge cruiser with a rider in sleeveless denim and a fu-manchu comes roaring down the road, I do my best to give him the biggest, gheyest wave possible. I also yell "hay-ay" in my helmet, although I'm pretty sure they don't hear me. That's just for my benefit.

I like it. I'm gonna start waving like a retard @ Harleys since they all wave at me until they get close enough to see that I ride Jap crap.

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Yeah, I've been getting stiffed a lot this year. I'm used to it from cruiser guys, but I still wave anyway just in case they don't have their assless chaps on too tight. But even sport bikes have been douching it up this year, it's pretty lame.

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I love motorcycles, and I love riding. Like many of you, what first drew me to bikes was not just the experience of riding, but the feeling that I'd become part of a special community—a brotherhood, really. Nothing calms me more than a long ride down the interstate, waving to the members of my beloved clan. Except when I pass Harley guys. I hate Harley guys. Hate, hate, hate. When they pass me on the highway, you know what I do? I don't wave. With their little tassle handlebars and the studded luggage and the half-helmets—God, they drive me crazy.

You know who else I hate? BMW guys. Oh, I do hate those guys. I don't wave at them, either. They think they're so great, sitting all upright, with their 180-degree German engines. God, I hate them. They're almost as bad as those old bastards on their touring motorcycles. You know what I call those bikes? "Two-wheeled couches!" Get it? Because they're so big. They drive around like they've got all day. Appreciate the scenery somewhere else, Grampa, and while you're at it, I'm not waving to you.

Ducati guys—I don't wave at them either. Why don't they spend a little more money on their bikes? "You can have it in any color you want, as long as it's red." Aren't you cool! Like they even know what a desmo-whatever engine is, anyway. Try finding the battery, you Italian-wannabe racers! I never, ever wave at those guys.

Suzuki guys aren't much better, which is why I never wave at them, either. They always have those stupid helmets sitting on top of their stupid heads, and God forbid they should wear any safety gear. They make me so mad. Sometimes they'll speed by and look over at me and you know what I do? I don't wave. I just keep on going. Please, don't get me started on Kawasaki guys. Ninjas? What are you, twelve years old? Team Green my ass. I never wave at Kawasaki guys.

I ride a Honda, and I'll only wave at Honda guys, but even then, I'll never wave at a guy in full leathers. Never, never, never. Yeah, like you're going to get your knee down on the New York Thruway. Nice crotch, by the way. Guys in full leathers will never get a wave from me, and by the way, neither will the guys in two-piece leathers. And I'll tell you who else I'm not waving at—those guys with the helmets with the loud paintjobs. Four pounds of paint on a two pound helmet–like I'm going to wave back to that! I'll also never wave at someone with a mirrored visor. Or helmet stickers. Or racing gloves. Or hiking boots.

To me, motorcycling is a like a family, a close-knit brotherhood of people who ride Hondas, wear jeans and a leather jacket (not Vanson) with regular gloves and a solid-color helmet with a clear visor, no stickers, no racing gloves and regular boots (not Timberlands). And isn't that what really makes riding so special?

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Thanks jbot, made me laugh.

I wave at anything and everybody. If I don't get a wave back, that's their problem, not mine. I do feel bad when someone waves and I'm too busy to return it, I usually try for a head nod or an engine rev.

Every once and a while I get a laugh when someone coming at me does one of those waves where they sit up real tall and do an open hand full arm arch from one side of their bike to the other. A real "Howdy!" wave.

Edited by newOldUser
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I don't bother to wave anymore. Unless I'm waved to first or I know the bike and rider. I could care less what you ride if you wave you'll be waved back to. Scooter or bicycle of that matter.

And that's my dos pesos.

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I wave most of the time, hell even to scooters. I usually don't wave first though, I get bored with it.

It must be early in the season though, no one has been waving yet. I was on the HD and was even getting snubbed by other HD's and cruisers. I've got a few nods, but that's about it. No one likes me anymore. :(

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