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674, 374 & 664 Road Report


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A bit early into the season, but I managed to take a trip Wednesday for a while in hocking hills. I traveled down 674 South from Canal to 22/33. The road was fine and really didn't have much dust or sand to be of concern. Took 33 south to Rockbridge and topped off on gas then jumped right into 374. At the start, 374 was clean at the beginning, but as you start work your way up the hill into the tight twists it gets really really....sandy. Most of the center of the road is still covered with sand, and some portions are completely covered. It pretty much stayed like this until I got to 188.

Took 188 West to 374 South towards Old Mans Cave. 188 was good and the 374 South portion wasn't as bad as the previous, but still had a moderate amount of sand and dust. Several of the farmers had their equipment down the road also, so bigger chunks of dirty were scattered. Dropped into 664 towards logan and it wasn't too bad either. Another good rain and it would be clear riding into logan on the Western side. Once into Logan, I went 664 North towards Rushville. This section still had a fair amount of sand in the center part of the road in the harder turns, but with some good like picking, you can make the best of it.

Overall, a good relaxing ride. Hopefully by April, well have had enough rain to wash all the junk away and we can hit it up better.

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