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NWO Meet and Greet?


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Anybody interested in organizing a Northwest Ohio Meet and Greet?

I can get us a hookup at Jeds in BG. Or maybe Spots? I need someone from up there willing to take lead on getting this together. Anyone interested?

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Here's a bonus (maybe), I'll volunteer to help with this one too... so whoever volunteers to lead this one gets an 'assistant' ... but only if i can have the title 'executive assistant to the coordinator' :p

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What's the deal with TSRB? Do they hate us or something?

It just seems like whenever the name comes up comments are made.?.

Only he who's name shalt not be said hates us. Everyone else on there is pretty cool.

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*cough* Fonzie *cough*

:lol: How much would you need from me, & how soon? I'd love to do this, but I'm waaaay behind in 2 of my classes right now, and basically in panic mode for the next 3-4 weeks until the semester's over

this thread makes me sad for the NWO crew :(

Why's that MJ?

What's the deal with TSRB? Do they hate us or something?

It just seems like whenever the name comes up comments are made.?.

Only he who's name shalt not be said hates us. Everyone else on there is pretty cool.

Voldemort ;)

Mostly he just hates Ben, Sam & me :lol:

Hates me 'cause he claims he thought I was his wife's abusive ex-husband that was stalking her, & can't let go of the fact that I'm not him & I'm not the one who made some disparaging remarks on his board about her. It all started because I asked about their event drinking policy of why it was OK for cagers to drink, but not bikes, which many of you know me now, & that I don't drink & ride anyways. He didn't like me questioning him on that, then some of his buddy's started joining in on the pinata' whacking (me).... Then I got banned, with the whole disparaging wife comments as the "excuse", though he still to this day denies he banned me

Hates Ben 'cause he thinks Ben screwed him over on the first Moto GP package he offered us in '08. He's also badmouthed us on the Junkie board, saying we're just a dramafest, porn site & poor excuse of what's supposedly the flagship site for the state

Hates Sam 'cause.... Sam's my boy, & Sam's led him to believe over the years that it was him that made said disparaging remarks about his wife, even though Sam was just messin' with his head & tryin' to get the blame off me, 'cause we both now know who did do it

Seems to have died down since 2 summers ago, when he admitted to circling me in a gas station parking lot here in Findlay.... Completely unbeknownst to me. I know he was givin' Goose & Cowboy Tom a bunch of grief in the last summer or two though, including threats of legal action, since they started their own website & club. Last I knew, he'd banned both them from his sites/clubs, and was doing the same to anyone who chose to join TGR or remain friends with Jess or Tom

Edited by Fonzie
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Its only cause everyone in Toledo, Rossford, Perrysburg, Maumee, and all the other surrounding cities are tryin to get OUT of here, like myself and a couple others i know that ride...Theres nothing to do up here, except stare at the jeep plant and watch the animals glow out by Davis Besse, lmao...so its not that were not here, we just wanna go someplace else, lol.

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